Dr. Tobias Galla

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  • Dr. Tobias Galla

    It's a good job Dr. Tobias Galla isn't employed by FIDE. The GM title would seemingly be in great jeopardy if such was the case.



    Dr. Tobias Galla might further wish to highlight the recent ChessBase article on Houdini 3, maintaining that said engine would score 99/100 against the top ranked GM in the world, Magnus Carlsen, which does rather diminish the human GM designation.


  • #2
    Re: Dr. Tobias Galla

    Originally posted by Jack Maguire View Post
    Dr. Tobias Galla might further wish to highlight the recent ChessBase article on Houdini 3, maintaining that said engine would score 99/100 against the top ranked GM in the world, Magnus Carlsen, which does rather diminish the human GM designation. ...
    I disagree. The world land speed record is about 763 mph. What you've said about the GM title is like saying that a machine that can travel at a speed of several hundred mph diminishes track stars like Usain Bolt. I don't think so. In fact, I think it's a wonder that GMs can play chess with the strength they do without being able to process 200 million positions per second; i.e. Houdini simply underscores what an amazing thing the human mind is.
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    "Only the dead have seen the end of war." - Plato
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