FIDE Election for President

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  • Re: Current CFC Governance Rules

    Originally posted by Bob Armstrong View Post
    Hi Gary:

    I will try to give some answers:

    1. The CFC Handbook on the CFC Website: A few years ago, it was totally out of date. Volunteer Maurice Smith did a yeoman's job of digging up CFC History and bringing the Website totally up to date. At that point, CFC President Eric van Dusen asked me to update some of the CFC administration and appointed me to chair two administrative committees. One subcommittee I created was the CFC Handbook Coordinator. Kerry Liles, an ordinary CFC member, volunteered for the position. For some time, I fed him all passed governor motions immediately after the meeting, and he almost immediately updated the website version of the Handbook. I accomplished (mostly) my committee admin work, and so disbanded the committees, and resigned as chair. But I took the step of referring Kerry to a new supervisor, who I understood had agreed to take over supervising this task. Then I heard no more. I assume the project continued. But recently a statement indicated the website version was no longer up to date. I inquired of Vlad Drkulec directly on this, and was advised that it was true that the system had broken down after my leaving it. I am not sure how many CFC meetings back, Handbook amendments have not been made to the Website version. I do not know if any steps are currently being taken so that we do not return to the Pre-Maurice Smith status.

    2. "Continuance" - the federal government passed a new Act, that forced all federal non-profits, of which the CFC is one, to revise their Constitution/By-laws to conform with the template in the Act. There is some discretion here in the non-profits, and so for the past year, the CFC Governors, under Vlad Drkulec's relentless guidance, have worked on this, and passed new rules hopefully complying with the Act. The application is to be made imminently - the deadline is October. What is not clear now, is the extent to which the current (updated) CFC Handbook can be maintained - are provisions in it now in conflict with the Act template CFC has had to follow? This is the project of the CFC Governors after getting the official "Continuance Certificate" - to salvage what they can of the CFC Handbook. So it could be that the process of complying has forced the CFC in some ways to alter its former governance rules. Maybe it has, maybe it hasn't. It has been complicated, and CFC has tried to maintain its current governance to the extent possible. Only when the smoke clears, will we be able to look at everything together, and see to what extent CFC has remained the same (with things now under new definitions like Member A and Member B), and if not, where it now differs. And the subsequent issue is that if there have been changes, is it possible to amend to go backward, without falling afoul of the new Act and our new regulations.

    3. Current CFC Governance - entirely still under the CFC Handbook - for the July AGM's, if no official continuance certificate before then. And into the first term of the 2014-5 CFC Governors/Executive, until the official certificate is issued.

    Hope this clarifies some things. If you have supplementary questions, fire away - this CFC administration has tried to be one of the most open and transparent ever (note public Governor meetings). I will do my best to answer further questions. CFC appreciates member debate and input.

    Bob A, CFC Public Relations Coordinator.
    This is a very good synopsis of the current situation. Thanks, Bob.


    • Re: Who is scared of Kirsan Ilyumzhinov?

      Originally posted by Gary Ruben View Post
      Hi Bob,

      When's the FIDE election? Is it after the CFC election?
      Yes it is.


      • Re: Who is scared of Kirsan Ilyumzhinov?

        Originally posted by Egidijus Zeromskis View Post
        After the CFC AGM. As I understood the CFC needs to appoint the delegate (normally FIDE rep.) to the FIDE Congress before that some when in June.
        I believe the delegate has already been appointed. There are mechanisms to change the delegate. In this case you have to operate under whatever rules FIDE has on how their elections are conducted.


        • Re: Who is scared of Kirsan Ilyumzhinov?

          Originally posted by Vlad Drkulec View Post
          I believe the delegate has already been appointed. There are mechanisms to change the delegate. In this case you have to operate under whatever rules FIDE has on how their elections are conducted.
          Please clarify your statement "I believe".


          • Re: Who is scared of Kirsan Ilyumzhinov?

