Game 1
9...b5 is a dynamic ways to treat the Stonewall Dutch. The plan has been popularized by GM Moskalenko. Black will follow with ..a5 and a general queenside assault on the queenside.
In the feature game, IM Galyas plays a model game after some inaccurate white play.
Kayser,Fe (2183) - Galyas,M (2423)
Dutch Stonewall 9.Qc1 b5[A90]
Bundesliga 2012–13 Baden Baden GER (12), 17.03.2013
Game 2
Hungarian Super-IM Galyas(FIDE high 2487-2010 Fide) used the 3..b6 sideline to duck away from a theory battle. Galyas now has branched into coaching and is a regular contributor to Sakkvilag, the Hungarian chess magazine.
Diaz,Joa (2176) - Galyas,M (2423)
French Advance 3…b6[C02]
Bundesliga 2012–13 Baden Baden GER (11), 16.03.2013
3 recent Grunfeld games from TWIC 957-58
Bacrot,E (2705) - Kurnosov,I (2660)
Grunfeld Exchange 8.Rb1 0–0 9.Be2 b6 [D85]
Bundesliga 2012–13 Baden Baden GER (11), 16.03.2013
Ivanisevic,I (2644) - Firat,B (2428)
Grunfeld Russian System 7…a6
8.e5 b5 9.Qb3 Nfd7 10.e6 fxe6 11.Be3 Nb6 [D97]
Karpos Open 2013 Skopje MKD (2.6), 10.03.2013
Nyback,T (2600) - Gislason,G (2329)
Grunfeld Exchange 7.Bg5[D85]
TCh-ISL 2012–13 Reykjavik ISL (5.1), 01.03.2013
Game 1
9...b5 is a dynamic ways to treat the Stonewall Dutch. The plan has been popularized by GM Moskalenko. Black will follow with ..a5 and a general queenside assault on the queenside.
In the feature game, IM Galyas plays a model game after some inaccurate white play.
Kayser,Fe (2183) - Galyas,M (2423)
Dutch Stonewall 9.Qc1 b5[A90]
Bundesliga 2012–13 Baden Baden GER (12), 17.03.2013
Game 2
Hungarian Super-IM Galyas(FIDE high 2487-2010 Fide) used the 3..b6 sideline to duck away from a theory battle. Galyas now has branched into coaching and is a regular contributor to Sakkvilag, the Hungarian chess magazine.
Diaz,Joa (2176) - Galyas,M (2423)
French Advance 3…b6[C02]
Bundesliga 2012–13 Baden Baden GER (11), 16.03.2013
3 recent Grunfeld games from TWIC 957-58
Bacrot,E (2705) - Kurnosov,I (2660)
Grunfeld Exchange 8.Rb1 0–0 9.Be2 b6 [D85]
Bundesliga 2012–13 Baden Baden GER (11), 16.03.2013
Ivanisevic,I (2644) - Firat,B (2428)
Grunfeld Russian System 7…a6
8.e5 b5 9.Qb3 Nfd7 10.e6 fxe6 11.Be3 Nb6 [D97]
Karpos Open 2013 Skopje MKD (2.6), 10.03.2013
Nyback,T (2600) - Gislason,G (2329)
Grunfeld Exchange 7.Bg5[D85]
TCh-ISL 2012–13 Reykjavik ISL (5.1), 01.03.2013