Canada & Conservatism

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  • Canada & Conservatism

    Conservative Party - Housing Policy (Federal)

    Click image for larger version  Name:	House - UnderConstruction.jpg Views:	1 Size:	10.9 KB ID:	238048
    " GTA mayors are asking for housing money before Poilievre can block it
    Several GTA mayors are throwing their support behind Mississauga’s request for the federal government to pay out all funds in a major housing program now. The call comes as the Liberals ring the alarm over the Conservative leader’s plan:

    - scrap the $4.4-billion Housing Accelerator Fund;
    - use this money to help pay for his proposed tax cut to boost home construction."

    Is this the best way to tackle "affordable home ownership" in Canada?

    Bob A (Democratic Marxist)
    Last edited by Bob Armstrong; Friday, 8th November, 2024, 10:10 PM.

  • #2
    Whither Canadian Conservatism?

    Bob Gillanders Post - 24/11/7 (From another CT thread)

    "Hi Bob, I too am happy to be a Canadian.

    Friends have been telling me that Polievre will win easily.

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ID:	238050

    Trump's promises include: tearing up the constitution, retribution against his political enemies, massive firing and downsizing of government, tax cuts for the rich, cancelling the green new deal, and implementing project 2025. An ambitious agenda.

    Sad to say I have been distracted watching the shit show south of the border and not current on the state of Canadian politics. I was wondering if you could summarize a few key promises of Polievre. Hope to get current soon. Thanks."

    In response I have started this new thread to explore where federal conservatism (And provincial) propose to take we Canadian plebs.

    Bob A (Democratic Marxist)


    • #3
      PM Polievre?

      I am happy to be a Canadian.

      Click image for larger version  Name:	Flag Canada.jpg Views:	36 Size:	11.3 KB ID:	238007

      But it looks to me like "Mini-Trump" Polievre is coming here soon!

      What a North American two-some this will be [Trump/Polievre], with Mexico being a bit left of centre.

      Look forward to those corporate tax breaks, reduction of support for the vulnerable in our society, and the slashing of government and regulations that reign in the worst excesses of wild west business/Capitalism.

      We will be hunkering down, just like the almost half of Americans who now have the barbarians in charge.

      [Slightly edited 24/11/7 post by Bob under another thread]

      Bob A (Democratic Marxist)


      • #4
        Originally posted by Bob Armstrong View Post
        Whither Canadian Conservatism?

        Bob Gillanders Post - 24/11/7 (From another CT thread)

        "Hi Bob, I too am happy to be a Canadian.

        Friends have been telling me that Polievre will win easily.

        Click image for larger version

Name:	PolievrePierre.jpg
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ID:	238050

        Trump's promises include: tearing up the constitution, retribution against his political enemies, massive firing and downsizing of government, tax cuts for the rich, cancelling the green new deal, and implementing project 2025. An ambitious agenda.

        Sad to say I have been distracted watching the shit show south of the border and not current on the state of Canadian politics. I was wondering if you could summarize a few key promises of Polievre. Hope to get current soon. Thanks."

        In response I have started this new thread to explore where federal conservatism (And provincial) propose to take we Canadian plebs.

        Bob A (Democratic Marxist)
        Most voters surveyed trusted Trump to protect the constitution more than Kamala who had expressed opinions that she would pack the Supreme Court, abolish the Electoral College, eliminate the fillibuster and add new states of Washington and Puerto Rico. Trump will likely downsize the government as the current trajectory is impossibly unsustainable. Reintroducing the SALT deductions which Trump eliminated will be a tax cut for the rich. Everything else will help everyone. Cancelling the Green New Deal which funds a huge number of left wing causes is imperative. Project 2025 has nothing to do with Trump and has been disavowed often.

        Members of the Liberal government were very helpful when we were trying to save the Candidates tournament. Hopefully we could get a similar result in the event of a Conservative government if we were to experience a similar situation. I have no idea of the Conservative policies as I haven't been paying attention. Most of what I have seen of Poilievere has been on Greg Gutfeld which is a comedy show which still tries to be funny unlike MSM. The clip with him destroying an unprepared journalist while eating an apple was rather amazing.


