New World Order (NWO), sometimes called the Great Reset

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  • Part 6

    The rise of a technocrat

    Sulzer, a Swiss company whose origins date back to 1834, had first risen to prominence after starting to build compressors in 1906. By 1914, the family-run firm had become part of “three joint-stock companies,” one of which was the official holding company. In the 1930s, Sulzer’s profits would suffer during the Great Depression and, like many businesses at the time, faced disruption and industrial actions from their workers.

    World War II may not have affected Switzerland as much as her neighbours, but the economic boom that was to follow led to Sulzer growing in power and market dominance. In 1966, just before the arrival of Klaus Schwab at Escher-Wyss, the Swiss turbine manufacturers signed a cooperation agreement with the Sulzer brothers in Winterthur. Sulzer and Escher-Wyss would begin to merge in 1966, when Sulzer purchased 53% of the company shares. Escher-Wyss would officially become Sulzer Escher-Wyss AG in 1969 when the last of the shares were acquired by the Sulzer brothers.

    Once the merger had started, Escher-Wyss would begin to be restructured and two of the existing Board Members would be the first to find their service to Escher-Wyss coming to an end. Dr. H. Schindler and W. Stoffel would resign from the Board of Directors now headed by Georg Sulzer and Alfred Schaffner. Dr. Schindler had been a member of the Escher-Wyss Board of Directors for 28 years and had worked alongside Eugen Schwab throughout much of his service. Peter Schmidheiny would later take over as Chairman of the Board of Directors of Escher-Wyss, continuing the Schmidheiny family rule over the company’s executives.

    During the restructuring process, it was decided that Escher-Wyss and Sulzer would concentrate on separate areas of machine engineering with the Escher-Wyss factories primarily work on hydraulic power plant construction, including turbines, storage pumps, reversing machines, closing devices and pipelines, as well as steam turbines, turbo compressors, evaporation systems, centrifuges and machines for the paper and pulp industry. Sulzer would concentrate on the refrigeration industry as well as steam boiler construction and gas turbines.

    On 1 January 1968, the freshly reorganised Sulzer Escher-Wyss AG was rolled out publicly and the company had become streamlined, a move deemed necessary because of several large acquisitions. This included a close collaboration with Brown Boveri, a group of Swiss electric engineering companies who had also worked for the Nazis, supplying the Germans with some of their U-boat technology used during World War II. Brown Boveri was also described as “defence-related electrical contractors” and would find the conditions of the Cold War arms race to be beneficial to their business.

    The merger and reorganisation of these Swiss mechanical engineering giants saw their collaboration pay off in unique ways. During the 1968 Winter Olympics in Grenoble, Sulzer and Escher-Wyss used 8 refrigeration compressors to create tonnes of artificial ice. In 1969, the two firms combined to help in the building of a new passenger ship named “Hamburg”, the first ship in the world to be fully air-conditioned thanks to the Sulzer Escher-Wyss combination.

    In 1967, Klaus Schwab officially burst onto the scene of the Swiss business community and took a lead in the merger between Sulzer and Escher-Wyss, as well as forming profitable alliances with Brown Boveri and others. In December 1967, Klaus would speak at a Zurich event to the top Swiss machine engineering organisations; the Employers Association of Swiss Machine and Metal Manufacturers and the Association of Swiss Machine Manufacturers.

    In his talk, he would correctly predict the importance of incorporating computers into modern Swiss machine engineering, stating that:
    “In 1971, products that are not even on the market today are likely to account for up to a quarter of sales. This requires companies to systematically research possible developments and identify gaps in the market. Today, 18 of the 20 largest companies in our machine industry have planning departments that are entrusted with such tasks. Of course, everyone has to make use of the latest technological advances, and the computer is one of them. The many small and medium-sized companies in our machine industry take the path of cooperation or use the services of special data processing service providers.”

    Computers and data were obviously seen as important to the future, according to Schwab, and this was further projected in the reorganisation of Sulzer Escher-Wyss during their merger. Sulzer’s modern website reflects this noteworthy change in direction, stating that, in 1968: “Material technology activities are intensified [by Sulzer] and form the basis for medical technology products. The fundamental change from a machine-building company to a technology corporation starts to become apparent.”

    Klaus Schwab was helping to turn Sulzer Escher-Wyss into something more than just a machine building giant, he was transforming them into a technology corporation driving at high speed into a hi-tech future. It should also be noted that Sulzer Escher-Wyss changed another focus of their business to help them “form the basis for medical technology products,” an area not previously mentioned as a target industry for Sulzer and/or Escher-Wyss.

    But technological advancement wasn’t the only upgrade Klaus Schwab wanted to introduce at Sulzer Escher-Wyss, he also wanted to change how the company thought about their business managerial style. Schwab and his close associates were pushing an entirely new business philosophy which would allow “all employees to accept the imperatives of motivation and to ensure at home a sense of flexibility and manoeuvrability.”

