Democratic Marxism

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  • Dilip:

    I have my answers based on all the info put forward in the various CT threads that have brought up this issue.

    I am asking where other CT'ers are, in addition to Sid and you, if they care to comment.

    And maybe some other CT'ers have questions they'd like answered to help them make their own decision (They may not have read all the voluminous prior material, or have and feel their question has not yet been dealt with).

    This is an ongoing open conversation, where all are trying to learn, and then decide.

    Bob A


    • Originally posted by Neil Frarey View Post

      Just curious ... in your myopic personal opinion how should Individual Prosperity occur?

      And what would be the fertile ground for such an occurrence?

      So for example ... if I have an Idea and bring that idea to life ... does it belong to you ... or does that prosperity belong to me???

      Who owns prosperity?

      What a ridiculous question ... meant only to muddy the waters.

      And I note ... first you say "individual prosperity" ... and then you say "PROSPERITY" meaning in a more general sense. You can't even get your terms consistent.

      In your pathetic snot-nosed example ... (I say that because while you view me as myopic, I view you as a snot-nose) ... you ask if an individual bringing an idea to life owns the "prosperity" he produced ... which might actually be negative, by the way. His idea may have been less than nothing.

      But just to make a point, let's say we unanimously decree that such individual owns the "prosperity" LOL of his or her idea. Guess what, that helps to DEFINE prosperity. Because prosperity then becomes defined as the result of any individual's actions. So then we have an economy driven by personal ideas. Driven by ideas like the Pet Rock, by the Rubik's Cube, by music from The Backbeat Boys ... but even more seriously, by any idea proposed by the likes of Bill Gates, Elon Musk, Jeff Bezos .... And yeah, Sid is against ANY idea from Bill Gates, since Gates is part of the WEF. But hey, Bill Gates is an individual who thought up Windows ... LOL yes I know he stole it from Apple. Still, his stealing it was an INDIVIDUAL accomplishment so I guess he owns the "prosperity" from his actions....

      You see, you pathetic right-wingers can't get anything right. LOL get it? right-wingers? right? LOL

      The fruits of an individual's ideas are not prosperity ... they are profit or loss.

      Prosperity needs to be properly DEFINED and that's what I asked of Sid, who has so far refused to answer.

      Prosperity affects all of humankind. It is not individual.


      • Originally posted by Pargat Perrer View Post

        What a ridiculous question ... meant only to muddy the waters.

        And I note ... first you say "individual prosperity" ... and then you say "PROSPERITY" meaning in a more general sense. You can't even get your terms consistent.

        In your pathetic snot-nosed example ... (I say that because while you view me as myopic, I view you as a snot-nose) ... you ask if an individual bringing an idea to life owns the "prosperity" he produced ... which might actually be negative, by the way. His idea may have been less than nothing.

        But just to make a point, let's say we unanimously decree that such individual owns the "prosperity" LOL of his or her idea. Guess what, that helps to DEFINE prosperity. Because prosperity then becomes defined as the result of any individual's actions. So then we have an economy driven by personal ideas. Driven by ideas like the Pet Rock, by the Rubik's Cube, by music from The Backbeat Boys ... but even more seriously, by any idea proposed by the likes of Bill Gates, Elon Musk, Jeff Bezos .... And yeah, Sid is against ANY idea from Bill Gates, since Gates is part of the WEF. But hey, Bill Gates is an individual who thought up Windows ... LOL yes I know he stole it from Apple. Still, his stealing it was an INDIVIDUAL accomplishment so I guess he owns the "prosperity" from his actions....

        You see, you pathetic right-wingers can't get anything right. LOL get it? right-wingers? right? LOL

        The fruits of an individual's ideas are not prosperity ... they are profit or loss.

        Prosperity needs to be properly DEFINED and that's what I asked of Sid, who has so far refused to answer.

        Prosperity affects all of humankind. It is not individual.

        Psalm 1:3

        He shall be like a tree Planted by the rivers of water, That brings forth its fruit in its season, Whose leaf also shall not wither; And whatever he does shall prosper.

        Proverbs 28:25

        He who is of a proud heart stirs up strife, but he who trusts in the Lord will be prospered.


        Any more comments???

        Last edited by Neil Frarey; Monday, 12th February, 2024, 03:48 AM.