            Originally posted by Vlad Drkulec View Post
            I believe the delegate has already been appointed.
            Vlad, that doesn't sound correct. The FIDE Rep would normally be the delegate. Since we have CFC elections on the horizon, how could our delegate have already been selected?

            Maybe, you should take a pause from chesstalk postings, and allow some time for consultation with the executive. Give them a chance to catch up. :)


            • Re: Who is scared of Kirsan Ilyumzhinov?

              Originally posted by Sasha Starr View Post
              Please clarify your statement "I believe".

              be·lieve [bih-leev] Show IPA
              verb (used without object), be·lieved, be·liev·ing.
              1. to have confidence in the truth, the existence, or the reliability of something, although without absolute proof that one is right in doing so: Only if one believes in something can one act purposefully.
              verb (used with object), be·lieved, be·liev·ing.
     have confidence or faith in the truth of (a positive assertion, story, etc.); give credence to.
     have confidence in the assertions of (a person).
     have a conviction that (a person or thing) is, has been, or will be engaged in a given action or involved in a given situation: The fugitive is believed to be headed for the Mexican border.
     suppose or assume; understand (usually followed by a noun clause): I believe that he has left town.
              Verb phrases
              6.believe in,
     be persuaded of the truth or existence of: to believe in Zoroastrianism; to believe in ghosts.
     have faith in the reliability, honesty, benevolence, etc., of: I can help only if you believe in me.
              7.make believe. make ( def 46 ) .
              1150–1200; Middle English bileven, equivalent to bi- be- leven, Old English (Anglian) gelēfan (cognate with Dutch gelooven, German glauben, Gothic galaubjan )

              Related forms
              be·liev·a·bil·i·ty, be·liev·a·ble·ness, noun
              be·liev·a·ble, adjective
              be·liev·a·bly, adverb
              be·liev·er, noun
              be·liev·ing·ly, adverb
              half-be·lieved, adjective
              half-be·liev·ing, adjective
              pre·be·lieve, verb, pre·be·lieved, pre·be·liev·ing.
              pre·be·liev·er, noun
              su·per·be·liev·a·ble, adjective
              su·per·be·liev·a·ble·ness, noun
              su·per·be·liev·a·bly, adverb
              well-be·lieved, adjective

              World English Dictionary
              believe (bɪˈliːv)

              — vb (foll by in )
              1. ( tr; may take a clause as object ) to accept (a statement, supposition, or opinion) as true: I believe God exists
              2. ( tr ) to accept the statement or opinion of (a person) as true
              3. to be convinced of the truth or existence (of): to believe in fairies
              4. ( intr ) to have religious faith
              5. ( when tr, takes a clause as object ) to think, assume, or suppose: I believe that he has left already
              6. ( tr; foll by of; used with can, could, would, etc ) to think that someone is able to do (a particular action): I wouldn't have believed it of him

              [Old English beliefan ]


              — n


              — adj


              — adv


              — n


              — n , — adj

              Collins English Dictionary - Complete & Unabridged 10th Edition
              2009 © William Collins Sons & Co. Ltd. 1979, 1986 © HarperCollins
              Publishers 1998, 2000, 2003, 2005, 2006, 2007, 2009
              Cite This Source
              Word Origin & History

              O.E. belyfan "to believe," earlier geleafa (Mercian), gelefa (Northumbrian), gelyfan (W.Saxon) "believe," from P.Gmc. *ga-laubjan "hold dear, love" (cf. O.S. gilobian, Du. geloven, O.H.G. gilouben, Ger. glauben), from PIE base *leubh- "to like, desire" (see love). Spelling
              Online Etymology Dictionary, © 2010 Douglas Harper


              Add these citations to your bibliography. Select the text below and then copy and paste it into your document.
              American Psychological Association (APA):

              believe. (n.d.). Unabridged. Retrieved May 14, 2014, from website:
              Chicago Manual Style (CMS):

              believe. Unabridged. Random House, Inc. (accessed: May 14, 2014).
              Modern Language Association (MLA):

              "believe." Unabridged. Random House, Inc. 14 May. 2014. <>.
              Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE):

    , "believe," in Unabridged. Source location: Random House, Inc. Available: Accessed: May 14, 2014.
              BibTeX Bibliography Style (BibTeX)

              @article {Dictionary.com2014,
              title = { Unabridged},
              month = {May},
              day = {14},
              year = {2014},
              url = {},


              • Re: Who is scared of Kirsan Ilyumzhinov?

