This thread is presently the latest addition to my Junkyard Openings chesstalk threads series, which often involves displaying my occasional attempts at rehabilitating suspect openings. Here I will suggest an offbeat repertoire for both colours that has both arguably tactical and positional options.
Junky Ops 5.0, Part I: Suggested Black Offbeat Repertoire
Coming up with a fair number of suspect, yet possibly not quite clearly inferior defences that all fit together nicely as a repertoire no matter what White plays on move one is something of a challenge, especially if one takes into consideration flank opening moves by White. I'll suggest what one might play against only each of the conventionally approved five first White moves 1.e4, 1.d4, 1.c4, 1.Nf3 and 1.g3 (with other moves White himself takes the game generally into offbeat territory), and I'll normally concentrate on what to play following White's main continuation after Black's first move in each case:
vs. 1.e4:
Offbeat Tactical Repertoire Options:
1...c5 2.Nf3 Nf6 (Nimzovich Sicilian): Lombardy, Oll, Dorfman, David & Seirawan are GMs who have at least 1 win with as Black
1...e5 2.Nf3 f5 (Latvian Gambit): Hector, Skembris & I.Sokolov are GMs who have at least 1 win with as Black
1...d6 2.d4 c6 with any of ...Qc7 (by itself, what Suttles refered to as the 'Penguin' Defence, with Black standing there as if in a photo of such a creature), ...e5, ...g6 or ...Bg4 (after Nf3) possible: Burmakin & Hickl are GMs with 1 or more wins with as Black
Offbeat Positional Repertoire Options:
1...c5 2.Nf3 a6 (O'Kelly Sicilian): Taimanov, Andersson, Hort, Dorfman & Eingorin have 1+ wins with
1...e5 2.Nf3 Nc6 3.Bb5 Nd4 (Bird Lopez): Malaniuk, Tukmakov, Ivanchuk & Hector have 1+ wins with
1...d6 2.d4 Nf6 3.Nc3 e5 (or Nbd7) intending Philidor's Defence: Kasparov, Tukmakov, Dorfman, Hodgson & A. Sokolov have 1+ wins with the Philidor
vs. 1.d4:
Offbeat Tactical Repertoire Options:
1...Nf6 2.c4 e5 (Budapest, including Fajarowicz optially) plus 2.Nf3 Ne4: Shirov, Speelman & Sherbakov have 1+ wins with the Budapest proper (3.dxe5 Ng4), while Bellon Lopez & Conquest have 1+ wins with the Fajarowicz (3.dxe5 Ne4); Keres is just one of the (strongest) old masters who won 1+ games with 2.Nf3 Ne4
1...f5 intending ...e6+...d6 (the 'Classical' Dutch, but nowadays an infrequent choice in top play): Naumkin, Maric, Lobron & Minasian have won 1+ games with
1...d6 2.c4 c6: Lobron has won 1+ game(s) with
Offbeat Positional Repertoire Options:
1...Nf6 2.c4 Nc6 (or e6 first) i.e. Black Knights' Tango: Yermolinsky, Shabalov, Bologan, Christiansen & Benjamin have won 1+ games with
1...f5 intending ...d6+...c6 (Antoshin Dutch formation): Vasiukov & Antoshin have won 1+ games with
1...d6 (or Nf6) intending Old Indian: Adams, Piket, Krasenkov & Movsesian have won 1+ games with
vs. 1.c4:
Offbeat Tactical Repertoire Options:
1...c5 (or Nf6) involving unusual Symmetrial English line(s), e.g. if 2.g3 (for example) Nf6 3.Bg2 e6 4.Nf3 a6 with an offbeat sort of Hedgehog possibly coming later on
1...f5 intending Classical Dutch formation
1...d6 intending 2...c6
Offbeat Positional Repertoire Options:
1...Nf6 intending Black Knights' Tango formation
1...f5 intending Antoshin Dutch formation
1...d6 (or Nf6) intending Old Indian formation
vs. 1.Nf3 or 1.g3:
Basically same six options as vs. 1.c4.