    It is here in the late 1960s where we see Klaus begin to emerge as a more public figure. At this time, the Sulzer Escher-Wyss company also became more interested in engaging with the press than ever before. In January 1969, the Swiss giants setup a public advisory session entitled the “Press Day of the Machine Industry“, which mainly concerned questions on company management. During the event, Schwab would state that companies using authoritarian styles of business management are “unable to fully activate the ‘human capital’”, an argument he would use on many separate occasions during the late 1960s.


    • Part 7

      Plutonium and Pretoria

      Escher-Wyss were pioneers in some of the most important tech in power generation. As the US Department of Energy points out in their paper on Supercritical CO2 Brayton Cycle Development (CBC), a device used in hydro and nuclear power plants, “Escher-Wyss was the first company known to develop the turbomachinery for CBC systems starting in 1939.” Going on to state that 24 systems were built, “with Escher-Wyss designing the power conversion cycles and building the turbomachinery for all but 3”. By 1966, just before the entrance of Schwab into Escher-Wyss and the start of the Sulzer merger, the Escher-Wyss helium compressor was designed for the La Fleur Corporation and continued the evolution of the Brayton Cycle Development. This technology was still of importance to the arms industry by 1986, with nuclear powered drones being equipped with a helium-cooled Brayton cycle nuclear reactor.

      Escher-Wyss had been involved with manufacturing and installing nuclear technology at least as early as 1962, as shown by this patent for a “heat exchange arrangement for a nuclear power plant” and this patent from 1966 for a “nuclear reactor gas-turbine plant with emergency cooling”. After Schwab left Sulzer Escher-Wyss, Sulzer would also help to develop special turbocompressors for uranium enrichment to yield reactor fuels.

      When Klaus Schwab joined Sulzer Escher-Wyss in 1967 and started the reorganisation of the company to be a technology corporation, the involvement of Sulzer Escher-Wyss in the darker aspects of the global nuclear arms race became immediately more pronounced. Before Klaus became involved, Escher-Wyss had often concentrated on helping design and build parts for civilian uses of nuclear technology, e.g. nuclear power generation. Yet, with the arrival of the eager Mr. Schwab also came the company’s participation in the illegal proliferation of nuclear weapons technology. By 1969, the incorporation of Escher Wyss into Sulzer was fully completed and they would be rebranded into Sulzer AG, dropping the historic name Escher-Wyss from their name.

      It was eventually revealed, thanks to a review and report carried out by the Swiss authorities and a man named Peter Hug, that Sulzer Escher-Wyss began secretly procuring and building key parts for nuclear weapons during the 1960s. The company, while Schwab was on the board, also began playing a critical key role in the development of South Africa’s illegal nuclear weapons programme during the darkest years of the apartheid regime. Klaus Schwab was a leading figure in the founding of a company culture which helped Pretoria build six nuclear weapons and partially assemble a seventh.

      In the report, Peter Hug outlined how Sulzer Escher Wyss AG (referred to post-merger as just Sulzer AG) had supplied vital components to the South African government and found evidence of Germany’s role in supporting the racist regime, also revealing that the Swiss government “was aware of illegal deals but ‘tolerated them in silence’ while supporting some of them actively or criticised them only half-heartedly”. Hug’s report was eventually finalised in a work entitled: “Switzerland and South Africa 1948-1994 – Final Report of the NFP 42+ commissioned by the Swiss Federal Council” which was compiled and written by Georg Kreis and published in 2007.

      By 1967, South Africa had constructed a reactor as part of a plan to produce plutonium, the SAFARI-2 located at Pelindaba. SAFARI-2 was part of a project to develop a reactor moderated by heavy water which would be fuelled by natural uranium and cooled using sodium. This link to developing heavy water for the creation of uranium, the same technology which had been utilised by the Nazis also with the help of Escher-Wyss, may explain why South Africans initially got Escher-Wyss involved. But by 1969, South Africa abandoned the heavy water reactor project at Pelindaba because it was draining resources from their uranium enrichment program that had first begun in 1967.

      In 1970, Escher-Wyss were definitely deeply involved with nuclear technology, as seen in a record available in the Landesarchivs Baden-Württemberg. The record shows details of a public procurement process and contains information about award talks with specific companies involved in the procurement of nuclear technology and materials. The companies cited include: NUKEM; Uhde; Krantz; Preussag; Escher-Wyss; Siemens; Rheintal; Leybold; Lurgi; and the infamous Transnuklear.

      The Swiss and South Africans had a close relationship through this period of history, when it was hardly easy for the brutal South African regime to find close allies. By 4 November 1977, the United Nations Security Council had enacted resolution 418 which imposed a mandatory arms embargo against South Africa, an embargo that wouldn’t be fully lifted until 1994.