        • #5
          Conservatives re Coming USA 25% Tariff

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ID:	238450


          Bob A


          • #6
            Conservative Proposed Policies

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            "The Conservative leader called on Prime Minister Trudeau to “stop partisan politics” and just axe the carbon tax, which Trudeau plans to jack up again in April.

            Further, Poilievre said Trudeau should drop his recently announced energy cap, which the Liberals frame as an emissions cap but Conservatives say will in effect be a production cap.

            Poilievre also said Canada must “secure our borders” and rebuild the Canadian military. The Canadian Armed Forces became infected with wokeism shortly after Trudeau was elected, and it’s since been unable to recruit enough patriots to defend their country."

            The Counter Signal Newsletter - 24/11/26

            Bob A (Democratic Marxist)


            • #7
              The Wrong Conservative Interpretation of Nazism

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ID:	238585

              Some Conservatives Upset

              "Bob Ransford, a well-known Vancouver real estate developer, responded to [Pierre] Poilievre’s [interpretation of Nazism - July post on X]:

              “As a long time Conservative who has campaigned against socialism in Canada I am APPALLED at your effort to attempt to equate democratic socialism in our country with Nazism,” Ransford wrote. “Shame on you! You have dragged national politics down to a new level.”

              Pierre's Position

              July 2021 post on X: “Woke left goes crazy when people point out the undeniable historical fact that ‘national socialists’ in Germany & Italy were, as the name proves, ‘socialists.’ Fascism/socialism/communism glorifies the state over the people and always with the same horrific result.”

              Correct Position

              a. Popular View of Fascism

              Fascism — a rigid, militaristic regime that venerated nationalism, conquest and imposing extreme views of racial superiority, which included killing millions of Jewish people and members of other marginalized groups.

              b. Expert Historians View

              - the central ideology of Nazism was racism.

              - Robert Paxton, American historian
              "its initial antibourgeois and anticapitalist program [are discarded once it has power].”

              - Heidi Tworek, history professor at the University of British Columbia
              a. "To understand so much of their ideology, you have to understand how it’s underpinned by antisemitism and racial hierarchies".
              b. "[In] the media industry, there are rules about not owning more than one newspaper, so that the Nazis themselves can control the media industry".
              "government [is given] the power to control certain industries, while in other areas — like weapons manufacturing — it supported large, private companies.

              - Ronald J. Granieri, history professor, in the Washington Post in 2020:
              a. attempts to link the fascism of the Nazis to socialism are deeply inaccurate.
              b. “Instead of controlling the means of production or redistributing wealth to build a utopian society, the Nazis focused on safeguarding a social and racial hierarchy....They promised solidarity for members of the Volksgemeinschaft (‘racial community’) even as they denied rights to those outside the charmed circle.” -

              The Tyee - Angle Newsletter - 24/11/26

              Bob A (Democratic Marxist)


              • #8
                Originally posted by Bob Armstrong View Post

                ...redistributing wealth to build a utopian society

                Bob A (Democratic Marxist)
                While ensuring that all hard and smart working citizens are wealthy (and not just a few lucky ones), is a laudable goal, the socialist way of keeping on robbing the wealthy and redistributing it to all others is a stupid, self-defeating way of achieving this; instead, strict enforcement of the Natural Law to prevent the wealthy (in collusion with the corrupt politicians) from unfairly exploiting the not-so-wealthy, and giving the latter easy access to capital to be able to compete fairly, is the surest way of achieving long-lasting equity...


                • #9
                  Democratic Marxism (DM) - Goal

                  a. According to Dilip:

                  1. a laudable goal - ensuring that all hard and smart working citizens are wealthy (and not just a few lucky ones);


                  2. a stupid, self-defeating goal - robbing the wealthy and redistributing it to all others.

                  b. According to DM:

                  Neither of Dilip's iterations are the goals of Marxism - he is spouting trite "propaganda", to undermine the strength of DM. The accurate goals are:

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                  1. to bring more wealth/income equality into society - most of society is hard and smart working citizens; but there will always, under any system, be some who are more financially successful than the majority, and will be the "wealthy" (but not so abominably so).
                  2. a progressive taxation system is redistribution of wealth/income in order to make society more equal; it is a law passed by the majority of society democratically; no one is being "robbed"!!

