Trump: Set to declare 2024 presidential bid tonight; will indictments follow soon?

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  • Originally posted by Bob Armstrong View Post
    Trump & The VEEP Pool


    Bob (Anti-Trump - declaring my bias)
    All of Trump's 'sins' can be forgiven if he manages to free America of all Marxist ideas...
    Last edited by Dilip Panjwani; Wednesday, 12th June, 2024, 04:44 AM.


    • Originally posted by Dilip Panjwani View Post

      All of Trump's sins can be forgiven if he manages to free America of all Marxist ideas...
      It's a slippery slope from that statement to this one:

      "All sins can be forgiven if it frees us all of all Marxist ideas."

      More evidence that Libertarianism would put us all in a police state.


      • I fear the acceptance of on the street revolution will ramp up quickly under Libertarianism.

        Libertarianism will drive the wealth/income gap wider than even regulated capitalism. The poor, who have nothing to lose, when oppressed, will start to publicly object.

        As well, as in the wild west days of the nostalgic American saga, crime was rampant, except for regulation by some amazing American Sheriffs.....the gangs ruled.......we've seen them ride into town and have their way with the ordinary city folk. Will be no different with Libertarianism, both on the economic, and social, fronts.

        The plan that the rich will impose austerity on the poor is bound to fail (Listen up Milei).

        The future: Cooperation over Competition; Socialism over Capitalism. It is destined to be. Capitalism is imploding. The world economy has been a mess for the last years. Any recovery is just masking the foundational weakness of Capitalism.

        Bob A


        • This thread is being totally high-jacked...

          Though Trump's pandering to the large corporations/their owners/their CEO's, especially in the fossil fuel industries, is its own form of autocracy/oligarchy.

          Maybe we need, though, to bring some of this to the Democratic Marxism thread?

          Bob A


          • Originally posted by Bob Armstrong View Post
            I fear the acceptance of on the street revolution will ramp up quickly under Libertarianism.

            Libertarianism will drive the wealth/income gap wider than even regulated capitalism. The poor, who have nothing to lose, when oppressed, will start to publicly object.

            As well, as in the wild west days of the nostalgic American saga, crime was rampant, except for regulation by some amazing American Sheriffs.....the gangs ruled.......we've seen them ride into town and have their way with the ordinary city folk. Will be no different with Libertarianism, both on the economic, and social, fronts.

            The plan that the rich will impose austerity on the poor is bound to fail (Listen up Milei).

            The future: Cooperation over Competition; Socialism over Capitalism. It is destined to be. Capitalism is imploding. The world economy has been a mess for the last years. Any recovery is just masking the foundational weakness of Capitalism.

            Bob A
            Dystopia is a characteristic of Marxism, not Libertarianism, Bob, for the simple reason that enforcement of the Natural Law and easy access to capital for all creates Utopia, while oppression of the hard & smart working by the 'entitlement-oriented' leads to unfairness and downfall of Marxist societies, as history has shown repeatedly...
            Last edited by Dilip Panjwani; Wednesday, 12th June, 2024, 04:09 AM.


            • Originally posted by Bob Armstrong View Post

              Though Trump's pandering to the large corporations/their owners/their CEO's, especially in the fossil fuel industries, is its own form of autocracy/oligarchy.

              Bob A
              Just three words for you Bob A. ... Operation Warp Speed ...

              President Trump + Large Corporations = Nobel Peace Prize

              Get over Bob A. ... that mRNA coursing thru your veins is directly ... DIRECTLY ... due to president Trump + Large Corporations.

              So in your humble view lawyer Bob A. ... just how many lives did president Trump + large corporations save???

              A billion? Perhaps 2 billion? More ... ???

              Operation Warp Speed

              Last edited by Neil Frarey; Wednesday, 12th June, 2024, 04:23 AM.


              • Full credit to "Operation Warp Speed".

                Your example is what one calls an "anomaly".

                For your edification:

                anomaly \uh-NAH-muh-lee\ noun. 1 : something different, abnormal, peculiar, or not easily classified : something anomalous. 2 : deviation from the common rule : irregularity.


