2013 G T C L--- A G M

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  • 2013 G T C L--- A G M

    2013 GTCL Annual General Meeting will be held on Saturday, April 20th, 2013 - from 10 am to 1 pm.

    The same location as previous n-years in Greek Orthodox Metropolis of Toronto (GOMT), 86 Overlea Blvd.

    Details will be posted here and there, though the main site is the GTCL website.

    The draft agenda:

    1. Announcements
    2. Executive Reports:
    ...a. Tournament Coordinator
    ...b. Director of Communications
    ...c. Secretary
    ...d. Treasurer
    ...e. Vice-President
    ...f. Outgoing President
    3. GTCL Awards
    4. Elections of 2012-2013 GTCL Executive and three Directors at Large
    5. Elections of Regional OCA Vice-President
    6. Nominations for CFC/ OCA Governors
    7. 2013-2014 Budget
    8. 2013-2014 GTCL Tournaments
    9. New Items

    The host, Nicholas Varmazis, always asked to let him know if you were coming that he could prepare enough coffee or tea :)

    Any comments can be posted here or send directly to the Bord of Directors (emails are here)