New World Order (NWO), sometimes called the Great Restart

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  • New World Order (NWO), sometimes called the Great Restart

    OK, in this proposed society, we start with one human right that I would fight to uphold...

    The right to act in one's own self interest, as long as no-one gets hurt.

    If we start with more than that, such as the right to clean drinking water, or affordable housing, then we have to talk about who is obligated to provide that. We save that for later.

    Along with rights come responsibilities. We start with just one.

    One must in fact act in one's own self interest, to the best of their ability, because that is the way in which one makes their greatest contribution to society. "You've got to pay people to make money for you"

    Now we present one axiom (a statement that is so evident or well-established, that it is accepted without controversy or question)

    In this proposed society, the citizens will need "things" (goods and services) that have to be provided, and paid for. These goods and services should be provided in such a way, so that the cost to the overall economy is minimised. This will be accomplished by having the right people do the right jobs..

    OK, that is all for now. Any questions or comments?

  • #2
    Originally posted by Fred Henderson View Post
    OK, in this proposed society, we start with one human right that I would fight to uphold...

    The right to act in one's own self interest, as long as no-one gets hurt.

    If we start with more than that, such as the right to clean drinking water, or affordable housing, then we have to talk about who is obligated to provide that. We save that for later.

    Along with rights come responsibilities. We start with just one.

    One must in fact act in one's own self interest, to the best of their ability, because that is the way in which one makes their greatest contribution to society. "You've got to pay people to make money for you"

    Now we present one axiom (a statement that is so evident or well-established, that it is accepted without controversy or question)

    In this proposed society, the citizens will need "things" (goods and services) that have to be provided, and paid for. These goods and services should be provided in such a way, so that the cost to the overall economy is minimised. This will be accomplished by having the right people do the right jobs..

    OK, that is all for now. Any questions or comments?
    A wonderful thought, Fred!
    Ayn Rand wrote a highly acclaimed book on it, 'The Virtue of Selfishness'...
    Last edited by Dilip Panjwani; Sunday, 21st January, 2024, 07:05 PM.


    • #3
      Originally posted by Dilip Panjwani View Post

      A wonderful thought, Fred!
      Ayn Rand wrote a highly acclaimed book on it, 'The Virtue of Selfishness'...
      If selfishness is a virtue, then many needed jobs will never be done by anyone. Remember the TV show The Honeymooners, with Art Carney starring as Ed Norton who worked in the NY City sewers? No one will do that job if everyone is selfish. The Ed Norton character was not selfish, but he seemed happy.

      Recently I've been watching the modern version of Battlestar Galactica. Just watched the season 3 episode where the spaceship "fleet" is hit by a general strike by the workers who process the "tryllium" that is needed for the fleet's fuel. We see many scenes of the processing area and the work done there, which is much like working in the NY City sewers. Before the strike, they were deliberately contaminating the tryllium fuel because they were so sick of their jobs. The episode then went into a negotiation in which the fleet's ruling class realized they had to do something to spread these jobs around, even to the ruling class.

      The message is plain... no matter how advanced our society becomes, there are still jobs that need doing that nobody wants to do. If nobody does them, society collapses. This has to be taken account of in any political system. How do you get these jobs done?

      This is especially pertinent in a society where anyone can strive to become an entertainment star or athletic star to escape the drudgery of the work that nobody wants. If everyone is shooting for that, the necessary work doesn't get done or doesn't get done well. That is where we are now. There is ALL KINDS of critical drudgery work that needs done and is NOT GETTING DONE WELL because the workers don't give a damn. As a result, societal collapse is a real possibility.

      Every great society cycles to collapse. Our collapse is still to come, it could be just around the corner. My particular religious beliefs say that this is all necessary and will be repetitive well into the future.

      EDIT: robots have been long proposed as a solution to the drudgery jobs problem ... but robots can never (imo) handle the intricacies and complexities of the natural world.
      Last edited by Pargat Perrer; Thursday, 25th January, 2024, 05:47 AM.


      • #4
        Originally posted by Dilip Panjwani View Post

        A wonderful thought, Fred!
        Ayn Rand wrote a highly acclaimed book on it, 'The Virtue of Selfishness'...
        Yes, thanks. A lot has been said, good and bad, about Rand, but at the core her economic theories are sound. I 'll have more to say about that


        • #5
          The matter of lowest cost to the economy is more about who should do the work, the public sector or the private sector. Anything run by the government must be funded by taxes, which suck the blood out of the economy and also adds an extra layer of cost.

          Speaking of taxes, I would give serious consideration to abolishing all forms of income tax, both personal and business. If we are talking about Canada, that means only one tax, the GST, combined with an appropriate system oif GST rebates. That would reduce tax cheating. If people want to enjoy the trappings of wealth, THEN they pay.

          Here's one for you. Charity, while necessary in today's world order, is an inefficient use of resources. Better that the money be spent gainfully. To quote and old saw, "Give a man a fish, and he feeds his family for a day. Teach a man to fish, etc, etc, ...
          Last edited by Fred Henderson; Saturday, 3rd February, 2024, 03:13 PM.


          • #6
            Originally posted by Fred Henderson View Post
            The matter of lowest cost to the economy is more about who should do the work, the public sector or the private sector. Anything run by the government must be funded by taxes, which suck the blood out of the economy and also adds an extra layer of cost.

            Speaking of taxes, I would give serious consideration to abolishing all forms of income tax, both personal and business. If we are talking about Canada, that means only one tax, the GST, combined with an appropriate system oif GST rebates. That would reduce tax cheating. If people want to enjoy the trappings of wealth, THEN they pay.

            Here's one for you. Charity, while necessary in today's world order, is an inefficient use of resources. Better that the money be spent gainfully. To quote and old saw, "Give a man a fish, and he feeds his family for a day. Teach a man to fish, etc, etc, ...
            You indeed have clarity of thought... Wonderful!


            • #7
              Clarity! well yes, I know what I can do, I got top marks in Jr high school essay writing. And kudos from my university economics professor for logical concise arguments. But thanks for the kind words.

              I have not abandoned this thread, just back - burnered it. Fly in the ointment is the mindset of the people. I also take a close look at the education system first, then stuff like cost of government, cpp, universal health care. Quite frankly, I favor the American model in many ways. I'll be back.

