Motahare Asadi (9.5) vs Harmony Zhu (7.5) – the moment of truth

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  • #31
    2013 CYCC - Girls or Open

    There is one factor that comes into play here - the Canadian rule is that if you play in a section in the CYCC, and win, you must play in that section in the WYCC.

    So if one is to assess where Harmony might play, John Coleman's analysis that she would have been # 30 in the U 8 Open this year is relevant. This seems an expectation that is not realistic, that she could win the U 8 Open. So it becomes a question whether she wants to win the CYCC U 8 Open, since it throws her to the wolves, so to speak.

    There is value in winning a world title - nothing shabby about being World Girls U 8 Gold Medallist. So this may be the critical factor in Harmony passing on the 2013 CYCC U 8 Open, and playing in the U 8 Girls, despite it being a weak tournament for her. If she would win it, as expected, then she can play in that group in the WYCC.

    Bob A
    Last edited by Bob Armstrong; Monday, 19th November, 2012, 07:00 PM.


    • #32
      Re: Re : Re: Motahare Asadi (9.5) vs Harmony Zhu (7.5) – the moment of truth

      Originally posted by John Coleman View Post
      So you think for a seven year old to win the world under-8 championship would be "a complete waste of her time". Really?

      At her current FIDE rating (1438), Harmony would be ranked 30th on the under-8 open (based on the 2012 list).

      She would be ranked 112 of the 115 rated players in the under-10 open (based on the 2012 list). She may be good, but she ain't THAT good.
      It might be nice to win a Canadian title first of any type. Many of the top girls ( eg Yuanling, Dina ) actually lost games at CYCC when they were younger. Some didn't even win their section. Part of becoming a competitor is learning how to take events you are supposed to win. I think pundits do a great disservice to all the top girls when they understate the difficulty of winning these sections some years. Often the leader themselves are the huge challenge for other girls. Sure, there are years when several sections are weak in nature, and the boys sections are always deeper in numbers and strength. But occasionally the girls champions are as good, possibly better, then the boys champions. Just not very often.


      • #33
        Re : Re: Re : Re: Motahare Asadi (9.5) vs Harmony Zhu (7.5) – the moment of truth

        Originally posted by John Coleman View Post
        So you think for a seven year old to win the world under-8 championship would be "a complete waste of her time". Really?

        At her current FIDE rating (1438), Harmony would be ranked 30th on the under-8 open (based on the 2012 list).

        She would be ranked 112 of the 115 rated players in the under-10 open (based on the 2012 list). She may be good, but she ain't THAT good.
        John, it's always a pleasure when our paths occasionally cross at a chess tournament. And to this very day, I'm not sure my son or I will ever see a better run tournament than the 2010 CYCC in Windsor.

        So allow me to kindly point out that you and a few others have failed to distinguish between my CYCC and my WYCC references. The "complete waste of time" reference applied solely to the former.


        • #34
          Re : 2013 CYCC - Girls or Open

          Originally posted by Bob Armstrong View Post
          There is one factor that comes into play here - the Canadian rule is that if you play in a section in the CYCC, and win, you must play in that section in the WYCC.

          So if one is to assess where Harmony might play, John Coleman's analysis that she would have been # 30 in the U 8 Open this year is relevant. This seems an expectation that is not realistic, that she could win the U 8 Open. So it becomes a question whether she wants to win the CYCC U 8 Open, since it throws her to the wolves, so to speak.

          There is value in winning a world title - nothing shabby about being World Girls U 8 Gold Medallist. So this may be the critical factor in Harmony passing on the 2013 CYCC U 8 Open, and playing in the U 8 Girls, despite it being a weak tournament for her. If she would win it, as expected, then she can play in that group in the WYCC.

          Bob A
          If this is CFC 'law', Bob, then I'll throw a little Dickens at you and say "The law is a ass." (Mr. Bumble if I'm not mistaken).

          Praytell why Harmony should not be allowed to play in a CYCC section that best serves her chess development and then play in a different WYCC section? Aren't we supposed to be helping develop our juniors, not hindering them?