      Georg Kreis pointed out the following in his detailed assessment of the Hug report:
      “The fact that the authorities assumed a laisse-faire attitude even after May 1978 comes to the fore in an exchange of letters between the Anti-Apartheid Movement and the DFMA in October/December 1978. As the study by Hug explicates, the Anti-Apartheid Movement of Switzerland pointed to German reports according to which Sulzer Escher-Wyss and a company called BBC had supplied parts for the South African uranium enrichment plant, and to repeated credits to ESCOM, which also included considerable contributions by Swiss banks. These assertions led to questions of whether the Federal Council – in light of fundamental support of the UN embargo, ought not to instigate the National Bank to stop authorising credits for ESCOM in the future.”

      Swiss banks would help to fund the South African race to nukes and, by 1986, Sulzer Escher-Wyss were successfully producing special compressors for uranium enrichment.
      The Founding of the World Economic Forum

      In 1970, the young upstart, Klaus Schwab wrote to the European Commission and asked for help in setting up a “non-commercial think tank for European business leaders”. The European Commission would sponsor the event as well, sending French politician Raymond Barre to act as the forum’s “intellectual mentor”. Raymond Barre, who was at that time European Commissioner for Economic and Financial Affairs, would later go on to become French PM and would be accused of making anti-Semitic comments while in office.

      So, in 1970, Schwab left Escher Wyss to organise a two-week business managerial conference. In 1971, the first meeting of the World Economic Forum – then called the European Management Symposium – convened in Davos, Switzerland. Around 450 participants from 31 countries would take part in Schwab’s first European Management Symposium, mostly made up of managers from various European companies, politicians, and US academics. The project was recorded as organised by Klaus Schwab and his secretary Hilde Stoll who, later the same year, would become Klaus Schwab’s wife.

      Klaus’s European symposium was not an original idea. As writer Ganga Jey Aratnam stated quite coherently in 2018:
      “Klaus Schwab’s “Spirit of Davos” was also the “Spirit of Harvard”. Not only had the business school advocated the idea of a symposium. Prominent Harvard economist John Kenneth Galbraith championed the affluent society as well as capitalism’s planning needs and the rapprochement of East and West.”

      It was also true that, as Aratnam also pointed out, this was not the first time Davos had hosted such events. Between 1928 and 1931, the Davos University Conferences took place at the Hotel Belvédère, events which were co-founded by Albert Einstein and were only halted by the Great Depression and the threat of looming war.


      • Part 8

        The Club of Rome and the WEF

        The most influential group that spurred the creation of Klaus Schwab’s symposium was the Club of Rome, an influential think tank of the scientific and monied elite that mirrors the World Economic Forum in many ways, including in its promotion of a global governance model led by a technocratic elite. The Club had been founded in 1968 by Italian industrialist Aurelio Peccei and Scottish chemist Alexander King during a private meeting at a residence owned by the Rockefeller family in Bellagio, Italy.

        Among its first accomplishments was a 1972 book entitled “The Limits to Growth” that largely focused on global overpopulation, warning that “if the world’s consumption patterns and population growth continued at the same high rates of the time, the earth would strike its limits within a century.” At the third meeting of the World Economic Forum in 1973, Peccei delivered a speech summarizing the book, which the World Economic Forum website remembers as having been the distinguishing event of this historical meeting. That same year, the Club of Rome would publish a report detailing an “adaptive” model for global governance that would divide the world into ten, inter-connected economic/political regions.

        The Club of Rome was long controversial for its obsession with reducing the global population and many of its earlier policies, which critics described as influenced by eugenics and neo-Malthusian. However, in the Club’s infamous 1991 Book, The First Global Revolution, it was argued that such policies could gain popular support if the masses were able to link them with an existential fight against a common enemy.

        To that effect, The First Global Revolution contains a passage entitled “The common enemy of humanity is Man”, which states the following:
        “In searching for a common enemy against whom we can unite, we came up with the idea that pollution, the threat of global warming, water shortages, famine and the like, would fit the bill. In their totality and their interactions these phenomena do constitute a common threat which must be confronted by everyone together. But in designating these dangers as the enemy, we fall into the trap, which we have already warned readers about, namely mistaking symptoms for causes. All these dangers are caused by human intervention in natural processes, and it is only through changed attitudes and behaviour that they can be overcome. The real enemy then is humanity itself.”

        In the years since, the elite that populate the Club of Rome and the World Economic Forum have frequently argued that population control methods are essential to protecting the environment. It is thus unsurprising that the World Economic Forum would similarly use the issues of climate and environment as a way to market otherwise unpopular policies, such as those of the Great Reset, as necessary.
        The Past is Prologue

        Since the founding of the World Economic Forum, Klaus Schwab has become one of the most powerful people in the world and his Great Reset has made it more important than ever to scrutinize the man sitting on the globalist throne.

