Double Move Chess

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  • Double Move Chess

    Double Move Chess

    In the U.S. National Football League, each team gets 3 timeouts in both the first and second halves of a game. Sometimes they use them all, sometimes they don't. Sometimes they use one or two early on and then wish towards the end of the half that they hadn't used them up early.

    Of course, having a "time out" in chess would hardly change anything... but what if there were some other resource each player were given that could be used at any time in the game, and that was limited to 3 or 4 instances per player? This could introduce a new, almost impossible to quantify element into chess without actually introducing randomness or luck.

    I thought of such a resource: a "double move".

    Each player could be alloted 4 double moves per game. A double move would be just what it sounds like: making 2 moves in the place of one. When it is your clock ticking, you may decide to play a double move if you still have any of the 4 remaining. There would have to be restrictions on double moves; you can see them at the end of this post.

    So that each player's count of double moves is apparent, you place a circular token much like a checkers piece but green on one side, red on the other (each player has 4 of them) by your side of the clock. It is placed green side up to indicate you are now on a double move. You make the two moves, taking as much time between them as you like, and only when the second move has been made do you flip the token over to red and then hit your clock. The now red token indicates a used up double move. It is up to both your opponent and yourself to make sure you flip the token over to red.

    Before getting to the restrictions: What is the point of Double Move Chess (DM Chess)?

    It is one new form of chess that, without changing the pieces or the board or the opening setup, nevertheless changes everything about the game beyond the first 8 moves (that's one of the restrictions: no double moves for the first 8 moves per player). No standard chess computer engine will be of any use in DM Chess. This removes any concerns about smartphones being present during a DM Chess game.

    DM Chess may represent the least disruptive change to standard chess that renders all chess engines and tablebases unusable FOR YEARS INTO THE FUTURE. With chess960, another low-disruption variant, engines can be and have been easily adjusted to allow the new openings and castling rules.

    But with DM Chess, even if someone should write an engine that plays DM Chess rules, such an engine (just as the human players) would have a much higher number of possible moves per ply to consider and thus its search horizon would be very limited. The engine author would have to be careful that the engine didn't immediately want to play double moves as soon as it can, one right after the other. In other words, the strategic concept of holding double moves for the best moment(s) would have to be somehow coded into the engine, and that is something that isn't just brute force numerical calculation. Each engine, just like each human, would have its own "preferences" that would trigger making a double move at one particular juncture of a game. Chess would become less about pure logic and calculation and more about personality.

    Although engines would still be good with tactics, their shorter search horizon and exaggerated strategic weakness would give humans the edge for many years to come. It represents a whole new challenge for engine coders.

    There would be a whole new set of strategic and tactical concepts to learn in DM Chess. Even seasoned regular chess players would have a lot more to look out for. Chess book authors would have a whole new, unexplored universe to play with, especially where it comes to endgames where each player has 1 or more double moves remaining. The current set of Namilov endgame tablebases would be invalid for DM Chess where either player has a double move remaining.

    And so with the years-long, perhaps decades-long, stifling of computer engines, we would have a new day where, unless a double move in a certain position leads to forced mate or a forced win (which would be harder to prove if both players have double moves remaining), assessing such a position becomes much more difficult.

    And now, as promised, the restrictions on double moves:

    (1) Neither player can make a double move before his or her move 9 (allows for standard openings up to Black's 8th move).

    (2) The first move of a double move may not give check.

    (3) The first move of a double move may not capture material.

    (4) A double move cannot be made if the King is in check. (this could lead to superfluous checks by regular chess standards that are played to prevent a double move for the opponent with the hope of deadening that double move's effects)

    (5) The same piece may be moved on both moves(meaning "ricochet" Bishop, Rook, or Queen moves are possible, as well as lengthy Knight moves). However, if the piece could be captured on the first square it stops on, then after it's been moved the second time, the opponent may capture it "en passant" just as with the en passant rule for Pawns. The opponent must do this on the move immediately following the double move or the opportunity is lost.

    (6) For OTB play, neither player may be more than a few steps away from the board on their opponent's time, in case the opponent wishes to execute a double move. Players may only leave the game area on their own time (this may require some lengthening of time controls for Double Move Chess).

    (7) Consecutive double moves are allowed as long as the player has tokens remaining.

