The Battle of Toronto Invitational

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  • The Battle of Toronto Invitational

    The Battle of Toronto Invitational

    This was a FIDE Rating Round Robin of 8-players, 5 FIDE-rated and 3 with no FIDE rating. It was organized by Canadian Chess Consulting Service ( CCCS ), a company of Bob Armstrong’s, and was played at the Annex CC ( which was one of the sponsors of the tournament, by subsidizing the site/equipment rental fee ). Round 1 was played Oct. 15. The tournament ended on Dec. 17 ( two make-up games were necessary ).

    This last outstanding game, Master Mike Dougherty – Expert Tyler Longo, was critical – If Mike won, he won the tournament, and Tyler fell to third on tie-break. If Tyler won, he won the tournament on tie-break, and Mike came second. Here is the result

    Dougherty 0 vs 1 Longo

    Congratulations to Tyler, first place, with an upset of a well-know master. For this he won the modest first prize of $ 150. Mike got $ 80. Third place went to Expert Wajdy Shebetah - $ 60. ( Prize fund was kept low, to keep registration fee low ).

    Final Standings

    1 – 6 pts. – Longo ( on tie-break )

    2 – 6 pts. – Dougherty ( on tie-break )

    3 – 5 pts. – Shebetah

    4 – 4.5 pts. – Zaki Uddin

    5 - 2.5 pts. - Rob Bzikot

    6 – 2 pts. - Mario Moran-Venegas

    7 – 1 pt. - Bob Armstrong ( on tie-break )

    8 – 1 pt. – Marcus Wilker ( on tie-break )

    CCCS organized this tournament to assist players with their FIDE rating. From many points of view, and especially this, the tournament was a great success. :) The 5 FIDE rated players all got to play for Elo points re their FIDE rating. Zaki and Marcus will get a FIDE rating “ part result” as a result of their scores, the first step in getting a published FIDE rating. Bob Armstrong, will complete his needed 9 games in the 2-year period, and so will get a published FIDE rating, the list after Alex Ferreira, arbiter, submits the crosstable for FIDE rating ( it will also be CFC-rated, as advertised ). All players agreed that the tournament was enjoyable, had good competition and good playing conditions ( thanks to Annex CC for their wonderful hosting of and subsidizing of our tournament ), and generally fun to play in ( though we all, except Tyler, would have liked to win more games! LOL ).

    CCCS may consider a The Battle of Toronto II in 2013 if there is sufficient interest. There will be more details early in the New Year, if it goes ahead.

    Canadian Chess Consulting Service ( CCCS ), Bob Armstrong, Owner/Coordinator.