BCN Blog Nov 29 Posts

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  • BCN Blog Nov 29 Posts

    -Gara,T (2377) - Botez,Alexandra (2015)
    French Tarrasch[C06]
    UNAM w Prelim C Mexico City MEX (2.4), 17.11.2012
    Botez came back from a bad position.

    -Berkes,F (2685) - Farago,I (2486)
    King's Indian Attack vs Slav Triangle with ...Bg4[A07]
    TCh-HUN 2012–13 Dunaharaszti HUN (4), 18.11.2012
    A long technical ending with many instructive points from a strong GM flying a bit under the radar with all the big 2700s getting the attention these days.

  • #2
    Re: BCN Blog Nov 29 Posts

    I just posted this game.

    -Kosic,D (2517) - Balogh,C (2668) [D05]
    TCh-HUN 2012–13 Nagykanizsa HUN (1), 16.09.2012

    The following white formation should look quite familiar to anyone to has had black against Sambuev.
    1.d4 Nf6 2.Nf3 e6 3.e3 d5 4.Bd3 c5 5.b3 Nc6 6.0–0 Bd6 7.Bb2 0–0 8.Nbd2 b6 9.Ne5 Bb7

    White has the simple plan of f4 and then the kinside attack begins with Qf3-h3 for example. So how should black defend? The Balogh game shows a nice defensive method and the key ideas

