Blog Posts Mar 7

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  • Blog Posts Mar 7

    This game was played at the recent BC Open and pitted a rising star-Jason Cao against a veteran master, Alfred Pechisker who came second with 4.5/5. Young Jason Cao,himself a master, finished with a respectable 3/5 but for a master this is a disappointing result.

    Pechisker,Alfred(2242) - Cao,Jason(2223) KID
    Saemisch 6.Bg5 a6[E81]
    BC op Richmond (5), 11.02.2013

    Also with Youtube interview for WYCC <10.

  • #2
    Re: Blog Posts Mar 7

    Anti-London System
    This is the kind of routine GM vs non-GM win that will pass unnoticed, but has a mysterious effortless air to it. There are two major things to notice about this game.

    (1)Black's formation against the London System is effective. The ..Nd7/Ne7!? development allow black to hunt Bf4 with a quick ...e5 and ..Nf5
    (2)The endgame method used to exploit the bishop pair and compromised pawn structure.

    Scipioni,G (2041) - Horvath,Cs (2514)
    London System vs Averbakh[A40]
    2nd Adriatico Open A Montesilvano ITA (1.1), 01.03.2013


    • #3
      Re: Blog Posts Mar 7

      Two games from TWIC 956 are presented.

      Game 1 shows how harmful poor preparation can be for black.
      Game 2 shows a nice attack in the 7.Qa4+ exchange variation after some enterprising play from white and some cooperative defence from black.

      Game 1
      Black made an odd opening choice as Avrukh already analyzed to move 23 as clear advantage for white in 1.d4 Vol2(Quality Chess 2009). No improvement was shown and white put an a nice endgame display to claim the win.

      This game serves as a warning for unprepared Grunfeld players.

      Borovikov,V (2557) - Mladenov,P (2421)
      Grunfeld g3 10.Re1 e5[D76]
      29th Open Cappelle la Grande FRA (3.22), 25.02.2013

      Game 2
      The search for weapons to use against the Grunfeld continues. The disruptive check 7.Qa4+ produced a complex game after 7...Qd7 but the result of the game was not related to the opening.

      Vishnu,P (2483) - Adhiban,Baskaran (2547)
      Grunfeld Exchange 7.Qa4+ Qd7[D85]
      33rd TCh-IND 2013 Hyderabad IND (8.1), 25.02.2013

