Apocalypse Now

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  • Apocalypse Now

    The Chess Talk web site has been down for a day. The message on the screen was the unintelligible “Assigning the return value of new by reference is deprecated”.

    With tomorrow supposedly being the end of the world according to the Mayans, I thought, “So this is how it ends – Chess Talk down, chaos and then fire and brimstone raining from the sky. I can never give my remarks now on that Nimzowitsch book.”

    But you are up! Friday is looking brighter already. Maybe those Mayan fellows were wrong. There is still time to become a grandmaster. Where is that Nimzowitsch book?

  • #2
    Re: Apocalypse Now

    Welcome back to chesstalk everyone. I had a small scare there.



    • #3
      Re: Apocalypse Now

      My Mayan friend says your monkeys read the book without the whole alphabet.

      This missreading happened years ago and was rectified years ago. but if I have to sell a movie and/or take your thoughts away from your precarious economy then the tool does the magic.




      • #4
        Re: Apocalypse Now

        Originally posted by Mario Moran-Venegas View Post
        but if I have to sell a movie and/or take your thoughts away from your precarious economy then the tool does the magic.


        Dear Mario confused:

        I don't know where you live but our Canadian economy is not "precarious"

        All the best!


        • #5
          Re: Apocalypse Now

          Politician evaluate an economy comparing it to other poorer country's and say: "See ,we are not that bad".

          I think we get a better evaluation if we use the potential of an economic sector as a guide.

          Reminds me of a bumper sticker I saw once: "if you think the system is working ask someone who is'nt"



          • #6
            Re: Apocalypse Now

            Friday, December 21 – Chess Talk up and working. It looks like the end of the world has been averted.

            Check to see that we have not been projected into an alternate universe while we slept:

            NHL lockout still on – that’s usual, Toronto mayor back from vacation but not involved in a controversy – that’s unusual, Ilyumzhinov still president of FIDE – oh well, what can you do there?, annoying pop-ups still on chessbase site..

            Things are more or less normal. Ho, hum just another day.


            • #7
              Re: Apocalypse Now

              The end of the Earth will happen when Marvin the Martian says so... end of discussion.
              No matter how big and bad you are, when a two-year-old hands you a toy phone, you answer it.

