CCN and BCN March 1 Posts

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  • CCN and BCN March 1 Posts

    Two recent instructive endgames from Bundesliga Rd9-10 play.

    -TWIC 955
    Hungarian Champion GM Berkes,F obtained an early queenless game and then ground out this RB-RB ending. Berkes used patience, persistence and stubborn determination to finish the B-B ending in a 87-move marathon.

    Berkes,F (2679) - Piorun,K (2520)
    King’s Indian Classical 7…Na6[E94]
    Bundesliga 2012–13 Eppingen GER (10), 24.02.2013

    -TWIC 955
    GM Khenkin initiated the action with the spectacular positional exchange sacrifice offer 16...Rd5!? In the endgame that followed the real adventure was in the K+P ending.

    Balogh,C (2664) - Khenkin,I (2655)
    Cark-Kann Advance 3….c5[B12]
    Bundesliga 2012–13 Eppingen GER (9), 23.02.2013

  • #2
    Re: CCN and BCN March 1 Posts

    2 games of GM Hansen from Cappelle La Grande.

    -Here is Hansen's rd6 win. Hansen won a pawn early as black fell behind in development and finished the game nicely.

    Hansen,E (2557) - Vovk,Y (2594)
    Sicilian 3.Bb5 e6[B30]
    29th Cappelle La Grande Open FRA (6), 27.02.2013

    -Here is Hansen's rd7 loss. Hansen was in trouble early with the bad end of a good N vs bad B middlegame and an isolated pawn as well.

    Fedorchuk,S (2643) - Hansen,Eric (2557)
    29th Open Cappelle la Grande FRA (7), 28.02.2013

