Computer Chess

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  • Computer Chess

    Hi I have recently been experimenting with computers to help me analyze my rated games. The computer I have know is really slow and I have to wait patiently for it to reach 20 ply. I was wondering if someone could recommend me a laptop computer that would be good for chess analysis. I want something that can reach 20 ply fairly quickly so I dont have to wait too long. Also what should I look for if I want quick analysis. Do I want more ram, is it the processor that I need to look at etc.

  • #2
    Re: Computer Chess

    Originally posted by Mate Milinkovic View Post
    Hi I have recently been experimenting with computers to help me analyze my rated games. The computer I have know is really slow and I have to wait patiently for it to reach 20 ply. I was wondering if someone could recommend me a laptop computer that would be good for chess analysis. I want something that can reach 20 ply fairly quickly so I dont have to wait too long. Also what should I look for if I want quick analysis. Do I want more ram, is it the processor that I need to look at etc.
    It depends what is the budget that you are willing to spend on it. Both RAM and multicore CPU processors are important for speed. a 8GB RAM(or more) and an intel i5 core(or higher) is more than enough. Lenovo laptops are usually quite good. Toshiba, HP and Gateway aren t bad too.


    • #3
      Re: Computer Chess

      In laptops generally if you are getting a great CPU you will get enough RAM for this purpose.

      I'm going to assume you're using either Houdini, or something like Deep Fritz or another "Deep" engine.

      You want something quad-core, and you want it built by Intel not AMD.

      Here's one on Boxing Week sale right now:
      Christopher Mallon
      FIDE Arbiter

