Ishi Press - copyright violation?

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  • Ishi Press - copyright violation?

    We have been notified by Everyman Chess that Ishi Press is reproducing books for which they do not have the rights.

    Please be aware of this.

    Strategy Games will NOT be stocking these titles until this issue is resolved.

    Larry Bevand

  • #2
    Re: Ishi Press - copyright violation?

    Sam Sloan strikes again!


    • #3
      Re: Ishi Press - copyright violation?

      Originally posted by Hugh Brodie View Post
      Sam Sloan strikes again!
      I first met him at an Olympiad in the 1980's. He loves to stir muddy waters...not my favorite fellow :). Everyman may or may not be correct in this matter. Sloan is a bright guy...maybe the Everyman rights have expired...maybe not...a story to follow!

      Another bright fellow in this area was Lou Hays...he put out stuff like "My System" after the original rights expired. Today Lou is happily retired :) I like this fellow :).

      Hanon Russell has followed in his footsteps...redoing a number of books that Dover has not...Dover has either changed their focus...or they are a ship without a rudder...I guess I should do a google search :)



      • #4
        Re: Ishi Press - copyright violation?

        Just another turn in the career of Sam Sloan.

        For the Ishi Press, his languages and the possible acquisition of a dog, see:


        • #5
          Re: Ishi Press - copyright violation?

          Originally posted by Larry Bevand View Post

          Hanon Russell has followed in his footsteps...redoing a number of books that Dover has not...Dover has either changed their focus...or they are a ship without a rudder...I guess I should do a google search :)

          Dover seems to do alright. I get a lot of my math books from them. You can buy direct from Dover and the prices are still great. I do think they have reduced the emphasis on their chess section these days.

          Also with Everyman I don't think their direct to customer e-books, which are expanding all the time, are friendly to chess shops. I understand what you are going to do for them but what are they going to do for you?
          Last edited by Zeljko Kitich; Tuesday, 19th February, 2013, 05:39 PM.


          • #6
            Re: Ishi Press - copyright violation?

            Originally posted by Zeljko Kitich View Post
            Dover seems to do alright. I get a lot of my math books from them. You can buy direct from Dover and the prices are still great. I do think they have reduced the emphasis on their chess section these days.

            Also with Everyman I don't think their direct to customer e-books, which are expanding all the time, are friendly to chess shops. I understand what you are going to do for them but what are they going to do for you?
            So should we be stocking the Ishi Press, Cadogan bought by Everyman titles...from your opinion..hey Sloan is a bright guy...maybe he goes where he has every right to go...and yes...Everyman does not care about us...they sell their books to Amazon for less with better terms than they would ever give us!

            I got a call from them a number of years ago asking who we were not ordering as many books from them as in the past...I said...give me the same terms and conditions that you give Amazon...and I will double my sales overnight...

            In Canada it is even crazier as Canada Post gives Amazon special rates on shipping and so they can offer free shipping...we follow that policy...but we absorb the cost. The world is changing...

            I understand that and I will adapt accordingly...we diversify...and so far we are doing well...our sales of games other than chess are now greater than our chess book sales...and we are doing fine :).

            However...we do want your if someone is offering you a better price than me...I will do my best to make it work. bevand@chess-math dot org



            • #7
              Re: Ishi Press - copyright violation?

              I think you could make great savings in the area of "..." usage.


              • #8
                Re: Ishi Press - copyright violation?

                Originally posted by David Ottosen View Post
                I think you could make great savings in the area of "..." usage.

                Thank you for your constructive reponse :)


                • #9
                  Re: Ishi Press - copyright violation?

                  Originally posted by Larry Bevand View Post
                  So should we be stocking the Ishi Press, Cadogan bought by Everyman titles...from your opinion..hey Sloan is a bright guy...maybe he goes where he has every right to go...and yes...Everyman does not care about us...they sell their books to Amazon for less with better terms than they would ever give us!

                  However...we do want your if someone is offering you a better price than me...I will do my best to make it work. bevand@chess-math dot org

                  That's up to you but I think you do have the right to a little more than a phone call from Everyman telling you their side of it. We still have the idea of innocent until proven otherwise. However, if you have reason to believe the other publisher is not reputable or ethical then it's your call obviously. I happily don't know anything about Sloan.