        Given his prominent role in the far-reaching effort to transform every aspect of the existing order, Klaus Schwab’s history was difficult to research. When you start to dig into the history of a man like Schwab, who sits aloft other shadowy elite movers and shakers, you soon find lots of information has been hidden or removed. Klaus is somebody who wants to stay hidden in the shadowy corners of society and who will only allow the average person to see a well-presented construct of their chosen persona.

        Is the real Klaus Schwab a kindly old uncle figure wishing to do good for humanity, or is he really the son of a Nazi collaborator who used slave labour and helped the Nazi efforts to obtain the first atomic bomb? Is Klaus the honest business manager who we should trust to create a fairer society and workplace for the common man, or is he the person who helped push Sulzer Escher-Wyss into a technological revolution that led to its role in the illegal creation of nuclear weapons for South Africa’s racist apartheid regime? The evidence I have looked at does not suggest a kindly man, but rather a member of a wealthy, well-connected family that has a history of helping create weapons of mass destruction for aggressive, racist governments.

        As Klaus Schwab said in 2006 “Knowledge will soon be available everywhere – I call it the ‘googlisation’ of globalisation. It’s not what you know any more, it’s how you use it. You have to be a pace setter.” Klaus Schwab considers himself to be a pace setter and a top table player, and it must be said that his qualifications and experience are impressive. Yet, when it comes to practising what you preach, Klaus has been found out. One of the three biggest challenges on the priority list for the World Economic Forum is the non-proliferation of nuclear weapons, yet neither Klaus Schwab nor his father Eugen lived up to those same principles when they were in business. Quite the opposite.

        In January, Klaus Schwab announced that 2021 is the year that the World Economic Forum and its allies must “rebuild trust” with the masses. However, if Schwab continues to hide his history and that of his father’s connections to the “National Socialist Model Company” that was Escher-Wyss during the 1930s and 1940s, then people will have good reason to distrust the underlying motivations of his overreaching, undemocratic Great Reset agenda.

        In the case of the Schwabs, the evidence doesn’t point at simply poor business practices or some sort of misunderstanding. The story of the Schwab family instead reveals a habit of working with genocidal dictators for the base motives of profit and power. The Nazis and the South African apartheid regime are two of the worst examples of leadership in modern politics, yet the Schwabs obviously couldn’t or wouldn’t see that at the time.

        In the case of Klaus Schwab himself, it appears that he has helped to launder relics of the Nazi era, i.e. its nuclear ambitions and its population control ambitions, so as to ensure the continuity of a deeper agenda. While serving in a leadership capacity at Sulzer Escher Wyss, the company sought to aid the nuclear ambitions of the South African regime, then the most Nazi adjacent government in the world, preserving Escher Wyss’ own Nazi era legacy. Then, through the World Economic Forum, Schwab has helped to rehabilitate eugenics-influenced population control policies during the post-World War II era, a time when the revelations of Nazi atrocities quickly brought the pseudo-science into great disrepute. Is there any reason to believe that Klaus Schwab, as he exists today, has changed in anyway? Or is he still the public face of a decades-long effort to ensure the survival of a very old agenda?

        The last question that should be asked about the real motivations behind the actions of Herr Schwab, may be the most important for the future of humanity: Is Klaus Schwab trying to create the Fourth Industrial Revolution, or is he trying to create the Fourth Reich?


        • Hi Sid:

          Thanks for your understanding.

          1. Video Movie/Interview - The Great Awakening (1 hr. 42 min.) - Sorry I got the wrong movie. I had trouble starting your link, and so I found it on You-Tube:

          2. Naomi Wolfe lecture video (1 hr. 10 min.) - - In fact I now realize that I started watching this video when you first posted it. But I ran into my problem. Also, with all due respect to her intelligence and her documentation, I did find her a bit glib on important concerns.........the answers are not so simple. But, nonetheless, I will try again. If she is concerned about the NWO/GR problem, then she is at least in the right/correct camp.

          These will take me a while.

          Bob A (Anti-NWO)


          • Genetics and Evil

            The sins of the Father should not be visited on the Son..........see below

            Ezek.18 - Bible, King James Version

            "The son shall not bear the iniquity of the father, neither shall the father bear the iniquity of the son: the righteousness of the righteous shall be upon him, and the wickedness of the wicked shall be upon him."

            Bob A (Theist)


            • Originally posted by Bob Armstrong View Post
              Genetics and Evil

              The sins of the Father should not be visited on the Son..........see below

              Ezek.18 - Bible, King James Version

              "The son shall not bear the iniquity of the father, neither shall the father bear the iniquity of the son: the righteousness of the righteous shall be upon him, and the wickedness of the wicked shall be upon him."

              Bob A (Theist)
              Indeed Klaus Schwab kept the family-owned armaments business built on slave labor (Hitler had awarded medals for running a "model company") thriving even after WW2 showing astounding profits with activities by Klauss that included procuring nuclear weapons for the apartheid regime of South Africa.
              The origins of the WEF, including The Club of Roman Depopulation fanatics, are quite interesting.
              Yes Klauss Schwab did an excellent job of continuing the family's Nazi Tradition.

