Blog Posts Mar 8

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  • Blog Posts Mar 8

    2013 Toronto Chess Championship – starting April 15
    More info see Annexchessclub Toronto-closed-2013

    Annex Chess Club is proud to host the 2013 Toronto Chess Championship (Toronto Closed). This year’s event is held on Monday nights at 918 Bathurst, starting April 15. The Toronto Closed is an annual event, sanctioned by the GTCL. The history of the tournament can be traced back to 1854.

    Preview Game
    Here is a game from last year's Closed featuring the defending champion and another promising young player, Michael Kleinman. Kleinman played very well but ran into some tough defence.

    Samsonkin,Artiom (2398) - Kleinman,Michael (2284)
    Sicilian Kan 6.a3[B47]
    Toronto Closed 2012 Annex Chess Club, Toronto (6), 07.05.2012

  • #2
    Re: Blog Posts Mar 8

    TWIC 956
    GM Zoltan Varga was in good form as he unleashed a pet line against the Caro-Kann. The result was an unbalanced equality and a nice massage on c5 and the dark squares.

    Varga,Zo (2455) - Molnar,P SVK (2367)
    Caro-Kann Quasi-Panov 5.Qa4+[B10]
    TCh-SVK Extraliga 2012–13 Slovakia SVK (11.5), 03.03.2013


    • #3
      Re: Blog Posts Mar 8

      2 games from TWIC 956 for 1.d4 players

      Game 1 Dutch Stonewall
      The Nh3+Bf4 method is a nice way to deal with the solid Stonewall. Black went a bit far on the kingside in an ambitious attempt to create kingside chances and was severely.

      Vovk,Y (2594) - Bruno,Fabi (2440)
      Dutch Stonewall 5.Nh3[A90]
      29th Open Cappelle la Grande FRA (7.17), 28.02.2013

      Game 2 Benko Gambit g3
      The Benko Gambit is a popular defence which requires concrete handling. The 8.g3 Bg7 9.Bg2 line is one such method and now 9...Nfd7!? is popular. White achieved nothing special in the feature game but got chances when black tried too hard and went astray in complex play.

      Popilski,G (2518) - Haast,A (2268)
      Benko 8.g3 Bg7 9.Bg2 Nfd7!? [A58]
      29th Open Cappelle la Grande FRA (6.41), 27.02.2013

      Pic+bio of Anne Haast included.


      • #4
        Re: Blog Posts Mar 8

        Hambleton in Dallas for FIDE Open
        Info from elsewhere in chesstalk.

        Background GM Berces,D
        This young GM is virtually unknown in the west. He plays mostly in Europe and played in Sarkany-Aranytiz GM, the strongest RR in Budapest in 2012.

        +game from GM RR in Budapest vs IM Kislik(USA) from the tournament.

