Zoltan Sarosy 107!

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  • Zoltan Sarosy 107!

    Happy Birthday Zoltan!

    Born late August 1906.

  • #2
    Re: Zoltan Sarosy 107!

    Happy Birthday Zoltan! and many happy returns. I was at your 100th birthday gettogether and it seems like a long time ago.


    • #3
      Re: Zoltan Sarosy 107!

      Happy Birthday Zoltan. I still remember Zoltan was a tough blitz oppenent who played Nimzovitch Sicilian as black and the anti-Gruenfeld system as white. When I was young, it was tough to book up against Zoltan, but he was always a gentleman no matter what the result. He was also very key person in developing players, since he was the sole supplier of the Chess Informant. We would always bug him as to when the newest informant would arrive so we could apply all the latest TN's. How time has changed.


      • #4
        Re: Zoltan Sarosy 107!

        Happy Birthday, Zoltan. I hope you have a very nice day.

        Gary Ruben
        CC - IA and SIM


        • #5
          Re: Zoltan Sarosy 107!

          Oldest living man in Canada? Not quite- apparently there is a 111-year-old who is now also the WORLD's oldest man (oldest living Canadians are two 112-year-old women). In Polish they have a birthday greeting 'Sto Lat' , roughly translated as 'may you live to a hundred'. I guess that no longer applies to Zoltan, 'many happy returns' will have to do :)


          • #6
            Re: Zoltan Sarosy 107!

            Happy Birthday, Zoltan.



            • #7
              Re: Zoltan Sarosy 107!

              Boldog Szuletesnapot! I'm still playing with the nice European set that I bought from you in 1974 following your simul at St. Joseph's Elementary School in Aurora ... mind you, the Russian clock didn't fare so well ...


              • #8
                Re: Zoltan Sarosy 107!

                Happy Birthday Mr. Sarosy!!!!!!


                • #9
                  Re: Zoltan Sarosy 107!

                  Hi Zoltan:

                  Happy Birthday - Soon I'm going to have to have you update your autobiography you did for Scarborough Community of Toronto Chess News & Views, the Scarborough Chess Club newsletter, several years ago now (and republished last year in Toronto Chess News). Keep on trucking!!

                  Bob Armstrong, TCN Editor


                  • #10
                    Re: Zoltan Sarosy 107!

                    Happy Birthday, Zoltan!! :) Many Happy Returns!!

                    He was born in 1906 in present-day Hungary, then still a part of the vast Austro-Hungarian Empire, ruled from Vienna by the Hapsburgs.

                    Let's try to put this in some perspective, shall we!? That year, Emanuel Lasker was not even halfway through his 27-year reign as World Chess Champion (from 1894-1921), and his rival-to-be, Jose Raul Capablanca, 18, had just arrived in New York City to study at Columbia University. Harry Nelson Pillsbury -- America's top player -- died that same year at age 34, of undisclosed causes (hard living!?). Future chess stars such as Nimzowitsch, Alekhine, Bogolyubov, Reti, Tartakower, and Bogatyrchuk were teenagers, while Akiba Rubinstein, in his early 20s, was starting to make his mark as a top Master.

                    Hungary's top player was Geza Maroczy, who began his international career success with a win of the second group at Hastings 1895. Future Yugoslav champion and top theoretician Vasja Pirc would be born the next year, 1907.


                    • #11
                      Re: Zoltan Sarosy 107!

                      Not to mention that Zoltan might have a very low 'Morphy number' - depending on whom he might have played in his teens in Europe, could be as low as 3 (i.e. he played someone who played someone who played Morphy)


                      • #12
                        Re: Zoltan Sarosy 107!

                        Originally posted by Vlad Dobrich View Post
                        Happy Birthday Zoltan!

                        Born late August 1906.
                        August 23rd to be precise.

                        Zoltan asked me to say "Thank you!" to Vlad and all the other well wishers.