              Exodus 34:7

              ...keeping steadfast love for thousands, forgiving iniquity and transgression and sin, but who will by no means clear the guilty, visiting the iniquity of the fathers on the children and the children's children, to the third and the fourth generation."
              Last edited by Sid Belzberg; Thursday, 17th August, 2023, 04:18 PM.


              • Re World Economic Forum (WEF)

                Click image for larger version

Name:	Wolf (In Sheep's Clothing).jpg
Views:	97
Size:	15.4 KB
ID:	228436

                Many of influence participate in this very successful private organization and its activities. There are bad apples in every group.

                Recognizing a wolf in sheep's clothing is not always easy.

                Bob A (Anti-NWO)


                • Originally posted by Bob Armstrong View Post
                  Re World Economic Forum (WEF)

                  Click image for larger version  Name:	Wolf (In Sheep's Clothing).jpg Views:	0 Size:	15.4 KB ID:	228436

                  Many of influence participate in this very successful private organization and its activities. There are bad apples in every group.

                  Recognizing a wolf in sheep's clothing is not always easy.

                  Bob A (Anti-NWO)

                  I truly consider Dilip and his Libertarian propaganda to be behaving like a wolf in sheep's clothing.

                  He makes LIbertarianism out to be the political panacea for all the world's political ills. Then we come to find out it requires 24/7 digital surveillance of every citizen, including not just video but audio as well. Even before this disclosure, it was obvious that Libertarianism requires a supposedly "benevolent" overseer to make decisions based on Natural Law, to impose penalties where harm has occurred.

                  But in order to make those decisions, it is necessary to know all facts of the case, and that's where the 24/7 surveillance comes in. Dilip conveniently left this information out over the past several months but finally he was forced to confess it in the face of my questions
                  Last edited by Pargat Perrer; Friday, 18th August, 2023, 03:59 AM.


                  • Libertarian Statements Generally Accepted by Libertarians among CT'ers here

                    Statement # 8
                    (Proposed by Pargat Perrer - see Note below)

                    Libertarianism will employ 24/7 digital surveillance of every citizen in public spaces, including not just video but audio as well. This will help Natural Law enforcement to have the facts necessary to make discretionary decisions on whether to lay charges for breach of the Natural Law or other laws. It will also provide needed evidence for court hearings, where the issue is whether the Natural Law provided an exemption for non-compliance. This is seen as a necessary over-ride of the citizen's right of privacy and freedom from surveillance.

                    [Note: As group secretary, I am attempting to extract a Statement from the recent post # 218 (23/8/18) of Pargat Perrer. Pargat is free to revise my draft here as he needs to, to make it his own, if mine fails to capture it. As well, he can post any future Statement on his own, in this format for Proposed Statements, as can any member of the group.]


                    If the proposed Statement is not "Challenged" as not accurately representing the Libertarian view, within one week (Deadline: Friday, 23/8/25 @ 11:59 PM EDT), then it will be "generally accepted" by Libertarians in this CT'er group, and inserted in the list of Statements generally acceptable to the Libertarians here.

                    [Note: At this point, in Phase I, we are attempting to achieve an accurate Libertarian policy Statement. Opposition to this Statement as not being factual/beneficial will occur during Phase II.]

                    Bob A (As Group Secretary)
                    Last edited by Bob Armstrong; Friday, 18th August, 2023, 06:42 AM.


                    • World Economic Forum (WEF)

                      Click image for larger version  Name:	WEF.jpg Views:	0 Size:	11.8 KB ID:	228441

                      Sid Belzberg Post # 206 (23/8/17) - "A History of Nazi WEF leader Klaus Schwab AKA "Benevolent tyrant" as per Bob A."

                      My Response (Post # 220 - 23/8/18)

                      What I stated (I hope) was that the WEF had goals for humanity that were "benevolent" (For the future good of humanity).

                      And I stated that the WEF appears to be a vehicle for implementing what is called the New World Order (NWO) - I said that this would lead to a "Benevolent" Authoritarian regime, the creation of which I opposed.

                      I also noted that there were anti-social elements involved in the WEF who had the covert agenda of making themselves the Dictators in this future society, but that this was not the majority position of those many good people involved in the WEF.

                      Nowhere have I ever taken, to my knowledge, a position on the Chairman of the WEF, Klaus Schwab (It is Sid that has made his judgment).


                      Klaus Martin Schwab is a German engineer, economist, and founder of the World Economic Forum. He has acted as the WEF's chairman since founding the organisation in 1971.
                      2. I have read Sid's posts of the article by JOHNNY VEDMORE (21/2/20)

                      Bob A (Anti-NWO)
                      Last edited by Bob Armstrong; Friday, 18th August, 2023, 07:18 AM.