    (8) A player's remaining double move tokens may not be hidden from plain view.

    Number (6) requires a bit of an explanation. Without it, this could happen:

    Your opponent steps away from the board. You initially play a single move and hit your clock. But while your opponent is away, you might still be analyzing on his or her time and realize after 5 more minutes that you have an excellent second move. You could then surreptitiously place your green double move token by the clock, switch the clock back to your time, and instantly make the second move, then hit your clock and flip the token. This means you made your second move on your opponent's time, at some risk of being caught.

    Note also that rule (5) will change everything when it comes to calculations involving passed pawns reaching promotion squares. Covering the promotion square isn't enough if the pawn can move twice, first to promote and then to escape! But of course, that can't happen if you used all your 4 double moves earlier in the game...

    Illegal double moves would be treated the same as illegal moves in standard chess.

    * * * *

    "The changes in chess concern the perfection of computers and the breakthrough of high technology. Under this influence the game is losing its charm and reducing more and more the number of creative players. – Ljubomir Ljubojevic

    DISCLAIMER: DM Chess is not the variant I will be putting online later this year (as mentioned in previous posts). However, its transformative effects on chess in general are so beneficial for both the chess-playing world AND the chess-engine-authoring world that I will eventually make efforts to lobby for its becoming the "next" standard chess.

    Let the dissing begin (and the tldr's).
    Only the rushing is heard...
    Onward flies the bird.

  • #2
    Re: Double Move Chess

    Originally posted by Paul Bonham View Post
    Double Move Chess

    In the U.S. National Football League, each team gets 3 timeouts in both the first and second halves of a game. Sometimes they use them all, sometimes they don't. Sometimes they use one or two early on and then wish towards the end of the half that they hadn't used them up early.

    Of course, having a "time out" in chess would hardly change anything... but what if there were some other resource each player were given that could be used at any time in the game, and that was limited to 3 or 4 instances per player? This could introduce a new, almost impossible to quantify element into chess without actually introducing randomness or luck.

    I thought of such a resource: a "double move".

    Each player could be alloted 4 double moves per game. A double move would be just what it sounds like: making 2 moves in the place of one. When it is your clock ticking, you may decide to play a double move if you still have any of the 4 remaining. There would have to be restrictions on double moves; you can see them at the end of this post.

    So that each player's count of double moves is apparent, you place a circular token much like a checkers piece but green on one side, red on the other (each player has 4 of them) by your side of the clock. It is placed green side up to indicate you are now on a double move. You make the two moves, taking as much time between them as you like, and only when the second move has been made do you flip the token over to red and then hit your clock. The now red token indicates a used up double move. It is up to both your opponent and yourself to make sure you flip the token over to red.

    Before getting to the restrictions: What is the point of Double Move Chess (DM Chess)?

    It is one new form of chess that, without changing the pieces or the board or the opening setup, nevertheless changes everything about the game beyond the first 8 moves (that's one of the restrictions: no double moves for the first 8 moves per player). No standard chess computer engine will be of any use in DM Chess. This removes any concerns about smartphones being present during a DM Chess game.

    DM Chess may represent the least disruptive change to standard chess that renders all chess engines and tablebases unusable FOR YEARS INTO THE FUTURE. With chess960, another low-disruption variant, engines can be and have been easily adjusted to allow the new openings and castling rules.

    But with DM Chess, even if someone should write an engine that plays DM Chess rules, such an engine (just as the human players) would have a much higher number of possible moves per ply to consider and thus its search horizon would be very limited. The engine author would have to be careful that the engine didn't immediately want to play double moves as soon as it can, one right after the other. In other words, the strategic concept of holding double moves for the best moment(s) would have to be somehow coded into the engine, and that is something that isn't just brute force numerical calculation. Each engine, just like each human, would have its own "preferences" that would trigger making a double move at one particular juncture of a game. Chess would become less about pure logic and calculation and more about personality.

    Although engines would still be good with tactics, their shorter search horizon and exaggerated strategic weakness would give humans the edge for many years to come. It represents a whole new challenge for engine coders.

