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  • #16
    Originally posted by Frank Dixon View Post
    I could also have added:
    The Ottawa 2022 winter blockades were eventually resolved peacefully, and without loss of life, after some three weeks; those are the main positive outcomes. That might not have happened in many dozens of other nations around the world, where a premature storming of the blockades could have killed and wounded dozens if not hundreds, including police personnel and innocent bystanders. Hundreds of businesses in the neighbourhoods near the blockade had to close for three weeks or more, leading to large financial losses for those businesses and their employees. It was in the downtown of a busy city, all apart from being the centre of the government district, during problematic weather conditions. The blockaders had ZERO permission from the City of Ottawa to allow them to occupy the space they did, as they did. I have family living near the blockaded zone, whose lives, and those of thousands of other residents, were disrupted for weeks, through no fault of their own. Honking of horns 24 hours a day in Ottawa made it difficult to impossible for anyone to sleep or carry on a normal existence. The losses in Ottawa are in the hundreds of millions of dollars. Canada suffered lost and / or delayed international trade of an estimated billion dollars a day, with the Windsor blockades, as well. The blockaders weren't even officially representing any group; these rogue truckers were a distinct small minority of their trade, virtually exclusively Caucasian, who protested being vaccinated, when some 90 per cent of truckers had been vaccinated against COVID. Their unions supported the COVID vaccine mandates!! Nazi and Confederate flags were prominently displayed in Ottawa by more than a few hard-core fringe rightists; this was recorded by media for posterity. We have also since learned, during the ongoing Inquiry, that certain rogue members of law enforcement decided to take it upon themselves to leak operational plans, to the blockaders, on a regular basis! Lawyers for the blockaders admitted this openly in testimony; do you feel comfortable having these leaking people still in government employment? Many countries would have them discovered, and then jailed or executed for treason. We are talking about thousands of legal violations, committed by a comparative few lawless redneck dim bulbs. I am proud to be a Canadian, when firm action by elected Canadian leadership resolved a problem which had made headlines around the world. And I am certainly not a Justin Trudeau admirer, in general; Justin has committed more significant ethical violations during seven years at the top than any other previous Canadian PM (improper Aga Khan visit, SNC Lavalin legal case improper intervention, WE Charity funding disaster, backtrack on voting procedures promises, just to name a few). He could have been criminally indicted for his Lavalin misdeeds.

    Also, bombings in Quebec from the separatist, violent, tiny minority FLQ group had carried on during the 1960s, with many recorded incidents. With the War Measures being federally invoked in 1970, for the October Crisis, that proved to be the swift end of the FLQ!!! No more bombings.

    Originally posted by Frank Dixon View Post
    The Ottawa 2022 winter blockades were eventually resolved peacefully, and without loss of life, after some three weeks; those are the main positive outcomes
    Trampling peaceful protestors with horses is not a good look for Canada.
    Click image for larger version  Name:	horsses Screen Shot 2022-11-12 at 5.42.24 PM.png Views:	0 Size:	961.4 KB ID:	222885

    Originally posted by Frank Dixon View Post
    IHundreds of businesses in the neighborhoods sic near the blockade had to close for three weeks or more, leading to large financial losses for those businesses and their employees. The blockaders had ZERO permission from the City of Ottawa to allow them to occupy the space they did, as they did. I have family living near the blockaded zone, whose lives, and those of thousands of other residents, were disrupted for weeks, through no fault of their own. Honking of horns 24 hours a day in Ottawa made it difficult to impossible for anyone to sleep or carry on a normal existence. The losses in Ottawa are in the hundreds of millions of dollars. Canada suffered lost and / or delayed international trade of an estimated billion dollars a day, with the Windsor blockades, as well. The blockaders weren't even officially representing any group; these rogue truckers were a distinct small minority of their trade, virtually exclusively Caucasian, who protested being vaccinated, when some 90 per cent of truckers had been vaccinated against COVID. Their unions supported the COVID vaccine mandates!! Nazi and Confederate flags were prominently displayed in Ottawa by more than a few hard-core fringe rightists; this was recorded by media for posterity. We have also since learned, during the ongoing Inquiry,
    From day one, the organizers and representatives wanted to meet with the Govt and resolve this peacefully and expeditiously. You have your government to blame for this, as i explained in my prior post. Apparently, you did not read it.

    Originally posted by Frank Dixon View Post
    INazi and Confederate flags were prominently displayed in Ottawa by more than a few hard-core fringe rightists; this was recorded by media for posterity.
    Propaganda points that I suspect were put there by some government employees and comprised a single incident. 99.9999% of what was prominently displayed were Canadian flags. Tom O'Donnell posted a video in the COVD thread proving this.

    Originally posted by Frank Dixon View Post
    We are talking about thousands of legal violations committed by a comparatively few lawless redneck dim bulbs
    That is a completely false statement. Joseph Goebbels would have loved to have you as an assistant. The movement had widespread support from millions of Canadians, as evidenced by millions of dollars in small donations that, despite what the WEF-controlled media advertised, were almost raised entirely by Canadians.