        • Democratic Marxism
          (Started: 24/1/3)

          Weekly Overview

          1. The “Weekly Overview” of the topic is posted for the benefit of new members who may have come in between the “Weekly Overviews”. It provides an executive summary of the issue for new viewers.
          2. The Stats of participation are important to allow all to determine the extent of continuing interest. For thread originators/responders, they are important to see if the interest no longer warrants the labour. Or alternatively, they show that those of us discussing it are drawing in more participants, because they have begun to see the importance of our topic.
          Click image for larger version  Name:	Democratic Marxism.jpg Views:	0 Size:	13.7 KB ID:	231777

          A. Statistics

          1. Weekly Stats:

          Week # 6 (24/2/5 – 2/11 [7 days])

          (Sometimes Adjusted for no. of days)

          .....................................................2024 Average
          Last Week's......Prior Week's........Views/Day
          Views/Day........Views/Day.............(6 wks.)


          ................................................2024 Average

          Last Week's.....Prior Week's......Responses/Day

          Responses/Day....Resp./Day.......(6 wks.).


          2. Analysis of Last Week's Stats

          Last week's stats are running pretty close to the 2024 stats so far. This indicates a continued steady interest in DM from when the thread started.

          That the thread has had 3 posts per week on average from the start shows a relatively active thread.

          This thread is an opportunity to learn something about the political system known as “Democratic Marxism”! It is also an opportunity to question DM in a good and safe forum, where we try to respect the right of all CT'ers to have their own analysis, and to be entitled to put it forward for consideration, even if differing from DM.

          B. Goal of this Thread
          • To make clear what Democratic Marxism is, and what it is not (Old-style USSR Communism)
          • To provide materials that help CT'ers analyze the pluses and minuses of DM.

          Additional Notes:

          1. The goal of this thread is not to try to beat opposing views into oblivion. Political economy spans the spectrum. Every position is entitled to post as it sees fit, regardless of the kind of, and amount of, postings by other positions. What is wanted is serious consideration of all posts........then you decide among the many competing political philosophies.

          2. I, Bob A, personally, as the thread originator, am trying to post a new response at least twice per week, but admit my busy schedule means I may sometimes fall short on this. So it is necessary that a number of other CT'ers post responses here somewhat regularly as well.

          Democratic Marxist Global Institute (DMGI)

          Author: Bob Armstrong, DMGI Coordinator

          Most Recent Revision: 24/2/11

          Fb Page: Democratic Marxism – Global


          Fb Group: Democratic Marxist Global Forum



          Snail Mail:


          P.O. Box 3246,

          Meaford, Ontario, Canada

          N4L 1A5


          In development

          Copyright – Democratic Marxist Global Institute (DMGI) - 2024
          Last edited by Bob Armstrong; Monday, 12th February, 2024, 05:25 AM.


          • Incremental Progress towards the One-world Government?

            The WHO Agreement on Pandemics

            Click image for larger version

Name:	Earth3.jpg
Views:	107
Size:	14.5 KB
ID:	231779

            "[The] May [2024] deadline approaches for finalizing negotiations between the World Health Organization (WHO) and its 194 member nations over how much authority they will CEDE [Emphasis added] to the WHO once it declares a global health emergency.


            Bob A (Democratic Marxist)


            • Originally posted by Bob Armstrong View Post
              Incremental Progress towards the One-world Government?

              The WHO Agreement on Pandemics

              Click image for larger version  Name:	Earth3.jpg Views:	0 Size:	14.5 KB ID:	231779

              "[The] May [2024] deadline approaches for finalizing negotiations between the World Health Organization (WHO) and its 194 member nations over how much authority they will CEDE [Emphasis added] to the WHO once it declares a global health emergency.


              Bob A (Democratic Marxist)
              Bob did you ever carefully read this post that you promised you would?


              Did you ever carefully listen to this incredibly important video that you promised you would???


              Please reread and relisten to both very carefully if you already have. The above deadline you cite is indeed very important.

              Last edited by Sid Belzberg; Monday, 12th February, 2024, 09:49 AM.


              • Depopulation/Eugenics/Anti-Semitism

                Personally, I am unsatisfied by the evidence being marshalled by one side, that there is a malevolent clique, of great power and influence, seeking the destruction of the human race.

                It is my view that there is indeed a "Clique", some of whom are public, some covert (With some malevolent beings covertly involved), of great power and influence, who believe that the future of man is best achieved under a one-world authoritarian government.

                But I believe the majority of this Clique see themselves as "Benevolent" (Most are Not malevolently motivated) - they seek to provide for the residents of Earth, a life of peace, prosperity and happiness (And all material needs being met).

                I can only repeat the old saw: "Beware those on a mission who are of the best of intentions".