                      • Originally posted by Bob Armstrong View Post
                        Libertarian Statements Generally Accepted by Libertarians among CT'ers here

                        Statement # 8
                        (Proposed by Pargat Perrer - see Note below)

                        Libertarianism will employ 24/7 digital surveillance of every citizen in public spaces, including not just video but audio as well. This will help Natural Law enforcement to have the facts necessary to make discretionary decisions on whether to lay charges for breach of the Natural Law or other laws. It will also provide needed evidence for court hearings, where the issue is whether the Natural Law provided an exemption for non-compliance. This is seen as a necessary over-ride of the citizen's right of privacy and freedom from surveillance.

                        [Note: As group secretary, I am attempting to extract a Statement from the recent post # 218 (23/8/18) of Pargat Perrer. Pargat is free to revise my draft here as he needs to, to make it his own, if mine fails to capture it. As well, he can post any future Statement on his own, in this format for Proposed Statements, as can any member of the group.]


                        If the proposed Statement is not "Challenged" as not accurately representing the Libertarian view, within one week (Deadline: Friday, 23/8/25 @ 11:59 PM EDT), then it will be "generally accepted" by Libertarians in this CT'er group, and inserted in the list of Statements generally acceptable to the Libertarians here.

                        [Note: At this point, in Phase I, we are attempting to achieve an accurate Libertarian policy Statement. Opposition to this Statement as not being factual/beneficial will occur during Phase II.]

                        Bob A (As Group Secretary)
                        Hi Bob,
                        We already have 24 7 digital monitoring independent of which party is in power. I fail to see any distinction for Dillip's Liibertarian ideas.
                        Last edited by Sid Belzberg; Friday, 18th August, 2023, 08:00 AM.


                        • Re Sid Belzberg Post # 221 (23/8/18)

                          "We already have 24 7 digital monitoring independent of which party is in power."

                          My Response

                          What you say may be true. But we are here just dealing with Libertarian positions, and it is important that they clearly state that this is Libertarian policy, regardless of whether it is also a policy of all other political parties on the planet......the other parties (Canadian Liberal Government/NDP Supported) don't put it in their policy booklets! We'll try to make Libertarians do this .

                          Bob A (As Group Secretary)


                          • Part 1
                            Originally posted by Bob Armstrong View Post
                            World Economic Forum (WEF)

                            Click image for larger version  Name:	WEF.jpg Views:	2 Size:	11.8 KB ID:	228441

                            Sid Belzberg Post # 206 (23/8/17) - "A History of Nazi WEF leader Klaus Schwab AKA "Benevolent tyrant" as per Bob A."

                            My Response (Post # 220 - 23/8/18)

                            What I stated (I hope) was that the WEF had goals for humanity that were "benevolent" (For the future good of humanity).

                            And I stated that the WEF appears to be a vehicle for implementing what is called the New World Order (NWO) - I said that this would lead to a "Benevolent" Authoritarian regime, the creation of which I opposed.

                            I also noted that there were anti-social elements involved in the WEF who had the covert agenda of making themselves the Dictators in this future society, but that this was not the majority position of those many good people involved in the WEF.

                            Nowhere have I ever taken, to my knowledge, a position on the Chairman of the WEF, Klaus Schwab (It is Sid that has made his judgment).

                            Note: Wikipedia:
                            Klaus Martin Schwab is a German engineer, economist, and founder of the World Economic Forum. He has acted as the WEF's chairman since founding the organisation in 1971.

                            Bob A (Anti-NWO)
                            Bob there has been nothing benevolent about this organization since its founding in 1971 that was promoting depopulation based on long debunked Malthusian theories espoused by its sister organization the Club of Rome started in 1969. These organizations were established by the CIA. Henry Kissinger in fact recruited Klaus Schwab to start the WEF. Your word "appears" is the operative word.
                            Th CCP has infiltrated and taken control of this organizatiom sometime ago and indeed the largest annual meetings take place not in Davos Switzerland any more but now in Beijing and other places in China.

                            Bill Gates who is very close to the CCP and is the largest individual funder of the WHO all have a long history of mass poisoning under the guise of "vaccination". The problem is mass sterilzation without informed consent that goes against all medical accords including the declaration of Helsinki. The tragic example of the mass sterilization in Kenya iwith mass sterilizations and no informed consent comes to mind.

                            Bil Gates presided over the mass polio vacination program in India in the early 2000s and this was the result: 491000(!) children paralysed He has been charged with mass poisoning in India long beforethe Pandemic.

                            Many of the World leaders have been installed around the World courtesy of the CCP and indeed Klauss Schwab brags about the infiltration of his organization into cabinet positions around the World including his "Young WEf Global leader" Justin Trudeau and his sidekick Cynthia Freeland deputy prime minister who is also deputy director of the WEF.

