CanadaChessNews Blog Updates

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  • #16
    Re: CanadaChessNews Blog Updates

    Issue # 1-21, July 1, 2013 is ready for download(106 pages)

    The World’s Youngest FM!! 19
    FIDE July 1, 2013 Regular Rating List ( Open/Women ) 21
    Canadian IM Bindi Cheng – Narrowly misses GM Norm! 30
    Malmsten on Chess – Chess at the CNE Pt1: Canadian Championships 1930s 31
    Canadian Olympiad Selection Ratings - National 40
    Canadian Olympiad Selection Ratings – Women 41
    FIDE July 1, 2013 Regular Rating List – Canadian Rankings ( Open/Women ) 42
    BC Girls Chess Foundation 80
    The “Games of the Century” Series – The Game of the Century (20th) 81
    Teaching Classic Games of Chess - Hungarian Knights 88 Ken’s Chess Trivia 92
    TCN Readers’ Lead Article Invitation 95
    TCN Readers’ Chess “Sightings” 95
    TCN Readers Have Questions 95
    TCN Readers’ Feedback 95 TCN’s “Readers’ Opinion” Column 96

    Tournament Reports
    8th Tal Memorial, Russia 4
    2013 IV Int. Chess Festival Forni di Sopra, Italy 12
    2013-4 FIDE Women’s Grand Prix # 2 (Dilijan), Armenia 12
    1st Geneva Masters, Switzerland 15
    Geneva Open A 18
    Kitchener-Waterloo Team Tournament 58
    The University of Waterloo Weekend Summer Semester Open 67
    Eastern Ontario Open, Ottawa 72
    8th Annual Edmonton International 74
    2013 New Brunswick Open, Campellton 81

    Organizations with News Reports
    Chess Federation of Canada( CFC ) 29
    Scarborough Chess Club( SCC ) 51
    Annex Chess Club( ACC ) 55
    Aurora Chess Club 56
    Ajax Chess Club 58
    Hamilton City Chess Club 69
    Kitchener-Waterloo Chess Club 69

    Tournament Notices
    Aurora Summer Open 96
    GM Elshan Moradiabadi (Iranian GM) Lecture & Simul 97
    Canadian Youth Chess Championships 97
    Canadian Open 98
    Kitchener Chess Festival – Can. Amateur/Can. Seniors 100
    Mississauga Open 103 Toronto Labour Day Open 104


    • #17
      Toronto Chess News (TCN)

      Hi Michael:

      Thanks for highlighting the most recent July 1 Issue of Toronto Chess News (TCN). For those who want to peruse the Issue, our website is: .

      Subscription is FREE. If you'd like to try it out, write:

      Bob A, TCN Editor
      Last edited by Bob Armstrong; Tuesday, 2nd July, 2013, 10:26 PM.


      • #18
        Re: Toronto Chess News (TCN)

        Oussedik scored a strong 4.5/9 but was overshadowed by IM Hambleton who finished in clear third with 6.5/9. The feature game is Oussedik's Rd1 upset win over IM Gerber.

        Gerber,R (2416) - Oussedik,E (2058)
        French Advance 5.Nf3 Nh6 6.Bd3 cxd4 7.cxd4 [C02]
        Geneva Open A 2013 Geneva SUI (1.7), 24.06.2013


        • #19
          Re: CanadaChessNews Blog Updates

          Geneva Open
          IM Hambleton used his pet line 7.f3 to score a big victory over GM Le Roux.

          Hambleton,A (2461) - Le Roux,JP (2576)
          Nimzo-Indian 4.Qc2 0–0 5.a3 Bxc3+ 6.Qxc3 d6 7.f3 [E32]
          Geneva Open A 2013
          Geneva SUI (6.2), 28.06.2013


          • #20
            Re: CanadaChessNews Blog Updates


            TWIC 969
            IM Gerzhoy defended the Winawer against GM Shabalov in the Chicago Open. The 9.a4/10.a5 plan leads to irrational positions(according the Vitiugov in The French Defence Reloaded 2012) but the opening was not the cause of the loss.

            Shabalov,A (2544) - Gerzhoy,L (2469)
            French Winawer 4.a3[C15]
            Chicago Open 2013
            Wheeling USA (8.9), 27.05.2013


            • #21
              Re: CanadaChessNews Blog Updates


              IM Cheng shows the poisonous side of the Reti Opening.

              Cheng,Bindi (2406) - Panchanathan,Magesh (2570)
              Reti [A11]
              DC International Arlington, VA (6.2), 29.06.2013


              • #22
                Re: CanadaChessNews Blog Updates


                Benasque Open 2013 Rd2 results
                Canadian results
                FM Humphreys lost to GM Burmakin. etc


                • #23
                  Re: CanadaChessNews Blog Updates


                  Geneva Open 2013 Rd4-TWIC 973
                  Hambleton defended with a hedgehog structure but suffered strategically after the 22...d5 central break.

                  Cornette,M (2578) - Hambleton,A (2461)
                  English Opening Semi-Hedghog[A30]
                  Geneva Open A 2013
                  Geneva SUI (4.1), 26.06.2013


                  • #24
                    Re: CanadaChessNews Blog Updates


                    DC International Rd1
                    The path to second place was not all smooth sailing for IM Cheng. White had a good position in the early middlegame but did not find the best plan, which allowed Cheng to comeback in a complex position.

                    Bowersock,Michael (2124) - Cheng,Bindi (2406)
                    Sicilian Scheveningen 11.Re8[B85]
                    DC International Arlington, VA (1.9), 27.06.2013


                    • #25
                      Re: CanadaChessNews Blog Updates


                      Benasque Rd4 Results
                      All Canadians have points now.

                      Toronto Rapid w/Hambleton
                      Small summary + Pics from elsewhere on this board.


                      • #26
                        Re: CanadaChessNews Blog Updates


                        Chess in the Library Election results
                        The new executive is

                        Mohit Verma-New President
                        Vice President - Jessica Cao
                        Treasurer - Jessie Li
                        Volunteer Coordinator - Terry Zhang
                        Webmaster-Zelin Liu
                        Arts Director-(Vacant)


                        • #27
                          Re: CanadaChessNews Blog Updates


                          Aurora Rd5 results and standings

                          Added the key rd5 game by Noritsyn with brief notes.
                          Great pics thanks to the gallery(s) by Egidijus Zeromskis

                          Song,M (2390) - Noritsyn,N (2604)
                          King’s Indian[E81]
                          Aurora Summer Open (Canada) (5.1), 07.07.2013


                          • #28
                            Re: CanadaChessNews Blog Updates

                            Your game header is misleading:
                            "Aurora Summer Open, Ottawa (Canada)"
                            We are quite far from Ottawa ;)
                            Last edited by Egidijus Zeromskis; Monday, 8th July, 2013, 03:06 PM.


                            • #29
                              Re: CanadaChessNews Blog Updates


                              Benasque Open Rd5
                              Humphreys has 2/5; Canadian results, overall standings and this nice game.

                              GRANDA ZUNIGA,Julio E (2679) - GORDON,Stephen J (2521)
                              Sicilian Maroczy Bind[B38]
                              Benaque Open Benasque (Spain) (4.1), 07.07.2013


                              • #30
                                Re: CanadaChessNews Blog Updates


                                Geneva rd7
                                GM Bauer played a nice attack

                                Bauer,Ch (2637) - Hambleton,A (2461)
                                French Tarrasch 3...h6[C03]
                                Geneva Open A 2013
                                Geneva SUI (7.2), 29.06.2013

