New free English content site available for chess enthousiastics

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  • New free English content site available for chess enthousiastics


    10 years ago, I started working on a project for developing a free French web site allowing beginners to learn and master the rules of chess, game phases, checkmating patterns and tactics. At that time, I noted that there was plenty of specialized chess sites built for advanced players, but the offer was quite poor for someone looking at learning the game from scratch. Having bought a fair amount of books myself to bring my level of play to what it is today (I am an average player of 1700 elo), I knew how the current theoretical approach could be a stopper for the new comers. I then decided to build a rich content site allowing people to learn the game at their own pace. I added exercises and the site is also interactive so the visitors have the possibility of practicing what they learn.

    The answer I got was terrific! In the last 5 years, I got 210 000 visitors and more than 2 millions pages viewed. To me, this proves that there was a gap in the offer on the Internet between the beginner and average player levels. We should not forget that these statistics are for French visitors only.

    I took the decision lately to translate the site and make it available also to English visitors. The task is challenging as I have more than 150 pages to translate. I recently published the first seven lessons allowing the beginner to learn the rules, the algebraic notation and have an introduction to the phases of the game (opening, middlegame and endings) with several examples. I wanted to share it with you as I think that it could be a perfect site to share with your friends and relatives. It could be an excellent complement to a chess set gift/present.

    Here is the link: Chess Lessons for Beginners (

    Enjoy and do not hesitate to give me your comments/suggestions on the Facebook page (


  • #2
    Re: New free English content site available for chess enthousiastics

    I forgot to mention that the site is "mobile friendly"...