    There would be a whole new set of strategic and tactical concepts to learn in DM Chess. Even seasoned regular chess players would have a lot more to look out for. Chess book authors would have a whole new, unexplored universe to play with, especially where it comes to endgames where each player has 1 or more double moves remaining. The current set of Namilov endgame tablebases would be invalid for DM Chess where either player has a double move remaining.

    And so with the years-long, perhaps decades-long, stifling of computer engines, we would have a new day where, unless a double move in a certain position leads to forced mate or a forced win (which would be harder to prove if both players have double moves remaining), assessing such a position becomes much more difficult.

    And now, as promised, the restrictions on double moves:

    (1) Neither player can make a double move before his or her move 9 (allows for standard openings up to Black's 8th move).

    (2) The first move of a double move may not give check.

    (3) The first move of a double move may not capture material.

    (4) A double move cannot be made if the King is in check. (this could lead to superfluous checks by regular chess standards that are played to prevent a double move for the opponent with the hope of deadening that double move's effects)

    (5) The same piece may be moved on both moves(meaning "ricochet" Bishop, Rook, or Queen moves are possible, as well as lengthy Knight moves). However, if the piece could be captured on the first square it stops on, then after it's been moved the second time, the opponent may capture it "en passant" just as with the en passant rule for Pawns. The opponent must do this on the move immediately following the double move or the opportunity is lost.

    (6) For OTB play, neither player may be more than a few steps away from the board on their opponent's time, in case the opponent wishes to execute a double move. Players may only leave the game area on their own time (this may require some lengthening of time controls for Double Move Chess).

    (7) Consecutive double moves are allowed as long as the player has tokens remaining.

    (8) A player's remaining double move tokens may not be hidden from plain view.

    Number (6) requires a bit of an explanation. Without it, this could happen:

    Your opponent steps away from the board. You initially play a single move and hit your clock. But while your opponent is away, you might still be analyzing on his or her time and realize after 5 more minutes that you have an excellent second move. You could then surreptitiously place your green double move token by the clock, switch the clock back to your time, and instantly make the second move, then hit your clock and flip the token. This means you made your second move on your opponent's time, at some risk of being caught.

    Note also that rule (5) will change everything when it comes to calculations involving passed pawns reaching promotion squares. Covering the promotion square isn't enough if the pawn can move twice, first to promote and then to escape! But of course, that can't happen if you used all your 4 double moves earlier in the game...

    Illegal double moves would be treated the same as illegal moves in standard chess.

    * * * *

    "The changes in chess concern the perfection of computers and the breakthrough of high technology. Under this influence the game is losing its charm and reducing more and more the number of creative players. – Ljubomir Ljubojevic

    DISCLAIMER: DM Chess is not the variant I will be putting online later this year (as mentioned in previous posts). However, its transformative effects on chess in general are so beneficial for both the chess-playing world AND the chess-engine-authoring world that I will eventually make efforts to lobby for its becoming the "next" standard chess.

    Let the dissing begin (and the tldr's).
    Very well then. tl;dr


    • #3
      Re: Double Move Chess

      Some 40 - odd years ago we used to play a version of chess called 'progressive' where each player played one more move than the opponent. So White made one move, Black played two moves, White three and so on. The game rarely went beyond White having seven moves. There was a restriction that a check ended the series. One effective opening set-up was placing, for White, pawns on e4 and f3 and the king on f2 making checkmate difficult and also protecting the pawn chain as a pawn capturing on f3 placed the king in check ending the series. So if White saw no checkmate in five, for example, he would then look to defend against mate in six. Oh, and I seem to recall that chess clocks had not yet been invented so lots of time to make the best play.:)
      The moral of this story: These bastardized versions of classic chess never last, we always go back to just playing chess.


      • #4
        Re: Double Move Chess

        I remember my European-born Dad once telling me that in the old country back in the '30s and '40s they used to play two moves to start the game (presumably only in casual or coffeehouse chess), e.g 1. e4 d4. This of course means Black could respond with d5 dxe4, winning a pawn. So maybe there were some restrictions (or e4-d4 was just a bad opening despite claiming the centre :) ). Anyone else heard of this custom?


        • #5
          Re: Double Move Chess

          An alternative for a chess variant that may be seen as less radical by some: an older class player and I once played about four to six 10 minute games where we could each take back a move two times each during a game.

