It's time to renew my CFC membership!

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  • Bob Gillanders
    Re: It's time to renew my CFC membership!

    Originally posted by ben daswani View Post
    I received an email from the CFC informing me that it's time to renew my CFC membership. Fascinating. Let's see; here's a list of things I get if I renew:

    - The promise that someday an ezine will be published. When I paid for a membership last time, I was promised to receive six editions of a magazine, which was changed to four without informing me, before being scrapped altogether. Cool!

    - The ability to get a rating. Sounds neato! I wonder what my current rating is?

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    - The option of purchasing books for prices greater than those offered on several other websites. As I enjoy wasting money, this intrigues me!

    - The satisfying feeling of supporting Canadian chess programmes. Yes, please continue to send players worse than me to the Olympiad on my dime!

    - Access to online tournament listings. The BC page lists three tournaments of which I was already aware and provides a link to a website I help manage. Thanks for this pertinent information, CFC!

    The CFC has lost a lot of members this year, I'm sure. Congratulations. I will not renew and will recommend the same inaction to others.

    :( Goodness, so negative. Please allow me to retort:

    Book prices - perhaps you are not aware of our new CFC Amazon associate store. You get Amazon pricing and you can support the CFC by buying thru the CFC website. We also still have old stock of books and software at 50% off. So we now have the best prices ;)

    Your rating is 2112. And yes, we still need to upgrade the system to eliminate the error messages. It's on the 'to do' list !:o

    Magazine - did you really expect the CFC to continue publishing a magazine and go bankrupt in the process ? The online version is coming !:D

    Olympiad teams - Not one dime of your membership dues are used to finance the Olympic teams. The CFC raised over 15k from member donations directed specifically to the Olympic teams. (118 donors and some directed to the womens team specifically):D

    Tournament listings - are you complaining that we are linking to other websites for tournament listings ? It seems like a good idea to me. And yes, we have created a self serve tournament listing service for our TD's to use. ;)

    Lost members ? - We most certainly have lost some members with the loss of the printed magazine, no question. Other reasons too. :o However, overall membership numbers are up in the last 7 months.:)

    Still lots to do, but you can't fix everything first !!

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  • Greg Beal
    Re: It's time to renew my CFC membership!

    For those who would like a monthly chess subscription I would suggest getting a US Chess Life membership, its not a bad deal and the magazines show up monthly on time.

    The CFC membership is truly a bad deal but what else can you do if you want to play rated chess in Canada with a real opponent sitting across from you.

    To quote Kevin O'Leary from BNN "Someone should take out the beating stick and get wacked from the CFC".

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  • Gary Ruben
    Re: It's time to renew my CFC membership!

    Originally posted by ben daswani View Post
    I received an email from the CFC informing me that it's time to renew my CFC membership. Fascinating. Let's see; here's a list of things I get if I renew:

    - The promise that someday an ezine will be published. When I paid for a membership last time, I was promised to receive six editions of a magazine, which was changed to four without informing me, before being scrapped altogether. Cool!

    - The ability to get a rating. Sounds neato! I wonder what my current rating is?
    I got my magazine in the mail the day before yesterday. I spent the evening reading it and played through a couple of the games.

    Oh yeah, it was the magazine from the Canadian Correspondence Chess Association.

    The association has progressed from the years when I was the tournament director. These days they have a ladies championship which starts next month. We didn't used to have enough female players back then.

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  • Kerry Liles
    Re: It's time to renew my CFC membership!

    Originally posted by ben daswani View Post
    I received an email from the CFC informing me that it's time to renew my CFC membership. Fascinating. Let's see; here's a list of things I get if I renew:

    - The promise that someday an ezine will be published. When I paid for a membership last time, I was promised to receive six editions of a magazine, which was changed to four without informing me, before being scrapped altogether. Cool!

    - The ability to get a rating. Sounds neato! I wonder what my current rating is?

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    - The option of purchasing books for prices greater than those offered on several other websites. As I enjoy wasting money, this intrigues me!

    - The satisfying feeling of supporting Canadian chess programmes. Yes, please continue to send players worse than me to the Olympiad on my dime!

    - Access to online tournament listings. The BC page lists three tournaments of which I was already aware and provides a link to a website I help manage. Thanks for this pertinent information, CFC!

    The CFC has lost a lot of members this year, I'm sure. Congratulations. I will not renew and will recommend the same inaction to others.
    I cannot find too much wrong with your analysis (unfortunately for the CFC). I too had to renew my CFC membership recently, and when I got my Visa bill, my wife casually asked what I got for my membership... {sigh} As a CFC Governor, I had little choice but to renew (resigning as a CFC governor would have saved me the $43 I suppose).

    Too bad there isn't a "Governor Membership" - akin to "Tournament Membership" - of (say) $1 per vote...

    I *am* worried that a lot of CFC members who felt especially stung by your point #1, will do the same analysis and just delete the reminder email and disappear into the Internet black hole (for example).

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  • Ben Daswani
    started a topic It's time to renew my CFC membership!

    It's time to renew my CFC membership!

    I received an email from the CFC informing me that it's time to renew my CFC membership. Fascinating. Let's see; here's a list of things I get if I renew:

    - The promise that someday an ezine will be published. When I paid for a membership last time, I was promised to receive six editions of a magazine, which was changed to four without informing me, before being scrapped altogether. Cool!

    - The ability to get a rating. Sounds neato! I wonder what my current rating is?

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    Unspecified error

    /xlist.asp, line 3


    - The option of purchasing books for prices greater than those offered on several other websites. As I enjoy wasting money, this intrigues me!

    - The satisfying feeling of supporting Canadian chess programmes. Yes, please continue to send players worse than me to the Olympiad on my dime!

    - Access to online tournament listings. The BC page lists three tournaments of which I was already aware and provides a link to a website I help manage. Thanks for this pertinent information, CFC!

    The CFC has lost a lot of members this year, I'm sure. Congratulations. I will not renew and will recommend the same inaction to others.