                Bob A (Anti-capitalist)


                • President Trump knew EXACTLY what do to when the entire world needed a COVID solution.

                  Governments get out of the way ... enable private corporations to do what they do best.

                  That's called Capitalism, Bob A.

                  Did it save your life, too?

                  Did it???

                  Give the guy a Nobel Peace Prize!

                  C'mon man!


                  • Just come out and say it, Bob A. ... president Trump saved my life.

                    Thank you president Trump.

                    Thank you capitalism.


                    • Originally posted by Neil Frarey View Post
                      Just come out and say it, Bob A. ... president Trump saved my life.

                      Thank you president Trump.

                      Thank you capitalism.
                      He is too enslaved by Marxist ideology to be able to do that...


                      • I likely was saved by my mRNA vaccine (I'll take the long-term consequences, if any)......I had COVID-19 somewhat badly, and I am a diabetic senior (Group with the worst mortality stats).

                        Lucky me that for once in human history, mega-corporations managed something beneficial.

                        But I much did they profit off of human, planetary misery? Maybe not totally altruistic? Also seems there may have been some corners cut re safety to get the $$ rolling in?

                        Countries bought a lot of vaccine, that they distributed free (It wasn't the pharmaceutical industry that made it free, was it?)

                        Bob A


                        • Originally posted by Dilip Panjwani View Post

                          Dystopia is a characteristic of Marxism, not Libertarianism, Bob, for the simple reason that enforcement of the Natural Law and easy access to capital for all creates Utopia, while oppression of the hard & smart working by the 'entitlement-oriented' leads to unfairness and downfall of Marxist societies, as history has shown repeatedly...
                          Just stumbled across this article. Looks to me like Libertarians are capable of being just as nasty, cruel, and thoughtless as all the rest of us. Dilip, why should anyone believe that Libertarians are capable of running anything in a non-dystopian fashion? People in general are crap, Dilip.

                          "We hang the petty thieves and appoint the great ones to public office." - Aesop
                          "Only the dead have seen the end of war." - Plato
                          "If once a man indulges himself in murder, very soon he comes to think little of robbing; and from robbing he comes next to drinking and Sabbath-breaking, and from that to incivility and procrastination." - Thomas De Quincey


                          • Originally posted by Peter McKillop View Post

                            Just stumbled across this article. Looks to me like Libertarians are capable of being just as nasty, cruel, and thoughtless as all the rest of us. Dilip, why should anyone believe that Libertarians are capable of running anything in a non-dystopian fashion? People in general are crap, Dilip.

                            Whoever put up that post mocking John McCain, harmed only themselves by losing the goodwill of those who honored McCain. McCain's family should realize that there is no reason for them to be 'in pain' just because there is someone somewhere who thinks that McCain was worth mocking (nobody is entitled to the whole world loving them, as posters on Chesstalk know very well ! ) What Libertarianism will not provide is wiping away of differences of opinion, but it will provide enforcement of the Natural Law, so that if someone really harms you, he will have to adequately compensate you for that...


                            • Originally posted by Bob Armstrong View Post

                              But I much did they profit off of human, planetary misery? Maybe not totally altruistic?

                              Bob A
                              How much did you, throughout your career, profit off the misery of frustrated litigants/defendants? Not totally altruistic, right?


                              • I did not make the profit that the pharmaceutical industry makes.......

                                Otherwise I'd have gotten myself a chess coach a long time ago!

                                So happens, Dilip, that for the last 15 years of my career, I was a salaried lawyer, making much less than most lawyers........why?

                                I was the supervisor of a community legal aid clinic, within a multi-service centre. My clinic was free to those who qualified - myself, another lawyer, 3 paralegals and two legal secretaries.......all free for low-income clients. And our system was touted during my initial career there by none other than Roy McMurtry, then AG in the cabinet of Premier Bill Davis.

                                Bob A (Believes in free legal aid for those who have no ability to pay privately, and who qualify)

