FIDE Ratings - January 1st

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  • FIDE Ratings - January 1st

    Canada is more or less unchanged in 45th place over all. What's new are two names in our top ten - Eric hansen is now listed 2nd behind Kevein Spraggett, while Aman Hambleton has shot into 8th place with his 218 points gain since August. Aman's chart shows a steep slope gain>>>>>

  • #2
    Re: FIDE Ratings - January 1st

    Hey it really sounds interesting, happy to hear this. People are loosing interest over chess day by day...
    activités senior


    • #3
      Re: FIDE Ratings - January 1st

      Looks like they've changed Canada's ranking to 39th from 45th where it was listed yesterday.
      Country rankings>>>>


      • #4
        Re: FIDE Ratings - January 1st

        Originally posted by Vlad Dobrich View Post
        Looks like they've changed Canada's ranking to 39th from 45th where it was listed yesterday.
        Country rankings>>>>
        There were several federations who were not rated as they did not pay or transfer monies. Maybe now they are back on the list.


        • #5
          Re: FIDE Ratings - January 1st

          Originally posted by Egidijus Zeromskis View Post
          There were several federations who were not rated as they did not pay or transfer monies. Maybe now they are back on the list.
          Yes, I see that Argentina and the Philippines have been excluded from the list.
          Also there is no listing of Anton Kovalyev being transferred to Canada, moreover his FIDE rating has been deleted! On the other hand A K's GM title is still listed by his name - perhaps that's the next thing to go as FIDE is forever thinking up new ways to extort money from its member federations.
          There are also three names awaiting transfer to Canada pending payment of fees - Nguyen, Duy Thien An (Vietnam), Marius Niula (Romania) and Alex Rabinovich (Israel) - the last named, Rabinovich needs a transfer fee of 2,000 Euros! I guess the FIDE people must think Canada being a rich country can be squeezed for thousands.
          Last edited by Vlad Dobrich; Wednesday, 2nd January, 2013, 12:08 PM.


          • #6
            Re: FIDE Ratings - January 1st

            Originally posted by Vlad Dobrich View Post
            There are also three names awaiting transfer to Canada pending payment of fees - Nguyen, Duy Thien An (Vietnam), Marius Niula (Romania) and Alex Rabinovich (Israel) - the last named, Rabinovich needs a transfer fee of 2,000 Euros! I guess the FIDE people must think Canada being a rich country can be squeezed for thousands.
            Has nothing to do with Canada - this is the standard fee for IMs to change federation in the first 12 months of residing, and can be found in the FIDE handbook.


            • #7
              Re: FIDE Ratings - January 1st

              Marius Nicula (note spelling) is listed by FIDE under Canada. He's a FM (FIDE rating of 2212; age 45) who has played in one or two events a year in Montreal since 2004.

              Duy Thien An Nguyen is also listed by FIDE under Canada. She's a WCM with a FIDE rating of 1537, age 10, lives near Montreal, who appears to have played in one FQE rated event (the recently completed Pere Noel tournament). She also played in the WYCC, and two FIDE-rated Asian age-group events in 2012.

              Alex Rabinovich is an IM also listed by FIDE under Canada (for at least several months). FIDE rating of 2323, age 33, lives near Toronto. He played in two rapid events in Toronto in 2012. No FIDE-rated events since 2006 (Israel).

              It should not be up to Canada to pay transfer fees for these players - if they have moved here and intend to stay here, there should be either no fees, or the "other" federation (or the players themselves) should pay them.


              • #8
                Re: FIDE Ratings - January 1st

                It should not be up to Canada to pay transfer fees for these players - if they have moved here and intend to stay here, there should be either no fees, or the "other" federation (or the players themselves) should pay them.[/QUOTE]

                The only thing reasonable is for the receiving nation should pay a small admin fee - say $100. The players themselves will refuse to pay. And for the origin nation to pay (I assume you refer to it as the "other" federation) is totally absurd!
                If there is a large fee involved, then most of that should go to the federation that is losing their titled player as they will have invested a considerable sum in developing that player.


                • #9
                  Re: FIDE Ratings - January 1st

                  Originally posted by Vlad Dobrich View Post
                  The only thing reasonable is for the receiving nation should pay a small admin fee - say $100. The players themselves will refuse to pay. And for the origin nation to pay (I assume you refer to it as the "other" federation) is totally absurd!
                  If there is a large fee involved, then most of that should go to the federation that is losing their titled player as they will have invested a considerable sum in developing that player.
                  I believe the player should pay. If the new federation wants to contribute (because they believe the new player will help the local chess community), that's up to them and the player to work out.

                  In the event that a player has been developed, there is a separate fee the federation losing a player can demand. This is what is holding up Anton's transfer to Canada as I believe Argentina is demanding this payment. However, after some amount of time, they can no longer claim this fee - you can check the specific statutues in the FIDE handbook if you want.


                  • #10
                    Re: FIDE Ratings - January 1st

                    Originally posted by Hugh Brodie View Post

                    Duy Thien An Nguyen is also listed by FIDE under Canada. She's a WCM with a FIDE rating of 1537, age 10, lives near Montreal, who appears to have played in one FQE rated event (the recently completed Pere Noel tournament). She also played in the WYCC, and two FIDE-rated Asian age-group events in 2012.
                    An is the Canadian U10G current champion!


                    • #11
                      Re: FIDE Ratings - January 1st

                      Are they the same player? CFC lists "Nguyen, An" from Fredericton, NB. The FQE lists "Nguyen, Duy Thien An" from the Monteregie region of Quebec (as well as "Nguyen, Anh Thuan" and "Nguyen, Anh Vu")


                      • #12
                        Re: FIDE Ratings - January 1st

                        Originally posted by Hugh Brodie View Post
                        Are they the same player? CFC lists "Nguyen, An" from Fredericton, NB. The FQE lists "Nguyen, Duy Thien An" from the Monteregie region of Quebec (as well as "Nguyen, Anh Thuan" and "Nguyen, Anh Vu")
                        I have no idea about FQE listing, but for sure WCM Nguyen, An qualified for WYCC after winning Canadian championship for under 10 girls.

                        At the time of CYCC registration, she was residing in NB. If there are any pictures from Quebec tournament, I can tell (or anyone who went to Maribor) you if is the same person.