Junky Ops 5.0, Part II: Suggested White Offbeat Repertoire
There is no shortage of feasible ideas at all for suspect, yet possibly not quite clearly inferior White openings, nor is making them fit together a particularly difficult problem. I'll suggest a repertoire that suits my fancy, involving some offbeat White first moves plus a couple of 1.d4 choices against 1...Nf6/d5 (as one of my master friends once remarked when a book on 1.d4 deviations came out, it is 1.d4 that is the deviation. :D):
Offbeat Tactical Repertoire Options for White:
1.f4 i.e. Bird's Opening: Huebner, Movsesian, Malaniuk & Rogers have won 1+ games with
1.b4 i.e. Sokolsky's Opening: Akopian, Hort, Campora & Blatny have won 1+ games with
1.d4 Nf6/d5 2.Nc3 intending the Veresov Attack (3.Bg5 after 2...d5/Nf6): Aronian, Speelman, Hebden, I. Sokolov & Hort have won 1+ games with
Offbeat Positional Repertoire Options for White:
1.b3 i.e. Larsen's Opening: Arencibia, Sadler, Rogers & Timman have won 1+ games with
1.c3 i.e. Saragossa's Opening, including 1...e5 2.d4 (2.d3!?) 2...exd4 3.Qxd4, as was once played by Emmanuel Lasker in a simul - White is a tempo up on the Scandinavian Defence: Hort & Danielsen have won 1+ games with 1.c3
1.d4 Nf6/d5 2.e3 possibly intending the Stonewall Attack (involves f2-f4, arguably a more positional Bird/Dutch setup): Yusupov & Klinger have won 1+ games with 1.d4+2.e3 followed by a Stonewall Attack
Junky Ops 5.0, Part I: Suggested Black Offbeat Repertoire
Coming up with a fair number of suspect, yet possibly not quite clearly inferior defences that all fit together nicely as a repertoire no matter what White plays on move one is something of a challenge, especially if one takes into consideration flank opening moves by White. I'll suggest what one might play against only each of the conventionally approved five first White moves 1.e4, 1.d4, 1.c4, 1.Nf3 and 1.g3 (with other moves White himself takes the game generally into offbeat territory), and I'll normally concentrate on what to play following White's main continuation after Black's first move in each case:
vs. 1.e4:
Offbeat Tactical Repertoire Options:
1...c5 2.Nf3 Nf6 (Nimzovich Sicilian): Lombardy, Oll, Dorfman, David & Seirawan are GMs who have at least 1 win with as Black
1...e5 2.Nf3 f5 (Latvian Gambit): Hector, Skembris & I.Sokolov are GMs who have at least 1 win with as Black
1...d6 2.d4 c6 with any of ...Qc7 (by itself, what Suttles refered to as the 'Penguin' Defence, with Black standing there as if in a photo of such a creature), ...e5, ...g6 or ...Bg4 (after Nf3) possible: Burmakin & Hickl are GMs with 1 or more wins with as Black
Offbeat Positional Repertoire Options:
1...c5 2.Nf3 a6 (O'Kelly Sicilian): Taimanov, Andersson, Hort, Dorfman & Eingorin have 1+ wins with
1...e5 2.Nf3 Nc6 3.Bb5 Nd4 (Bird Lopez): Malaniuk, Tukmakov, Ivanchuk & Hector have 1+ wins with
1...d6 2.d4 Nf6 3.Nc3 e5 (or Nbd7) intending Philidor's Defence: Kasparov, Tukmakov, Dorfman, Hodgson & A. Sokolov have 1+ wins with the Philidor
vs. 1.d4:
Offbeat Tactical Repertoire Options:
1...Nf6 2.c4 e5 (Budapest, including Fajarowicz optially) plus 2.Nf3 Ne4: Shirov, Speelman & Sherbakov have 1+ wins with the Budapest proper (3.dxe5 Ng4), while Bellon Lopez & Conquest have 1+ wins with the Fajarowicz (3.dxe5 Ne4); Keres is just one of the (strongest) old masters who won 1+ games with 2.Nf3 Ne4
1...f5 intending ...e6+...d6 (the 'Classical' Dutch, but nowadays an infrequent choice in top play): Naumkin, Maric, Lobron & Minasian have won 1+ games with
1...d6 2.c4 c6: Lobron has won 1+ game(s) with
Offbeat Positional Repertoire Options:
1...Nf6 2.c4 Nc6 (or e6 first) i.e. Black Knights' Tango: Yermolinsky, Shabalov, Bologan, Christiansen & Benjamin have won 1+ games with
1...f5 intending ...d6+...c6 (Antoshin Dutch formation): Vasiukov & Antoshin have won 1+ games with
1...d6 (or Nf6) intending Old Indian: Adams, Piket, Krasenkov & Movsesian have won 1+ games with
vs. 1.c4:
Offbeat Tactical Repertoire Options:
1...c5 (or Nf6) involving unusual Symmetrial English line(s), e.g. if 2.g3 (for example) Nf6 3.Bg2 e6 4.Nf3 a6 with an offbeat sort of Hedgehog possibly coming later on
1...f5 intending Classical Dutch formation
1...d6 intending 2...c6
Offbeat Positional Repertoire Options:
1...Nf6 intending Black Knights' Tango formation
1...f5 intending Antoshin Dutch formation
1...d6 (or Nf6) intending Old Indian formation
vs. 1.Nf3 or 1.g3:
Basically same six options as vs. 1.c4.
Junky Ops 5.0, Part II: Suggested White Offbeat Repertoire
There is no shortage of feasible ideas at all for suspect, yet possibly not quite clearly inferior White openings, nor is making them fit together a particularly difficult problem. I'll suggest a repertoire that suits my fancy, involving some offbeat White first moves plus a couple of 1.d4 choices against 1...Nf6/d5 (as one of my master friends once remarked when a book on 1.d4 deviations came out, it is 1.d4 that is the deviation. :D):
Offbeat Tactical Repertoire Options for White:
1.f4 i.e. Bird's Opening: Huebner, Movsesian, Malaniuk & Rogers have won 1+ games with
1.b4 i.e. Sokolsky's Opening: Akopian, Hort, Campora & Blatny have won 1+ games with
1.d4 Nf6/d5 2.Nc3 intending the Veresov Attack (3.Bg5 after 2...d5/Nf6): Aronian, Speelman, Hebden, I. Sokolov & Hort have won 1+ games with
Offbeat Positional Repertoire Options for White:
1.b3 i.e. Larsen's Opening: Arencibia, Sadler, Rogers & Timman have won 1+ games with
1.c3 i.e. Saragossa's Opening, including 1...e5 2.d4 (2.d3!?) 2...exd4 3.Qxd4, as was once played by Emmanuel Lasker in a simul - White is a tempo up on the Scandinavian Defence: Hort & Danielsen have won 1+ games with 1.c3
1.d4 Nf6/d5 2.e3 possibly intending the Stonewall Attack (involves f2-f4, arguably a more positional Bird/Dutch setup): Yusupov & Klinger have won 1+ games with 1.d4+2.e3 followed by a Stonewall Attack