          • #35
            Re: Re : 2013 CYCC - Girls or Open

            Originally posted by Jack Maguire View Post
            then play in a different WYCC section?
            It may create problems with an "official" player who gets an accommodation for free at the WYCC.


            • #36
              Re: Re : Re: Re : Re: Motahare Asadi (9.5) vs Harmony Zhu (7.5) – the moment of truth

              Originally posted by Jack Maguire View Post
              John, ... allow me to kindly point out that you and a few others have failed to distinguish between my CYCC and my WYCC references. The "complete waste of time" reference applied solely to the former.
              Oops, sorry about that. :o I thought it was a strange thing to say.


              • #37
                Re: Re : 2013 CYCC - Girls or Open

                Hi Egis:

                Thanks. That's the reply I was going to give to Jack.

                But I do believe that if a winner of one section of the CYCC, wants to play in another section at the WYCC, and forfeit her own first prize, and " official representative " status, and pay their own way, then they can do that. So Harmony can play/win the 2013 CYCC U 8 Open, and then switch to the 1013 WYCC U 8 Girls, but it costs her financially. It is a lot of pressure on the parents to have her play the CYCC U 8 Girls. Even if it is a " waste of time ", it is not a " waste of money ". And I think is would still be nice to be the Canadian Girls Champion, and have some bragging rights.

                Bob A


                • #38
                  Re: Re : 2013 CYCC - Girls or Open

                  Originally posted by Egidijus Zeromskis View Post
                  It may create problems with an "official" player who gets an accommodation for free at the WYCC.
                  I believe that next year everyone gets free accommodation at WYCC whether they are the official representative or not so the hit would only be $1000 (which is still quite significant).


                  • #39
                    Re: Re : 2013 CYCC - Girls or Open

                    Originally posted by Bob Armstrong View Post
                    Hi Egis:

                    Thanks. That's the reply I was going to give to Jack.

                    But I do believe that if a winner of one section of the CYCC, wants to play in another section at the WYCC, and forfeit her own first prize, and " official representative " status, and pay their own way, then they can do that. So Harmony can play/win the 2013 CYCC U 8 Open, and then switch to the 1013 WYCC U 8 Girls, but it costs her financially. It is a lot of pressure on the parents to have her play the CYCC U 8 Girls. Even if it is a " waste of time ", it is not a " waste of money ". And I think is would still be nice to be the Canadian Girls Champion, and have some bragging rights.

                    Bob A
                    The fairytale world of ChessTalk pundits does seem to assume an endless supply of money to fund young chess players. So does the CFC youth system; its designed for upper middle class families or richer. And of course the parents are expected to be the happy sponsor and accept the usual criticisms if they don't follow the "preferred" path of others.

                    Certainly if you and others wanted to progress your philosophy, you'd need to do significant fundraising amongst yourselves to do so. Harmony I'm sure would appreciate a few donors funding her CYCC and WYCC trips next year.
                    If I heard you had set up a charity for females in chess and were fully supporting any junior girl ( perhaps of a certain playing level ) to play in the open sections, well, you might actually further your supposed cause.
                    But remember, its going to take deep pockets to make any meaningful lasting change, and has to go way beyond any one player. This habit of latching onto every new junior girl wonder as the person who will change things is actually self defeating to that purpose. At age 7 its absurd.

                    Remember, its been 10 years since Hazel played in the open section, NOBODY has done so since ( unless the sections were amalgamated ). The reaction to that entry was a black mark in Canadian chess, with almost the entire CFC governship successfully voting to prevent it from happening again ( since rescinded as likely being illegal and poorly thought out ). And, for those unaware of what occurred, we required a call from the CFC President to even accept the entry, and we had to promise that if she won she wouldn't go to WYCC ( which was our intention anyways only reason we'd accept those terms ). And for those who claim these kind of choices have a meaningful effect on chess, well, people forget very quickly and I don't buy into the idea that winning the event makes it a different issue. All the risk rests with the player and their family; pony up the funds for her CYCC/WYCC next year and/or reform the event rules and maybe you are achieving something.


