CCN and BCN Feb 28 Posts

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  • CCN and BCN Feb 28 Posts

    TWIC 955 2 games
    -Postny was ruthless in exploiting a lead in development and the strong bishop pair on an open board.

    Postny,E (2647) - Izsak,Gyu (2471)
    Queen’s Indian 6…d5 [E17]
    Bundesliga 2012–13 Eppingen GER (10), 24.02.2013

    -Ribli energetically exploited the bishop pair and pawn center to win a model game.

    Ribli,Z (2554) - Tazbir,M (2555)
    Bundesliga 2012–13 Eppingen GER (10), 24.02.2013

  • #2
    Re: CCN and BCN Feb 28 Posts

    Beauty and Chess Geek 2 videos
    -Interview with Ipatov
    -Liza saying 'hi'

    2 New blogs for opening news
    Just started today.

    -TWIC 955
    The Grunfeld 8.Rb1 exchange variation is a deep bed of theory. The Be5-c5(idea ...Ba5) is recommended in The Safest Grunfeld(Chess Stars 2011) but with 15...Ba5.

    GM Maze tried a new idea-15...c4, but the pawn sacrifice was poorly followed up which turned it into a nice gift and a straight forward white win.

    Ding Liren (2709) - Maze,S (2556)
    Grunfeld Exchange 8.Rb1[D85]
    Reykjavik Open 2013 Reykjavik ISL (7.7), 24.02.2013

    -TWIC 950
    The 4...Ba6 line is an active plan where a typical plan is a central dark square blockade, for example here after 18...Nf4. The feature game shows a nice plan for combating black's buildup using a queenside attack.

    Dobrov,V (2524) - Bocharov,D (2614)
    Queen’s Indian 4.a3 Ba6[E12]
    Dvorkovich Mem 2013 Taganrog RUS (6.3), 20.01.2013
    -TWIC 953
    GM Ulf Andersson has made the obscure 6...h6 into his own variation. Black has no objection to 7.Nd6+ and ducks massive Sveshnikov theory.

    Termeulen,A (2160) - Andersson,U (2556)
    5…e5 6.Ndb5 h6 [B33]
    73rd Noteboom Mem Leiden NED (1.5), 08.02.2013


    • #3
      Re: CCN and BCN Feb 28 Posts

      2 Hambleton games from Reykjavik

      Hambleton had a nice position right way in the opening and soon bagged an extra P. There was no trouble converting in the ending.

      Hambleton,Aman (2472) - Jayakumar,Adarsh (2271)
      Delayed Stonewall[A84]
      Reykjavik Open 2013, Iceland (9.39), 26.02.2013

      Hambleton ground out an extra P in an opposite color B-B ending with GM persistence and a bit of luck.

      Muir,Andrew J (2313) - Hambleton,Aman (2472)
      Nimzo-Indian Karpov Variation 11.Ne5[E54]
      Reykjavik Open 2013, Iceland (10.16), 27.02.2013