                            Bill Gates Borris Johson, Ricci Sunak, Emanuel Macron, Mark Rutte, Angel Merkyl, Vladimir Putin etc....all trained "Young Global Leaders" of the WEF. The 21st century equivalent of the Hitler Youth. They have now presided over the greatest mass poisoning in human history with the so called vaccines that are not vaccines in any way shape or form.

                            The next goal is the climate change scam as a means of inducing mass fammine around the World as they have aslready demonstrated in Sri Lanka.
                            One thing you may have noticed about me is that I never make any statements lightly without having massive evidence to back them up.


                            HCG Found in WHO Tetanus Vaccine in Kenya Raises Concern in the Developing World

                            In 1993, WHO announced a “birth-control vaccine” for “family planning”. Published research shows that by 1976 WHO researchers had conjugated tetanus toxoid (TT) with human chorionic gonadotropin (hCG) producing a “birth-control” vaccine. Conjugating TT with hCG causes pregnancy hormones to be attacked by the immune system. Expected results are abortions in females already pregnant and/or infertility in recipients not yet impregnated. Repeated inoculations prolong infertility. Currently WHO researchers are working on more potent anti-fertility vaccines using recombinant DNA. WHO publications show a long-range purpose to reduce population growth in unstable “less developed countries”. By November 1993 Catholic publications appeared saying an abortifacient vaccine was being used as a tetanus prophylactic. In November 2014, the Catholic Church asserted that such a program was underway in Kenya. Three independent Nairobi accredited biochemistry laboratories tested samples from vials of the WHO tetanus vaccine being used in March 2014 and found hCG where none should be present. In October 2014, 6 additional vials were obtained by Catholic doctors and were tested in 6 accredited laboratories. Again, hCG was found in half the samples. Subsequently, Nairobi’s AgriQ Quest laboratory, in two sets of analyses, again found hCG in the same vaccine vials that tested positive earlier but found no hCG in 52 samples alleged by the WHO to be vials of the vaccine used in the Kenya campaign 40 with the same identifying batch numbers as the vials that tested positive for hCG. Given that hCG was found in at least half the WHO vaccine samples known by the doctors involved in administering the vaccines to have been used in Kenya, our opinion is that the Kenya “anti-tetanus” campaign was reasonably called into question by the Kenya Catholic Doctors Association as a front for population growth reduction.

                            The problem is mass sterilzation without informed consent that goes against all medical accords including the declartion of Helsinki.

                            Bil Gates presided over the mass polio vacination program in India in the early 2000s and this was the result: He has been charged with mass poisoning in India long before
                            the Pandemic.

                            Last edited by Sid Belzberg; Friday, 18th August, 2023, 08:06 AM.


                            • Part 2

                              Correlation between Non-Polio Acute Flaccid Paralysis Rates with Pulse Polio Frequency in India



                              The last case of polio from India was reported in 2011. That year, the non-polio acute flaccid paralysis (NPAFP) rate in India was 13.35/100,000, where the expected rate is 1–2/100,000. A previous study of data from 2000 to 2010 has detailed the NPAFP rate in a state correlated with the pulse polio rounds conducted there, and the strongest correlation with the NPAFP rate was found when the number of doses from the previous 4 years were used. However, a simple association being found with regression analysis does not prove a causal relationship. After publication of those findings, as the threat of polio had lessened, the number of rounds of OPV administration was brought down. The present study has been done to look at data till the end of 2017, to see if the incidence of NPAFP declined with this reduction in polio immunization rounds. We used polio surveillance data acquired by the Government of India from 2000–2017. Correlation of the NAFP rate to the number of polio rounds in the state was examined, and the cumulative effect of polio doses administered in previous years was sought. NPAFP rate correlated with the OPV pulse polio rounds in that year (R = 0.46; p < 0.001), and the NPAFP rate started to decrease from 2012 when the number of pulse polio rounds had decreased. NPAFP rates in the states of Uttar Pradesh (UP) and Bihar were the highest in the country. Looking at the high-NPAFP states of UP and Bihar, we found that the correlation coefficient was strongest when doses used over 5 years was considered (R = 0.76; p < 0.001). The response to the reduction in OPV rounds (de-challenging) adds credence to the assumption that OPV was responsible for the change in the NPAFP rate. Now that India has been polio-free for over 6 years, we propose that we may be able to reduce NPAFP by further reducing pulse polio rounds.
                              Keywords: polio surveillance, AFP, oral polio vaccine, non-polio acute flaccid paralysis, Guillain Barre Syndrome