          The games proved surprising close, given that my opponent recovered from otherwise fatal tactical mistakes on a number of occasions. I do recall losing more often than I would have by the rating difference. We called the variant the "Conception", which was the word we'd say taking back a move, as the idea for this chess variant was my opponent's "conception". :)
          Anything that can go wrong will go wrong.
          Murphy's law, by Edward A. Murphy Jr., USAF, Aerospace Engineer


          • #6
            Re : Double Move Chess

            Originally posted by Paul Bonham View Post

            (3) The first move of a double move may not capture material.
            Does that mean that the second move of a double move may capture material?

            Then it is very difficult to activate the Queen. For example:

            1.Qh5 g6-gxh5

            1.Qg4 h5-hxg4

            1.Qf3 Bg4-Bxf3

            1.Qd2 Bb4-Bxd2

            Even leaving the Queen at d1 may be dangerous: Bg4-Bxd1

            Of course the opponent's Queen is also at risk, but basically this variant seems to kill any enterprising play.


            • #7
              Re: Double Move Chess

              I have played lots of "progressive chess" - I even made it to the finals if the "World Internet Progressive Chess Championships" in 1996 - finishing (tied for) 5th out of 8 (60 players started), and beating the winner. Some games lasted for as long as 14 moves.


              All the games of the final (some annotated) are at:

              It's the type of game in which no clock is necessary.


              • #8
                Re: Double Move Chess

                Originally posted by Hugh Brodie View Post
                I have played lots of "progressive chess" - I even made it to the finals if the "World Internet Progressive Chess Championships" in 1996 - finishing (tied for) 5th out of 8 (60 players started), and beating the winner. Some games lasted for as long as 14 moves.


                All the games of the final (some annotated) are at:

                It's the type of game in which no clock is necessary.
                Progressive chess was also popular in NB as early as the mid 70's, and came across to PEI with me. Played casually, gives weaker players a decent chance to take a game once in awhile.


                • #9
                  Re: Double Move Chess

                  Originally posted by Paul Bonham View Post

                  (2) The first move of a double move may not give check.

                  . . .

                  (4) A double move cannot be made if the King is in check.

                  I realized that there is a potential problem here. Well, that is to be expected: I only thought of this after watching the Super Bowl last week, so there's bound to be a few bugs to iron out.

                  The problem here is that Player A can play a double move in which the second move gives check, and then player B cannot respond with a double move. Player A could potentially get 4 consecutive double moves, all giving check, and Player B could only respond with a single move to each one. This is too much of an advantage to the player giving check with double moves.

                  From this, I'm postulating an even bigger problem: allowing consecutive double moves to either player will discourage replying to any double move with a single move (i.e. conserving your own double moves). That's because again, Player A could play 2 or more consecutive double moves that progressively lead to greater and greater positional or material advantage, and Player B would have to abandon any thought of conserving double moves and respond in kind. The result gets away from the goal of having players use their double moves in different ways.

                  So the real problem is rule 7:

                  (7) Consecutive double moves are allowed as long as the player has tokens remaining.

                  This will have to be changed to the following:

                  (7) Consecutive double moves by the same player are not allowed. After playing a double move, the same player must play at least one single move before s/he can play another double move.

                  Endgames in which one player has say 2 more double moves remaining than the opponent should end quicker than in standard chess, and this provides an additional incentive to conserve double moves for the player who feels s/he can survive a flurry of early opposing double moves and get to such an endgame.

                  Louis Morin, I'll address your post about rule (3) later today.
                  Only the rushing is heard...
                  Onward flies the bird.


                  • #10
                    Re: Re : Double Move Chess

                    Originally posted by Louis Morin View Post
                    Does that mean that the second move of a double move may capture material?

                    Then it is very difficult to activate the Queen. For example:

                    1.Qh5 g6-gxh5

                    1.Qg4 h5-hxg4

                    1.Qf3 Bg4-Bxf3

                    1.Qd2 Bb4-Bxd2

                    Even leaving the Queen at d1 may be dangerous: Bg4-Bxd1

                    Of course the opponent's Queen is also at risk, but basically this variant seems to kill any enterprising play.