                Bob A (Democratic Marxist)


                • Originally posted by Bob Armstrong View Post

                  Personally, I am unsatisfied by the evidence being marshalled by one side, that there is a malevolent clique, of great power and influence, seeking the destruction of the human race.

                  It is my view that there is indeed a "Clique", some of whom are public, some covert (With some malevolent beings covertly involved), of great power and influence, who believe that the future of man is best achieved under a one-world authoritarian government.

                  But I believe the majority of this Clique see themselves as "Benevolent" (Most are Not malevolently motivated) - they seek to provide for the residents of Earth, a life of peace, prosperity and happiness (And all material needs being met).

                  I can only repeat the old saw: "Beware those on a mission who are of the best of intentions".

                  Bob A (Democratic Marxist)
                  Again, have you carefully read what I posted and, more importantly, listened to the video carefully? If there is something specifically that you see as inaccurate, I
                  would like to hear about it. The body of evidence does not show "benevolence" in any way, shape, or form. You either listen and examine the evidence or you simply like the sound of your voice. If the last part is correct ( like the sound of your voice), I do not need to waste more time talking with you.


                  • A One-World Government

                    Sid, and his sidekicks, and Democratic Marxism, agree, in my view, on a couple of things:

                    1. There is a "Clique" that is powerful, and partly open, and partly covert that has a world control agenda.

                    2. The "One-World Government" being incrementally implemented in various different places and ways, is NOT a good idea for human society.

                    3. That some changes being proposed under the Clique's agenda in terms of ceding of national power to some multi-lateral organizations need to be opposed now, before being locked into place - the farmers' revolt brings the problem right into the public's livingroom (Though we disagree as to why the farmers have a legitimate concern, and what that concern is).

                    So there is some basis for some cooperation on some things.

                    Bob A (Dem. Marxist)


                    • Originally posted by Bob Armstrong View Post
                      A One-World Government

                      Sid, and his sidekicks, and Democratic Marxism, agree, in my view, on a couple of things:

                      1. There is a "Clique" that is powerful, and partly open, and partly covert that has a world control agenda.

                      2. The "One-World Government" being incrementally implemented in various different places and ways, is NOT a good idea for human society.

                      3. That some changes being proposed under the Clique's agenda in terms of ceding of national power to some multi-lateral organizations need to be opposed now, before being locked into place - the farmers' revolt brings the problem right into the public's livingroom (Though we disagree as to why the farmers have a legitimate concern, and what that concern is).

                      So there is some basis for some cooperation on some things.

                      Bob A (Dem. Marxist)
                      You still have not answered my question. If you think the
                      anti globalist movement will replace one Marxist for another
                      that claims to be different we are a bit too smart for that.
                      If you don’t like being tarred with the same brush as all
                      the other failed Marxist regimes take the word Marxist out of your name.
                      Democratic Decentralized party has a nice ring to it and could gain traction. This Marxist shit and abolishment of private property has no appeal to anyone except you and the WEF that plays people you like a fiddle and are very happy as the government to own everything!
                      it is passé!
                      So until I get a yes to my question from you I consider you a waste of time.


                      • The current globalist "Clique" seeking world domination (misguided benevolence)

                        I am having difficulty labelling it other than "capitalist".

                        The oligarchs are a faction of the "Clique"......the national governments of the world are dominantly "capitalist". Both have fostered and aided the slow, incremental implementation of the One-World Government. Any attempt to label the "Clique" as "left" seems absurd to me. What we will get will be a Fascist totalitarian government........the State owns everything, and decides what the worker gets.

                        "You will have nothing.....and you will be happy."

                        Labelling the Clique as "Communist", "Socialist", "Marxist" or "Left" is a deliberate obfuscation, to cover up the fundamentally "Capitalist" nature of what is being implemented.

               have the answer to your question.

                        We have totally opposite views on the nature of the calamity being put onto we plebs......for the moment, I will say "attempted" to be put onto is not yet a done deal, but time is getting short to adopt an alternate form of government........decentralized Democratic Marxist governments nationally aiming at Earth as a "Collection of Villages"/"The Sustainable Earth Project"........small is beautiful!

                        Bourgeois private property, and all the negatives that come with it, must go.

                        Bob A (Dem. Marxist)
                        Last edited by Bob Armstrong; Monday, 12th February, 2024, 07:37 PM.


                        • Originally posted by Bob Armstrong
                 have the answer to your question.
                          The question was did you carefully read the material I posted and carefully listen to the video I posted?
                          Yes or no?
                          I will take changing the subject or not answering as a "no."
                          Last edited by Sid Belzberg; Tuesday, 13th February, 2024, 12:36 AM.