    Originally posted by Frank Dixon View Post
    Their unions supported the COVID vaccine mandates
    So, the vaccine mandates had no legal basis to begin with, and these injections proved to be the greatest medical catastrophe in the history of humanity. Do you ever read anything I post, or do you just thoughtlessly parrot govt propaganda? I previously posted this.
    8) The evidence of harm for these injections I posted here

    These were experimental gene therapies that Pfizer et al. knew from the start were harmful and ineffective, and Govt coercing its citizens to take this violates international law, including the famous Nuremberg Code with respect to informed consent and coercion.
    The Trudeau Government is the first time in Canadian history that we have a genocidal dictator in charge. I am pleasantly surprised that the protestors were as peaceful as they were.

    Originally posted by Frank Dixon View Post
    redneck dim bulbs
    If you are stupid enough to take more jabs, it is on you at this point.

    If you consider those that rejected this death shot as "dim bulbs," I am not sure where that leaves you!

    Originally posted by Frank Dixon View Post
    I am proud to be a Canadian when firm action by elected Canadian leadership resolved a problem that had made headlines around the world.
    Canadians did not elect the genocide-supporting WEF that its leader Klaus Schwab proudly states has infiltrated most of the Canadian Cabinet. Chrystia Freeland is the deputy director of the WEF, and Prime Minister Trudeau is a WEF "Young Global Leader. The WEF Young Global Leaders program is the 21st-century version of the Hitler youth.

    "Firm action" would have made the Czar's army that trampled citizens during pogroms with horses proud! We are the embarrassment of the entire world. Listen in at the 5:30 point of this video to what UK parliamentarians are saying about Canada.

    Originally posted by Dilip Panjwani
    Hi Frank,
    Don't you think that a simpler way to resolve the issue would have been for Justin to show respect to the Canadian citizens protesting by meeting them immediately and removing the unnecessary and autocratic mandates that he had imposed upon his own fellow citizens?
    Well Frank, we are all ears!
    Last edited by Sid Belzberg; Monday, 14th November, 2022, 01:25 AM.


    • #17
      White people = bad. Rednecks = bad. Flags = bad. Governments shutting down businesses, demanding people get vaccinated, violating natural rights across the country = good.
      "Tom is a well known racist, and like most of them he won't admit it, possibly even to himself." - Ed Seedhouse, October 4, 2020.


      • #18
        And Frank, you are perhaps thinking that Justin's advisors told him that the mandates were necessary to prevent the infection from spreading to others. In that case, a Libertarian leader's response would have been: 'those who want to protect themselves have the freedom to get vaccinated, and wear N95 masks wherever they go; the government's job in this is to educate the people, and we are doing that... PERIOD!'
        The common sense fact is that no expert other than one paid by Pfizer could say that being unvaccinated posed a risk to others who are vaccinated, and the government could also say that if it is proven that an unvaccinated person, only by being unvaccinated, harmed a vaccinated person, he/she would have to compensate the victim proportionately...
        Last edited by Dilip Panjwani; Saturday, 12th November, 2022, 10:43 PM.


        • #19
          Responding to Dr. Dilip Panjwani:
          Hi Dilip,
          Thanks for your input. I hope you are doing well.
          PM Justin Trudeau avoided this course of action, which you proposed, since he would have set a precedent, by meeting with an outlier rebel fringe group, which was NOT REPRESENTATIVE of the much larger (100,000+ members) Canadian truckers' associations. That is how politics and protocol work at the top, perhaps unfortunately. I think he was correct to act as he did, by avoiding a meeting at that time, since otherwise he (and subsequent PMs) would forever into the future be criticized for NOT meeting with every non-representative association with a grievance. NOW, if there had been an OFFICIALLY representative leadership of the much larger truckers' group, then he would have been much better advised to meet with that leadership, and he may have in fact done so.
          Remember that certain elements of the blockaders outlined in advance, just before the blockade began, and subsequently, their plans to, in effect, DEPOSE the elected Canadian leadership over this issue.
          Note also that Ontario Premier Doug Ford called up extensive security, to protect the Queen's Park government complex in downtown Toronto, from a similar occupation there, when the Ottawa blockades began, in late January 2022. No blockade formed at Queen's Park.
          In the larger context, the blockaders were / are a subgroup of 'White Power', as outlined in the first edition of the book by History Professor Kathleen Belew, of Northwestern University, called 'Bring The War Home', which traced the history of the White Power movement in the United States, to the early 2000s. She wrote that book as a professor at the University of Chicago; she has since moved across town to Northwestern. Also, she has since published an expanded second edition of that book (2019), which I have just started reading. Former American President Donald Trump's presidency (2017-2021) has stoked and strengthened this White Power movement on an international scale, and these winter 2022 actions in Canada were the among its first Canadian manifestations.
          PM Justin Trudeau's actions saved lives, in my opinion. Over-reach!? Perhaps. No decision or course of action could have met with universal admiration here.