                  Bob A (Democratic Marxist)


                  • #10
                    Originally posted by Bob Armstrong View Post
                    Democratic Marxism (DM) - Goal

                    a progressive taxation system is redistribution of wealth/income in order to make society more equal; it is a law passed by the majority of society democratically; no one is being "robbed"!!

                    Bob A (Democratic Marxist)
                    Just because Marxists pass laws to enable forceful snatching of large amounts of wealth earned by hard and smart work, does not make the robbing a good continues to be immoral and hence BAD for the society as a whole... especially when there are fairer, more sensible ways, as outlined by me earlier and including charity, to achieve fairness and equity for all.
                    Last edited by Dilip Panjwani; Wednesday, 4th December, 2024, 10:56 AM.


                    • #11
                      Originally posted by Bob Armstrong View Post
                      1. to bring more wealth/income equality into society - most of society is hard and smart working citizens; but there will always, under any system, be some who are more financially successful than the majority, and will be the "wealthy" (but not so abominably so).
                      2. a progressive taxation system is redistribution of wealth/income in order to make society more equal; it is a law passed by the majority of society democratically; no one is being "robbed"!!

                      Bob A (Democratic Marxist)
                      That is complete and utter nonsense. If the majority decides to rob and murder people does that make it right? I don't think so.

                      Marxism is a system built on envy and murder. It cannot work because you kill the people or at least neutralize the people who help create the wealth in the first place. The problem is that if you just look at the surface of things and are a sociopath as most Marxists are, then you say, "Oh this person has more than me. Let me take everything he has. They also usually then murder the person and his family but lets say they don't. Once they have taken all his money, how long will this person's wealth last, now that you have killed the Golden Goose? Not very long. The Marxist leaders have large appetites that must be quenched. They have to move on to less wealthy people. They take everything that they have. Everything is fine for perhaps a few weeks. Pretty soon the second tier of robbed people's wealth runs out and you have to go to the third tier, and the fourth tier and so on. In actual practice the people you robbed are also murdered as it doesn't do to have them hanging around as they are very unhappy and might seek to do the Marxist leaders harm. Pretty soon you have the situation that you had in Venezuela and you have already eaten all the zoo animals.


                      • #12
                        Vlad - some aspects are factual about some problems that have happened in implementing Democratic Socialism (If that is what Venezuela is; it is certainly not "Communist" and does not so self-label); the rest is "utter nonsense".

                        Bob A


                        • #13
                          Originally posted by Bob Armstrong View Post
                          ...some problems that have happened in implementing Democratic Socialism (If that is what Venezuela is)

                          Bob A
                          Some problems? Venezuela is full of problems, thanks to its Marxism, which is nothing but utter nonsense, for all the reasons you have been repeatedly given, and have no sensible argument against any of those facts, but in your stubbornness, just choose to ignore them, and continue to have blind faith in your DM!


                          • #14
                            The problem with pure democracies is that people can convince themselves that because they are voting in the majority that therefore what they are doing is moral and good. Governments should not be a method where people can engage in acts which allow them to "legally" violate Natural law. Using taxation to steal from people violates their property rights.
                            "Tom is a well known racist, and like most of them he won't admit it, possibly even to himself." - Ed Seedhouse, October 4, 2020.


                            • #15
                              Canadian Taxation

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                              It is what is called "progressive". The more income you earn in a year, the higher rate of tax on your earnings you pay. The reason is that if you have profited most from the society developed by all, then you should contribute back the most.

                              Do CT'ers (regardless of your country of residence) also object to this law passed by the majority of Canadians, and left in place for eons (Like Vlad [Post # 11], Dilip [Post # 13] and Tom [Post # 14], who argue it is "legal theft")?

                              If so, do you have any reason beyond that given by Vlad, Dilip and Tom.

                              Bob A (Supporter of Canadian Progressive Taxation)

