BCN Blog Dec 22 Posts

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  • BCN Blog Dec 22 Posts

    -A recent game from TWIC 944 in the topic King's Indian Saemish which was the repertoire recommendation of Schandorff in Playing 1.d4 The Indian Defences

    Nikolov,Mo(2542) - Lorenzo de la Riva,L(2465)
    King’s Indian Saemisch 6…e5[E89]
    XVIII Navalmoral Open Navalmoral de la Mata ESP(6.4),08.12.2012

    A long thematic positional squeeze. Good for 1.d4 players and KID defenders to know.

  • #2
    Re: BCN Blog Dec 22 Posts

    Here is a recent game in this line from TWIC 944. Black won the game but this was not the fault of the opening. Schandorf's repertoire line against the KID Saemish Panno(in Playing 1.d4 The Indian Defences),
    1.d4 Nf6 2.c4 g6 3.Nc3 Bg7 4.e4 d6 5.f3 0–0 6.Nge2 a6 7.Be3 Nc6 8.Qd2 Rb8 9.Rc1!? is proving to be an effective line against the ...b5 idea.

    Nikolov,Mo(2542)-Cabezas Ayala,I(2315)
    King’s Indian Saemish Panno 9.Rc1[E84]
    XVIII Navalmoral Open ESP(2.8),06.12.2012

    Some subtle points were revealed in the B-B ending of opposite colors.


    • #3
      Re: BCN Blog Dec 22 Posts

      Just posted.

      -Here is a recent game by Danish GM PH Nielsen. GM Schandorff recommends the 5.f3 line to fight the Benko but I don't agree with this choice. Now this game shows a nice way(12.a4) to play against the tricky gambit.

      Nielsen,PH (2662) - Zaragatski,I (2460)
      Fianchetto 12.a4[A58]
      Bundesliga 2012–13 Baden Baden GER (6), 09.12.2012(TWIC 944)


      • #4
        Re: BCN Blog Dec 22 Posts

        Groningen standings and results just posted. Piasetski and Hansen both have 1/2.


        • #5
          Re: BCN Blog Dec 22 Posts

          Originally posted by Michael Yip View Post
          Groningen standings and results just posted. Piasetski and Hansen both have 1/2.
          After 2 rounds ( ):

          Hansen - two draws - 1 pt.
          Piasetski - 1 win; 1 loss - 1 pt.

          Round 3:

          14 WIM Brunello, Marina 1.0 ITA 2257 IM Hansen, Eric 1.0 CAN 2539

          27 WIM Dhar-Barua, Saheli 1.0 IND 2091 IM Piasetski, Leon 1.0 CAN 2310

          Bob A

