Life - How Should It Be Viewed?

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  • Private Life in relation to World Affairs

    The Microcosm

    We cannot exist in a bubble, no matter how attractive this may be, and cozy.

    Our life definitely is one microcosm; but microcosm's are affected by the issues in the macrocosm. Some refuse to accept this....isolationism rules!

    I can only warn that it will eventually come to bite you! Biblically, the quote is: Stay awake! You know not the day nor the hour of the Bridegroom's arrival. It applies to both the good,,,,,,and the bad.

    The Macrocosm

    Politically, in recent years, we have experienced the rise of the right. The recent re-election in the USA of the Republican Party government/Donald Trump Presidency continues this trend.

    There is certainly legitimacy to both centre right and centre left (Though perhaps not the corresponding economics). But the Microcosm, as shown by history, has not done well under either extreme right or extreme left (I personally do not place Democratic Marxism among the extreme left of politics, though this is disputed).

    My point is not to plump one politics over another. It is simply to recognize that politics, and depending on the nation, can create great problems for those of us attempting to live a "good microcosm". In fact it can be so disheartening re human nature, to lead one to want to despair, even while attempting to hide, and live the good life, within our microcosm.


    Look around at your family and close you see a general character of love in your life events with them? Do you feel you express true love regularly?

    Click image for larger version

Name:	Heart1.png
Views:	90
Size:	3.4 KB
ID:	239575

    It is this "love" in the microcosm which founds our "hope" for the macrocosm in darker times.

    Mother Teresa, who spent her life helping the poor of society, taught (And this is not necessarily out of her own personal "Religion"; it is secular in nature):

    "Do not be overwhelmed by the negative statistics re the world's problems.

    Just look close around there someone you can help? Is there someplace you can help?"

    There is sometimes great benefit to just beetling along under the radar, doing your own thing!

    Bob A (Hopefully, a "realistic optimist")


    • Thanks Bob A.
      Too much time in the macrocosm can be toxic these days.
      In modern parlance the phrase is "step away from the keyboard"

      Instead of youtube videos on politics, I try comedy, SCTV, Monty Python, etc.
      Much more relaxing. Signing off for hopefully another week, relaxing in my own microcosm.

      Peace, goodwill and all that stuff. Later.


      • Originally posted by Bob Armstrong View Post
        Private Life in relation to World Affairs

        The Microcosm

        We cannot exist in a bubble, no matter how attractive this may be, and cozy.

        Our life definitely is one microcosm; but microcosm's are affected by the issues in the macrocosm. Some refuse to accept this....isolationism rules!

        I can only warn that it will eventually come to bite you! Biblically, the quote is: Stay awake! You know not the day nor the hour of the Bridegroom's arrival. It applies to both the good,,,,,,and the bad.

        The Macrocosm

        Politically, in recent years, we have experienced the rise of the right. The recent re-election in the USA of the Republican Party government/Donald Trump Presidency continues this trend.

        There is certainly legitimacy to both centre right and centre left (Though perhaps not the corresponding economics). But the Microcosm, as shown by history, has not done well under either extreme right or extreme left (I personally do not place Democratic Marxism among the extreme left of politics, though this is disputed).

        My point is not to plump one politics over another. It is simply to recognize that politics, and depending on the nation, can create great problems for those of us attempting to live a "good microcosm". In fact it can be so disheartening re human nature, to lead one to want to despair, even while attempting to hide, and live the good life, within our microcosm.


        Look around at your family and close you see a general character of love in your life events with them? Do you feel you express true love regularly?

        Click image for larger version  Name:	Heart1.png Views:	0 Size:	3.4 KB ID:	239575

        It is this "love" in the microcosm which founds our "hope" for the macrocosm in darker times.

        Mother Teresa, who spent her life helping the poor of society, taught (And this is not necessarily out of her own personal "Religion"; it is secular in nature):

        "Do not be overwhelmed by the negative statistics re the world's problems.

        Just look close around there someone you can help? Is there someplace you can help?"

        There is sometimes great benefit to just beetling along under the radar, doing your own thing!

        Bob A (Hopefully, a "realistic optimist")
        You make a very valid point, Bob A, that Microcosm is where love thrives and charity begins...
        and in a Libertarian society, the key ingredients of Macrocosm are enforcement of the Natural Law and 'co-operation' to build bigger and better, not the majority bossing over the minority, like the not-so-wealthy majority forcing the wealthy minority to pay humongous taxes!
        In other forms of government, while the taxation occurs, the absence of enforcement of the Natural Law makes the wealthy minority collude with the politicians to enable themselves to exploit the not-so-wealthy majority, and the result is a society where 'wrongs' become the norm, and as everyone knows, two wrongs cancelling each other can never be as satisfying as one right...
        Last edited by Dilip Panjwani; Tuesday, 28th January, 2025, 05:18 AM.


