How to improve Chess Talk

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  • #16
    Re: How to improve Chess Talk

    Originally posted by Bruce Harper View Post
    If there was a pgn viewer/diagram maker that was intuitive and easy to use (existing, not just talked about!), I would definite switch my vote to this forum.
    I participate at and a couple of other forums which appear to use this same type of discussion board software. There are quite a few free open source pgn viewers so I think it is just up to the proprietors here to pick one and incorporate it into the arsenal of attractions for this website. I think that Josh and the other owners and administrators over at might even be willing to share some of their bells and whistles particularly if credit and maybe a link to their site were involved.


    • #17
      Re: How to improve Chess Talk

      Originally posted by Jean-Pierre Rhéaume View Post
      One must also think to help new comers on the site, and many of them probably know nothing about the FEN code. Bref, I don't think it would be a nice thing to force people to learn FEN, or ChessbaseLight, or whatever.
      In these days of instant information for anyone curious about "things" the argument above against learning FEN is a bit weak... You need to learn how to browse the internet, access this site, post and get around it, so why stop at learning a bit more?

      Please visit here:
      read and give feedback how long it took you to figure it out.

      Once you learn how to "write down" a position, all you need to do is enter it between
      [chessboard] ... [/chessboard]
      and voila! Not as hard as learning Chinese if you ask me :)


      • #18
        Re: "FEN"

        I'm sure not going to spend any time figuring it out.


        • #19
          Re: How to improve Chess Talk


          The time it took for you to post that message probably exceeded the time it would have taken to figure it out.
          ...Mike Pence: the Lord of the fly.


          • #20
            PGN and FEN functions

            The Australians have some PGN and FEN functions implemented on their site.

            PGN Functions:

            PGN Viewer (Standard Starting Position): Post a game from the normal starting position.
            PGN Viewer (Non-Standard Starting Position): Post a game from a custom starting position defined by a fen string.
            PGN Uploader: Formats a pgn file (can be multi-game) into single pgn games with formatted headers.
            PGN Recorder: Allows you to play out the moves on a chessboard and then add the game to your post.

            FEN Functions:

            FEN Viewer: Display any chess position on the forum by posting a FEN string.
            Position to FEN: Set up a position on the chess board and get the fen string for that position.
            Posting PGN games and FEN positions.

            They also have around 450 members online, right now, and probably an army of volunteers and staff to administer their site. Yet it's probably useful to point out that these things can be done.
            Dogs will bark, but the caravan of chess moves on.


            • #21
              Re: How to improve Chess Talk

              At the risk of introducing a new subtopic:


              If you don't know what that is, don't worry. The administrator does!


              • #22
                Re: How to improve Chess Talk

                Originally posted by Valer Eugen Demian View Post
                In these days of instant information for anyone curious about "things" the argument above against learning FEN is a bit weak... You need to learn how to browse the internet, access this site, post and get around it, so why stop at learning a bit more?

                Please visit here:
                read and give feedback how long it took you to figure it out.

                Once you learn how to "write down" a position, all you need to do is enter it between
                [chessboard] ... [/chessboard]
                and voila! Not as hard as learning Chinese if you ask me :)
                My argument is NOT against learning FEN... especially I know it for a long time ;)

                It's just that I don't think it's wise to FORCE new comers to know it.

                What's wrong with the idea of having the possibility say to clik on a button here on this site to make a diagram ?

                Anyhow, I just tried your way... indeed two ways.

                I copied the starting position in FEN from your link.

                Just in case adding "w KQkq - 0 1" does not work,
                I present the two forms, with and without it.
                One of the two forms should give the intended diagram :

                [chessboard]rnbqkbnr/pppppppp/8/8/8/8/PPPPPPPP/RNBQKBNR w KQkq - 0 1

                Or maybe just this ?...


                In the "Preview Post" option, I don't see any diagram :(

                Maybe the diagram will show only if I send this message.

                EDITED :


                • #23
                  Re: How to improve Chess Talk

                  the tag is [ DIAGRAM ] and [ /DIAGRAM ] without the extra spaces.
                  Christopher Mallon
                  FIDE Arbiter


                  • #24
                    Re: How to improve Chess Talk

                    Attention: Jean-Pierre Rhéaume

                    Use the expression "DIAGRAM" rather than "chessboard" and your efforts should be rewarded. Edited to add: I see that Chris Mallon has already replied here.