                          • Originally posted by Neil Frarey View Post

                            Psalm 1:3

                            He shall be like a tree Planted by the rivers of water, That brings forth its fruit in its season, Whose leaf also shall not wither; And whatever he does shall prosper.

                            Proverbs 28:25

                            He who is of a proud heart stirs up strife, but he who trusts in the Lord will be prospered.


                            Any more comments???

                            You can talk about individual prosperity all you want ... what Sid was referring to in his post #128 was societal prosperity.

                            I fart in your general direction.


                            • Originally posted by Bob Armstrong View Post
                              The current globalist "Clique" seeking world domination (misguided benevolence)

                              I am having difficulty labelling it other than "capitalist".

                              The oligarchs are a faction of the "Clique"......the national governments of the world are dominantly "capitalist". Both have fostered and aided the slow, incremental implementation of the One-World Government. Any attempt to label the "Clique" as "left" seems absurd to me. What we will get will be a Fascist totalitarian government........the State owns everything, and decides what the worker gets.

                              "You will have nothing.....and you will be happy."

                              Labelling the Clique as "Communist", "Socialist", "Marxist" or "Left" is a deliberate obfuscation, to cover up the fundamentally "Capitalist" nature of what is being implemented.

                     have the answer to your question.

                              We have totally opposite views on the nature of the calamity being put onto we plebs......for the moment, I will say "attempted" to be put onto is not yet a done deal, but time is getting short to adopt an alternate form of government........decentralized Democratic Marxist governments nationally aiming at Earth as a "Collection of Villages"/"The Sustainable Earth Project"........small is beautiful!

                              Bourgeois private property, and all the negatives that come with it, must go.

                              Bob A (Dem. Marxist)

                              I see the notion of "ownership" coming up very often in these latest posts. Even snot-nose with his question about who owns prosperity.

                              The extreme right-wing movement (Libertarianism included) loves this idea of "ownership" almost as much as they love the concept of "freedom".

                              Yet they are diametrically opposite! The more ownership you have, the less freedom you have.Hippies realized this back in the 1960s.

                              This paradox has not been realized or solved by the extreme right-wing movements. And now they, in the personnage here of Sid and Dilip and Neil, want everyone to revolt against the idea of not having ownership. Yet not having ownership is the path to freedom!

                              Economic freedom is perversely tied so closely to ownership ... of many vehicles, many properties, many businesses, many THINGS. But these ownerships tie you down, so that you LOSE freedom.


                              • The DM Valentine's Day Statement

                                A One-World Fascist Government

                                This is the goal of the "Clique" (One faction being the Capitalist Oligarchs of the planet), aided and abetted by the capitalist governments of the world, including Canada. This agenda is already, and has been, slowly and incrementally put into place. It is not yet achieved, but many elements are now locked in, and the timeline for achieving full control of the world is somewhat uncertain........but at the rate pieces of the agenda are being put into place, this goal may not be too far off in the future.

                                Democratic Marxism is sounding the alarm on this project, fatal to humanity's freedom. It will fight to the death to try to stop the Clique from achieving its goal.

                                This thread sets out the very many ways, and the policies, by which DM will try to prevent the slow implementation of the agenda. Only by going back and reviewing this thread from Post # 1 on, can the full expanse of Democratic Marxism's policies and strategy be seen.

                                Critical to this strategy is the formation of Democratic Marxist National Parties across the globe, forming to win governments, and use their power to stop this agenda.

                                The first party to form has been the Democratic Marxist Party of Ontario. Ontario is a Province of Canada. It, as a province, has part of the divided governing power in Canada, and controls significant aspects of the lives of Ontarians.

                                The party hopes to run at least one Candidate for Member of Provincial Parliament (MPP) in the upcoming Ontario election, expected in 2026

                                .The 44th Ontario general election is tentatively scheduled to be held on June 4, 2026. As of December 2016, Ontario elections are held on the first Thursday in June in the fourth calendar year following the previous general election,[1] unless the Legislative Assembly of Ontario is dissolved earlier by the Lieutenant Governor of Ontario due advice from the Premier of Ontario, a motion of no confidence or the failure of the Assembly to grant supply. Such a dissolution is unlikely as the current government has a majority.


                                See also the Fb Page: Democratic Marxist Party of Ontario - .

                                Bob A (Dem. Marxist)
                                Last edited by Bob Armstrong; Tuesday, 13th February, 2024, 07:27 AM.