          • #20
            Originally posted by Frank Dixon View Post
            Responding to Dr. Dilip Panjwani:
            Hi Dilip,
            Thanks for your input. I hope you are doing well.
            PM Justin Trudeau avoided this course of action, which you proposed, since he would have set a precedent, by meeting with an outlier rebel fringe group, which was NOT REPRESENTATIVE of the much larger (100,000+ members) Canadian truckers' associations. That is how politics and protocol work at the top, perhaps unfortunately. I think he was correct to act as he did, by avoiding a meeting at that time, since otherwise he (and subsequent PMs) would forever into the future be criticized for NOT meeting with every non-representative association with a grievance. NOW, if there had been an OFFICIALLY representative leadership of the much larger truckers' group, then he would have been much better advised to meet with that leadership, and he may have in fact done so.
            Remember that certain elements of the blockaders outlined in advance, just before the blockade began, and subsequently, their plans to, in effect, DEPOSE the elected Canadian leadership over this issue.
            Note also that Ontario Premier Doug Ford called up extensive security, to protect the Queen's Park government complex in downtown Toronto, from a similar occupation there, when the Ottawa blockades began, in late January 2022. No blockade formed at Queen's Park.
            In the larger context, the blockaders were / are a subgroup of 'White Power', as outlined in the first edition of the book by History Professor Kathleen Belew, of Northwestern University, called 'Bring The War Home', which traced the history of the White Power movement in the United States, to the early 2000s. She wrote that book as a professor at the University of Chicago; she has since moved across town to Northwestern. Also, she has since published an expanded second edition of that book (2019), which I have just started reading. Former American President Donald Trump's presidency (2017-2021) has stoked and strengthened this White Power movement on an international scale, and these winter 2022 actions in Canada were the among its first Canadian manifestations.
            PM Justin Trudeau's actions saved lives, in my opinion. Over-reach!? Perhaps. No decision or course of action could have met with universal admiration here.
            Originally posted by Frank Dixon View Post
            PM Justin Trudeau avoided this course of action, which you proposed sic since he would have set a precedent, by meeting with an outlier rebel fringe group, which was NOT REPRESENTATIVE of the much larger (100,000+ members) Canadian truckers' associations
            Frank, the movement started with a small group of truckers and quickly gained the support of millions of COVID dissidents around the world. In Canada alone, over 6,000,000 Canadians, despite unjustified persecution, chose to remain uninjected. Furthermore, millions of injected Canadians did it against their will so that they could keep their jobs. To try to tar this group with a false equivalence as supporters of White Power is possibly the most horrific falsehood I have ever seen posted on Chesstalk, and that is saying a lot.

            Trudeau and any Health Canada officials, doctors, and scientists were given the opportunity to hold an open debate about the medical merits of these injections, not with "redneck dim bulbs" but with world-class epidemiologists and doctors that proudly represented the COVID dissidents. They chose not to, unnecessarily prolonging the demonstration. They chose not to because science is not on their side. Something that, just like Trudeau, you conveniently chose to ignore!

            Noteworthy is the fact that injections wane over time as they gradually destroy the innate immune system. At one point, you proclaimed proof of the efficacy of the injection was that a disproportionate number of uninjected progressed to more severe outcomes. You even mentioned your great mathematical skills in arriving at this conclusion. When I showed data that showed that the immune system progressively got weaker over time as the body continues to manufacture cytotoxic spike proteins and the injected group showed a larger proportion of disease progression and deaths, you became very quiet about this new data.

            You sound more like a political hack than a mathematician! You only need to go to excess deaths data around the world post-injection rollout to know that I deal with data and not politics. Trudeau, in my opinion, likely maliciously cost over 70,000 + Canadian lives; he saved no one! If you want absolute scientific and mathematical proof of this, you can send me a direct message.

            "Freedom Convoy' did not pose threat to the security of Canada: CSIS director"


            Click image for larger version  Name:	Screen Shot 2022-11-14 at 1.23.23 PM.png Views:	0 Size:	856.3 KB ID:	222914

            Click image for larger version

Name:	Screen Shot 2022-11-16 at 9.27.11 AM.png
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ID:	222959

            Last edited by Sid Belzberg; Wednesday, 16th November, 2022, 11:55 AM.


            • #21
              Originally posted by Dilip Panjwani View Post

              Hi Frank,
              Don't you think that a simpler way to resolve the issue would have been for Justin to show respect to the Canadian citizens protesting by meeting them immediately, and removing the unnecessary and autocratic mandates that he had imposed upon his own fellow citizens?
              Dilip, I agree 100% with the above.
              "We hang the petty thieves and appoint the great ones to public office." - Aesop
              "Only the dead have seen the end of war." - Plato
              "If once a man indulges himself in murder, very soon he comes to think little of robbing; and from robbing he comes next to drinking and Sabbath-breaking, and from that to incivility and procrastination." - Thomas De Quincey


              • #22
                Originally posted by Peter McKillop View Post

                Dilip, I agree 100% with the above.
                And what a short memory our handsome PM has: When recently asked by India's Modi about why he does not take action against the highly disruptive and murderous Khalistani group, he replied: We respect the rights of protesters!!!