                              1. Introduction

                              Surveillance of polio is complicated, due to the fact that 99% of those infected do not exhibit paralysis [1]. Given this obscure presentation of polio, it is vital that all cases of acute flaccid paralysis (AFP) are studied to ensure that they are successfully surveilled. In India, active poliomyelitis and AFP surveillance began in 1997 [2].
                              For polio surveillance purposes, a diagnosis of AFP is defined as any patient <15 years of age with acute onset flaccid paralysis, or a patient of any age in whom a clinician suspects polio [3]. Those with other, more obvious causes (like trauma) are excluded [4]. Short-lived paralysis, as with Todd’s paresis, are excluded [5]. Marx et al. have reviewed and listed the causes of non-polio AFP [6]. Stool specimen testing was used to try and separate the true cases of polio AFP from that of non-polio AFP (NPAFP) [3]. It was expected that conducting surveillance in this way would help identify reservoirs of wild poliovirus transmission and provide evidence that wild polio transmission was not occurring [7].
                              AFP surveillance data from America shows that there were 1975 cases of AFP reported in 2017, corresponding to an AFP rate of 1.17 cases per a population of 100,000 [8]. Internationally, the incidence of NPAFP is 1 to 2/100,000 in the under-15 population [6,9]. In the absence of wild polio transmission, it was expected that the AFP rate would reduce to around 2/100,000, which is considered an acceptable NPAFP rate [10].
                              The surveillance quality indicators from India show that surveillance has been exemplary, and the last case of polio reported was in 2011 [11]. However, the anticipated fall in the AFP rate to 2 per 100,000 has not yet materialized.
                              Analysis of data over 10 years (from 2000 to 2010) showed that the NPAFP rate increased nationally during this time [12]. The NPAFP rate in 2010 was 12/100,000, which was some way away from the expected number of 2/100,000. It has been reported that in 2005 there was a sharp increase in the national NPAFP rate, which coincided with the introduction of a high-potency monovalent vaccine that contained 5 times the number of Type 1 viruses, compared to that contained in the previously used vaccine [13]. The NPAFP rate, which was 3.11/100,000 in 2004, more than doubled (to 6.43/100,000) in 2005.
                              Some states had a higher rate of NPAFP than others. In 2011, the NPAFP rate in UP and Bihar was 25/100,000 and 35/100,000 respectively.
                              Pulse polio immunisation refers to periodically vaccinating all children under the age of five years against the polio virus (in a defined region) for the purposes of eliminating the virus. The NPAFP rate in the states over the years was examined, and it was found that the number of pulse polio rounds conducted had a high correlation with the NPAFP rate in the state. There was no association with other socioeconomic factors of the state, such as literacy levels, population density, or income per capita [12]. In one of the years (2011) there were an additional 47,500 children with paralysis [12] which was over and above the assumed NPAFP rate of 2/100,000 [6,9].
                              It has been suggested that the rise in the recorded rates of NPAFP was an artifact related to over-enthusiastic reporting promoted by the government’s efforts to improve surveillance [14]. An analysis in 2005 showed that where one-fifth of the cases of NPAFP were followed up at 60 days (in the state of UP), 8.5% of them had died, and 35% were found to have been left with residual paralysis [15]. Sathyamala analysis of NPAFP data from UP found that the mortality rate in patients with NPAFP was twice the mortality rate for wild polio [16]. This suggests that the recorded cases of NPAFP were not just instances of exaggerated reporting.
                              It is crucial to note that a mere association with regression analyses does not prove a causal relationship. Aggregated variables examining cross-sectional data which have no bearing on what happens to individuals can result in ecological fallacies, and necessitates more in-depth analyses. De-challenging after challenging is one way to test for a causative relationship. In de-challenging, the suspected offending agent is withdrawn, or its dose reduced, which should result in the amelioration of the adverse event [17].
                              After the publication of the findings reported above [12], because the threat of polio had receded, the number of polio doses administered to children each year was gradually reduced from 2012. The present analysis was done looking at present data till 31 December 2017, to see whether the reduction in the number of doses of OPV administered in recent years was associated with a decline in the reported NPAFP rates. This would add strength to the likelihood of a causative association.

                              "there were an additional 491,000 paralyzed children above our expected numbers for children with NPAFP."

                              Last edited by Sid Belzberg; Friday, 18th August, 2023, 08:04 AM.


                              • Originally posted by Sid Belzberg View Post

                                Hi Bob,
                                We already have 24 7 digital monitoring independent of which party is in power. I fail to see any distinction for Dillip's Liibertarian ideas.
                                Sid, what we have now is nothing compared to what Dilip is saying will be necessary. Dilip made it clear that the problem with the justice system of today is not that we need myriad laws, but rather that the pertinent facts of the cases have to be established. And he mentioned that an escalation of digital surveillance would be necessary to accomplish this.

                                Really think hard about how much digital surveillance a society would need in order to ALWAYS know all the pertinent facts about any complaint of violation of the Natural Law. For one thing, we need microphones recording everything we say, no matter where we are, even in a public washroom. Even sitting at a bar having a drink with someone. Even lying in bed with our significant other(s).

                                Literally every snippet of conversation we have MUST be recorded for possible download to the Benevolent Overseer of the Natural Law. And where we have audio recording, we must also have video.