                    Louis, your point is valid but your conclusion may be premature. In this variant, making the SINGLE move Qh5 as a Queen activation move would be simply a blunder. Similarly, leaving the Queen on d1 and opening it to an opposing ... Bg4, Bxd1 reply would be also a blunder. There would be plenty of situations that would be ok in standard chess but would be very bad in DM Chess. For another example, any opening where you play either Bb5 or Bg5 as White (...Bb4 or Bg4 as Black) with the effect of pinning a Knight against King or Queen would not stand in DM Chess, unless it was done well before the 9th move for White or Black and the Bishop was either relocated or simply took the Knight before the 9th move.

                    In effect, DM Chess as a nearly complete transformation of standard chess, without introducing luck and without changing board size or pieces or bringing on any new pieces.

                    Now, the conclusion you reach is that the result would be far less enterprising play. My hunch is that this would only be true in the opening and perhaps early middlegame. Once the game has gone beyond development stage, whatever number of standard enterprising moves that would be repressed for fear of opposing double-move reprisals would be generally equalled by enterprising moves made that have double-move threats for the side making the move. In other words, a whole new class of threats would be created and discovered by enterprising players.

                    Of course, you'd still have the standard positional players who would play cautiously and seeking to build miniscule positional advantages. These would most likely be the players who would want to conserve their double-moves for the endgame, where having an edge in remaining double-moves could more easily be decisive.

                    In fact, think about players who like to sacrifice the exchange in standard chess. Those players might be even MORE willing to make that sacrifice if it meant the opponent had to use a double-move to win the exchange. Now the exchange comes at perhaps a positional price, but definitely at the price of one less double-move left for the endgame. Thus, we'd see more of such sacrifices, which to me indicates more enterprising play.

                    These are but a few examples of how the play would be completely transformed. I think it would take many actual games before one could really conclude whether the play is more or less enterprising.

                    However, your point about the ability of a pawn to advance then then capture does appear to make for far more cautious piece play. Maybe the rule should state:

                    (5) The same piece may be moved on both moves provided that neither move is a capture.

                    I think it would have to be tried both ways, and see what works best.
                    Only the rushing is heard...
                    Onward flies the bird.


                    • #11
                      Re: Double Move Chess

                      Timeout would be useful in chess when an increment or a delay is used. The FQE rules already have a timeout rule. A timeout can be used only to go to the washroom after the exhaustion of the main thinking time in a game played with an increment.

                      Originally posted by Paul Bonham View Post
                      In the U.S. National Football League, each team gets 3 timeouts in both the first and second halves of a game. Sometimes they use them all, sometimes they don't. Sometimes they use one or two early on and then wish towards the end of the half that they hadn't used them up early.


                      • #12
                        Re: Double Move Chess

                        Pierre wrote:

                        Timeout would be useful in chess when an increment or a delay is used. The FQE rules already have a timeout rule. A timeout can be used only to go to the washroom after the exhaustion of the main thinking time in a game played with an increment
                        This is the first I have ever heard of such an FQE (or anywhere) rule. I can't find it on the FQE (nor the FIDE) site. What rule number is it?


                        • #13
                          Re: Double Move Chess

                          FQE tournaments rules Article 18

                          Originally posted by Hugh Brodie View Post
                          Pierre wrote:

                          This is the first I have ever heard of such an FQE (or anywhere) rule. I can't find it on the FQE (nor the FIDE) site. What rule number is it?


                          • #14
                            Re: Double Move Chess


                            shows articles 1-5 (dated 2005)


                            shows articles 6-14 (dated 2005).

                            Where is article 18?


                            • #15
                              Re: Double Move Chess

                              I like this variant, with the provisos that (*) yes, a player in check may make a double move with the first move answering the check, and (*) a double move by the same piece may not capture material or give check.

                              Have you looked for similar games on the ChessVariants site? I submitted one there recently, "Tandem Pawn Chess", which tries to make chess more computer-resistant. Its creator Hans Bodlaender is a noted professor in my subfield of theoretical computer science.

                              The NBA used to have a special kind of timeout that allowed you to advance the ball to halfcourt for free. That's closest in spirit to the motivation here---like if an NHL timeout gave you a faceoff in the zone. I wonder if thre is a chess analogue of the icing rule (which IMHO should continue to be in effect on power plays).
                              Last edited by Kenneth Regan; Monday, 11th February, 2013, 12:44 AM. Reason: Added "...or give check."