                  You have had my business in the past and will continue to have it in the future. It's simply that you will not be my sole source for chess material. Especially where I can get items in an electronic version that affords portability since my current lifestyle doesn't lend itself to storing or having a large amount of physical books.


                  • #10
                    Re: Ishi Press - copyright violation?

                    Originally posted by Zeljko Kitich View Post
                    That's up to you but I think you do have the right to a little more than a phone call from Everyman telling you their side of it. We still have the idea of innocent until proven otherwise. However, if you have reason to believe the other publisher is not reputable or ethical then it's your call obviously. I happily don't know anything about Sloan.

                    You have had my business in the past and will continue to have it in the future. It's simply that you will not be my sole source for chess material. Especially where I can get items in an electronic version that affords portability since my current lifestyle doesn't lend itself to storing or having a large amount of physical books.
                    Thank you for your support over the years! It is because of people like you that CMA continues to succeed in these changing times. I understand that you make purchases elsewhere...and whenever we can do better we will try...try us first by contacting me. Our major sector of sales decline has been software. Book and equipment sales are steady and other games are growing by leaps and bounds. Our primary interest is chess and chess players but if they choose to buy their products elsewhere...we will adjust....and we will act accordingly.



                    • #11
                      Re: Ishi Press - copyright violation?

                      Originally posted by Larry Bevand View Post
                      Thank you for your constructive reponse :)
                      If I had anything more to contribute, I would. I do applaud taking a stance against this, because even if legally Ishi can do whatever it is they're doing, it doesn't sound very ethical to me.


                      • #12
                        Re: Ishi Press - copyright violation?

                        Originally posted by Larry Bevand View Post
                        So should we be stocking the Ishi Press, Cadogan bought by Everyman titles...from your opinion..hey Sloan is a bright guy...maybe he goes where he has every right to go...and yes...Everyman does not care about us...they sell their books to Amazon for less with better terms than they would ever give us!
                        Does Everyman go after Spam Sloan? What do he (Man) say to amazon who probably has all Ishi books?:D

                        Anyway, you (Strategy) should not have those books what have S.Sloan as a co-author. You should have a proud what you carry in your shop. imho, it will not come with SS books.

                        As for future purchases let me know how much you will price-match the newest Kasparov's volume Garry Kasparov on Garry Kasparov, Part II: 1985-1993
                        Published: September 2013 :D
                        You have time to think :)


                        • #13
                          Re: Ishi Press - copyright violation?

                          Originally posted by Egidijus Zeromskis View Post
                          As for future purchases let me know how much you will price-match the newest Kasparov's volume Garry Kasparov on Garry Kasparov, Part II: 1985-1993
                          Published: September 2013 :D
                          You have time to think :)
                          I too enjoy good prices, but I am also quite interested in maintaining multiple players in the game of selling books. That means that I have on several occasions, bought a book or two from Larry that I *may* have been able to get for a few dollars less from Amazon or elsewhere.

                          I believe Larry and his staff work hard to provide a valuable service (note the mini-stores that pop up at many large tournaments) - that isn't just being self-serving - it is serving the chess community at large. Let's not nickel and dime Larry too much! :)

                          As he points out in this thread, he cannot always get the volume or buddy discounts that outlets like Amazon can get...

                          As for Sam (the slug) Sloan - I wouldn't buy anything that guy is selling.
                          ...Mike Pence: the Lord of the fly.


                          • #14
                            Re: Ishi Press - copyright violation?

                            I wonder why Everyman/Cadogan/Pergamon is suddenly concerned about copyright violation on the Petrosian two-volume game collection when they negligently allowed it to go out of print and out of general availability to the point where used copies of each volume are now going for several hundred dollars in the after-market. Instead of wasting time trying to bring the rapscallion Sam Sloan to account, wouldn't it be better to offload the publication rights to Hardinge Simpole for a reasonable sum so that a print-on-demand version could compete in the legitimate marketplace? Just asking...


                            • #15
                              Re: Ishi Press - copyright violation?

                              I have one of these books I bought from Amazon (Grandmaster Preparation by Polugaevsky). Once I got it, I realized it was fishy. It was like a photocopy of the original, but bound properly. The printing was very faint. As I said in my Amazon review, I would avoid these books unless you have an urgent need. I