                    2... Qh4++ !!!
                    Dogs will bark, but the caravan of chess moves on.


                    • #25
                      Re: How to improve Chess Talk

                      Just for fun....I was going to post 8000 positions but the thrill went away.

                      White to Play and Win

                      White to Play and Win
                      Last edited by Bill Evans; Sunday, 27th July, 2008, 07:06 PM. Reason: experiment over


                      • #26
                        Re: How to improve Chess Talk

                        There *IS* a character limit on the posts too :p
                        Christopher Mallon
                        FIDE Arbiter


                        • #27
                          Re: How to improve Chess Talk

                          That's not my idea of fun. Chris or Nigel: I hope you are going to delete all of those diagrams - well, maybe leave one.



                          • #28
                            Re: How to improve Chess Talk

                            This is an experiment with diagrams of different sizes. Also when it is Black to play the board is reversed.
                            I used the amazing free Asap add in for excel to build the scripts from a FEN based database. Email me for the gory details. or post here.

                            Attempting to trap Black's Queen by 1.Na4 allows flight squares at e3 and b4.
                            Hence Grandmaster Bronstein cleared the d5 square with 1.d6! followed by 2.
                            Nd5! trapping the Queen as c6 is pinned.

                            1. d6 Bxd6 2. Nd5 1-0

                            White's King is unhappy since its second rank flight squares are occupied
                            leaving the Queen and Rook to guard d1. Black distracts them by forking with 1...Qa3!! and 2.Qb1 Qxa1! sets up ...Rd1 mating.

                            1... Qa3 0-1

                            White's game seems mangled, in check and his forces in disarray. However the
                            miracle move 1.Rc4+! turns the tables. Black gets mated after 1..Kxc4 2.Qc3
                            mate or 1..Kd6 2.Qd8 mate.

                            1. Rc4+ Kxc4 2. Qc3# 1-0

                            White is down a pawn and his awkward Bishop prevents him from simply Rxe8
                            mating. He solves that problem by 1.Qh8+! Kxh8 2.Bf6+ clearing the e-file and
                            Re8 mate follows.

                            1. Qh8+ Kxh8 2. Bf6+ Kg8 3. Rxe8# 1-0

                            Deceptive simplicity. Black gets nowhere with 1..Rxc2 2.Qxc2 Ra1 3.Qc3. the trick is 1..Rc3! pinning the c2 Rook both horizontally and vertically. On 2.
                            Rxa2 Rxc1+ 3.Kh2 Black mates on h1

                            1... Rc3 2. Rxa2 Rxc1+ 0-1

                            White appears completely safe but his one problem is his optimistically
                            misplaced Queen. After 1..Nc4! it cannot retreat and will be trapped by 2...b6.

                            1... Nc4 0-1

                            White has nothing by 1.Qf8+ Rg8 but can distract the Rook by 1.Rxh7+ ! when 1...Rxh7 2.Qf8 mates. If the King tries to run with 1..Kg8 then 2.d6 with
                            discovered check wins the Queen.

                            1. Rxh7+ Rxh7 2. Qf8# 1-0

                            Black's Queenside pieces contribute nothing to defending his lonely King.
                            White crashes in with 1.Bxg7+! Kxg7 2.Kxg7 2.Qe5+ Kg6 3.Qf5+ Kg7 4.Qf7+ Kh6 5.Qf6+ Kh5 6.g4 mate.

                            1. Bxg7+ Kxg7 2. Qe5+ Kg6 3. Qf5+ Kh6 4. Qf6+ Kh5 5. g4#

                            Grandmaster Panno won this position in only two moves. 1..Qxg3+! breaks in since 2.Kxg3 Be5 mates while 2.Kg1 Be5 2. Nf3 Rxf3 will mate by 4..Qh2.
                            1... Qxg3+ 2. Kg1 Be5# 0-1


                            • #29
                              Re: How to improve Chess Talk


                              That's a lot more interesting!



                              • #30
                                Re: How to improve Chess Talk

                                Well, I fixed the thread depth. What that means is if you're in threaded or hybrid mode and you look at the list of posts you shouldn't get "... more posts below thread depth" anymore. The server load is light enough it shouldn't make a huge difference in speed.
                                Christopher Mallon
                                FIDE Arbiter

