Why are you not talking about Giza plateau?

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  • Why are you not talking about Giza plateau?

    8 tubes going down 600 meters!! More press releases to come after early March one.

  • #2
    I heard about that but don't know if it is real or an internet invention. The implication is that we had a very advanced civilization many thousands of years ago.


    • #3
      Yes. Some people have raised doubts about the press conference and lack of data so that peer review may begin.
      They claimed to have achieved the depth of scanning by radar by their proprietary tweaking. Others have raised doubts on the academics themselves and their previous speculatory statements regarding the pyramids ,Egyptology etc.


      • #4
        The Ancient Past

        There is a theory that Extra-terrestrials made 1st contact with humans when the clumps were isolated and not aware of each other: Kirsan Ilyumzhinov, Past FIDE President, Past President of the Independent buddhist State of Kalmykia, Russia.(This is the reason for the various local adaptations of the game given to humans by the ET's).

        The ET's interbred with humans: The Sumerian Manuscripts

        The ET's then shared their technologies with humans (Thus the various architectural feats which defy human knowledge at the time they were established).

        Click image for larger version

Name:	Pyramid 1.jpeg
Views:	0
Size:	5.8 KB
ID:	241505

        We have many scholarly studies declaring physics knowledge required for some early human inventions as being beyond human knowledge at the time (Electro-magnetic anti-gravity, for one).

        Bob A