        • CT News Alert!

          How to approach our present lives?

          Today, 25/2/2

          CT has just learned that Sauron and the Evil Emperor have just joined forces. They have initiated deadly multi-faceted attacks...the goal is Multi-Verse domination.

          The Rebel Alliance (Including the New Regiment Jedi) are again retreating to the frozen planet, Hoth [the sixth planet in the remote Hoth system, located in the Anoat sector of the Outer Rim Territories], to re-group & plan counter-measures.

          Click image for larger version

Name:	Hoth.jpeg
Views:	52
Size:	9.2 KB
ID:	239771

          On the positive side, Astrologers have advised that the Age of Aquarius [An age of enlightenment and spiritual development] awaits us on the other side of the present chaos [Which may yet get worse, before being brought to an end].

          Grapple your Hope/Optimism to your hearts with hoops of steel.

          Don't let the b*stards get you down!

 heard it first here on CT News!!

          Bob A (CTN Reporter)


          • Originally posted by Bob Armstrong View Post
            CT News Alert!

            How to approach our present lives?

            Today, 25/2/2

            CT has just learned that Sauron and the Evil Emperor have just joined forces. They have initiated deadly multi-faceted attacks...the goal is Multi-Verse domination.

            The Rebel Alliance (Including the New Regiment Jedi) are again retreating to the frozen planet, Hoth [the sixth planet in the remote Hoth system, located in the Anoat sector of the Outer Rim Territories], to re-group & plan counter-measures.

            Click image for larger version

Name:	Hoth.jpeg
Views:	52
Size:	9.2 KB
ID:	239771

            On the positive side, Astrologers have advised that the Age of Aquarius [An age of enlightenment and spiritual development] awaits us on the other side of the present chaos [Which may yet get worse, before being brought to an end].

            Grapple your Hope/Optimism to your hearts with hoops of steel.

            Don't let the b*stards get you down!

   heard it first here on CT News!!

            Bob A (CTN Reporter)

            It seems that you have subconsciously realized that DM cannot deal with reality, but you have chosen to dream about unreal fantasy, rather than sensibly accepting the truth!


            • Originally posted by Dilip Panjwani View Post

              It seems that you have subconsciously realized that DM cannot deal with reality, but you have chosen to dream about unreal fantasy, rather than sensibly accepting the truth!
              Well Bob A seems to be obsessed with two instances of the Hero's Journey as set forth in Tolkien's Lord of the Rings and the George Lucas Star Wars original trilogy and perhaps the first three sequels. Now it is not just an unreal fantasy but the structure of most successful stories.

              I have been interested for many years and have probably read and explored these ideas endlessly having read as many as fifty or sixty books on these and related topics in addition to the courses that I have done recently and over the years.


              • Hi Vlad:

                In my life analysis, I allow for two things:

                1. The bigger than life "Hero" - Yup, it is the original three episodes of Star Wars. And I, my wife, and two kids when young, spent many hours curled up in our bed, with the TV at the foot of the bed, popcorn in hand, watching the Lord of the Rings trilogy. And yes, I believe that even a very ordinary person may be fated to become a leader in time of crisis. Sometimes it works out, sometimes it doesn't.

                2. The below-the-radar "little hero" - there are many of these in life; I have been fortunate enough to have met a number. They look around, see someone in great difficulty, perhaps not due to anything they have done (Just random that's the way it is), and go much out of their way to help. Again, sometimes it works out, sometimes it doesn't.

                Bob A (Muddling through my time)


                • Originally posted by Bob Armstrong View Post
                  Hi Vlad:

                  In my life analysis, I allow for two things:

                  1. The bigger than life "Hero" - Yup, it is the original three episodes of Star Wars. And I, my wife, and two kids when young, spent many hours curled up in our bed, with the TV at the foot of the bed, popcorn in hand, watching the Lord of the Rings trilogy. And yes, I believe that even a very ordinary person may be fated to become a leader in time of crisis. Sometimes it works out, sometimes it doesn't.

                  2. The below-the-radar "little hero" - there are many of these in life; I have been fortunate enough to have met a number. They look around, see someone in great difficulty, perhaps not due to anything they have done (Just random that's the way it is), and go much out of their way to help. Again, sometimes it works out, sometimes it doesn't.

                  Bob A (Muddling through my time)
                  Both Luke Skywalker and Frodo Baggins and earlier Bilbo Baggins of the Hobbit were all below-the-radar :"little heroes" at the beginning of the adventures that made them big heroes. The Lord of the Rings books along with the Hobbit seemed to me to be greatly superior to the movies. I didn't even watch the subsequent series because of the reviews, though I can watch it free on Amazon Prime. Time always seems short even to watch the things that I want to watch. It doesn't help when you schedule too many things with sometimes overlapping schedules.