                    • #40
                      Re: Motahare Asadi (9.5) vs Harmony Zhu (7.5) – the moment of truth

                      Originally posted by Egidijus Zeromskis View Post
                      One more view in the position:

                      If white to move Ne6 looks interesting.


                      • #41
                        Re: Motahare Asadi (9.5) vs Harmony Zhu (7.5) – the moment of truth

                        Nearly all the games are available from the official website,

                        [Event "World Youth Championships 2012 - U08 Gi"]
                        [Site "?"]
                        [Date "2012.11.18"]
                        [Round "11.1"]
                        [White "Zhu, Harmony"]
                        [Black "Asadi, Motahare"]
                        [Result "0-1"]
                        [ECO "E92"]
                        [PlyCount "114"]
                        [EventDate "2012.11.08"]

                        1. d4 Nf6 2. Nf3 g6 3. c4 Bg7 4. Nc3 O-O 5. e4 d6 6. Be2 e5 7. d5 Ne8 8. h4 f5
                        9. h5 gxh5 10. Rxh5 Nf6 11. Rh4 fxe4 12. Nxe4 Nxe4 13. Rxe4 Bf5 14. Re3 e4 15.
                        Nd4 Qh4 16. Rg3 Kh8 17. Be3 Bd7 18. Qd2 Be5 19. Rg5 Qh1+ 20. Bf1 Bf6 21. Rg3
                        Bh4 22. O-O-O Bxg3 23. Be2 Qh2 24. fxg3 Qxg3 25. Qc3 Qg7 26. Rh1 Rf6 27. Nb5
                        Bxb5 28. Bd4 Nd7 29. Bxf6 Qxf6 30. cxb5 Qxc3+ 31. bxc3 Rf8 32. Rf1 Rxf1+ 33.
                        Bxf1 Kg7 34. Kd2 Kf6 35. Ke3 Kf5 36. g3 Ne5 37. Bh3+ Ng4+ 38. Ke2 h5 39. Bg2
                        Ke5 40. c4 Kd4 41. Kd2 e3+ 42. Kc2 Kxc4 43. Bf3 Kd4 44. a4 Nf6 45. Kd1 Ne4 46.
                        Bxh5 Nxg3 47. Bf3 Kd3 48. Bg2 e2+ 49. Ke1 Ke3 50. Bh3 Kf3 51. Be6 Ne4 52. Bf5
                        Nc5 53. Bc2 Ke3 54. Bf5 Nb3 55. Bg4 Nd4 56. Bxe2 Nxe2 57. Kf1 Nc3 0-1


                        • #42
                          Re: Re : 2013 CYCC - Girls or Open

                          Originally posted by Duncan Smith View Post
                          Remember, its been 10 years since Hazel played in the open section, NOBODY has done so since ( unless the sections were amalgamated ).
                          Paula Brewster, 2012 CYCC U12 Open


                          • #43
                            Re: Re : 2013 CYCC - Girls or Open

                            Originally posted by Stephen Wright View Post
                            Paula Brewster, 2012 CYCC U12 Open
                            Ok, ten years later someone did it. Good for her, hopefully she got what she wanted out of the event.


                            • #44
                              Re: Motahare Asadi (9.5) vs Harmony Zhu (7.5) – the moment of truth

                              Thanks for posting that. I was curious.
                              Gary Ruben
                              CC - IA and SIM


                              • #45
                                Re : Re: Motahare Asadi (9.5) vs Harmony Zhu (7.5) – the moment of truth

                                Originally posted by Zeljko Kitich View Post
                                If white to move Ne6 looks interesting.
                                Actually 22.Ne6 looks very strong (instead of 22.0-0-0)... perhaps winning.
                                Last edited by Louis Morin; Wednesday, 21st November, 2012, 06:19 PM.

