BCN Jan 18 Posts

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  • BCN Jan 18 Posts

    -Here another Panjwani game from recent 4NCL action from TWIC 949.
    Hamitevici,V (2440) - Panjwani,R (2402)
    4NCL 2012–13 Staverton ENG (4.122), 13.01.2013
    Black had chances in complex play but eventually lost the thread of the game after a risky exchange sacrifice for dark square counterplay.

    -Perenyi Rd8 standings and pairings, rd7 results

    If anyone has website, please consider linking to the blog.

    Thank you.

  • #2
    Re: BCN Jan 18 Posts

    I sense that this is slowly turning into a blog similar to Spraggett's with the unrelated content and pictures of boobs finally surfacing when there's no chess to talk about. Just my opinion... I'm not sure whether that means be careful or rock on for you, Michael.


    • #3
      Re: BCN Jan 18 Posts

      Your point is noted. I'm in a 9-round tournament so there's a limit to what I can produce.

      However, the daily pageview count is steadily rising.