                Originally posted by Bob Gillanders View Post
                Vlad, that doesn't sound correct. The FIDE Rep would normally be the delegate. Since we have CFC elections on the horizon, how could our delegate have already been selected?

                Maybe, you should take a pause from chesstalk postings, and allow some time for consultation with the executive. Give them a chance to catch up. :)
                FIDE regulations that seem to apply here. (I believe that these have been met by Canada. If not we don't even get a vote.)

                From FIDE Handbook:
                Notice of participation

                Not later than 4 months before the beginning of the Congress every Federation that wishes to participate must send written notice of this to the organising Federation of the administrator who represents it.

                At the same time, copies of the notice of participation are to be sent to the FIDE General Secretary and the President of the Zone to which the Federation belongs.

                I don't spend much time on FIDE issues until something is escalated for my (or the executive's) attention and input and rely on Hal Bond and the Executive Director to handle the large volume of business and deadlines and payments which FIDE imposes on us. When I say "I believe" something it means that to the best of my knowledge this has been handled by the people who are either elected to handle that in the case of Hal or paid to do it in the case of the Executive Director Michael von Keitz.

                If we waited until our AGM to appoint the delegate we might not get a vote. Now it is possible that I am referring to the wrong portion of the FIDE handbook and I am sure that one of the wise men of Chesstalk can point us to the right section.

                This is all public information which is available to anyone who cares to look on the FIDE website so there is no expectation of confidentiality.
                Last edited by Vlad Drkulec; Wednesday, 14th May, 2014, 06:26 PM.


                • Re: Who is scared of Kirsan Ilyumzhinov?

                  Originally posted by Sasha Starr View Post
                  Please clarify your statement "I believe".
                  Let me try to ask you differently: Do you know or do you not if the delegate has been already appointed?


                  • Re: Who is scared of Kirsan Ilyumzhinov?

                    [QUOTE=Vlad Drkulec;80534]FIDE regulations that seem to apply here. (I believe that these have been met by Canada. If not we don't even get a vote.)
                    Again "I believe" - that doesn't sound correct, please be straight with CFC Members and inform us: has Canada met FIDE requirements or it has not?


                    • Re: Who is scared of Kirsan Ilyumzhinov?

                      [QUOTE=Sasha Starr;80536]
                      Originally posted by Vlad Drkulec View Post
                      FIDE regulations that seem to apply here. (I believe that these have been met by Canada. If not we don't even get a vote.)
                      Again "I believe" - that doesn't sound correct, please be straight with CFC Members and inform us: has Canada met FIDE requirements or it has not?
                      I have been told that we have met the requirements. I have no reason to doubt that we have met the requirements. If we are going to quibble over every word this is going to be rather long and tedious. You can check the FIDE website as easily as I can. This is not inside information and should hardly come as a shock to anyone who looked. I did not know this until a few minutes ago because I didn't need to know it. I had no plans to attend the Congress.


                      • Re: Who is scared of Kirsan Ilyumzhinov?

                        Originally posted by Sasha Starr View Post
                        The issue is already in public, the discussion is open, the opinions are being voiced out, and if you are aware about secret plots and agreements, tell us, please!

                        Thinking is great, but a simple vote done in a matter of 2-3 days would've solved the problem!
                        Please do not put your words in my quote. I did not say that, you did. I have moved your words into your quoted text.

                        There is no doubt that I could have facilitated an attempted coup. Two or three days for a constitutional amendment seems a bit of a rushed timeline in my opinion.


                        • Re: Who is scared of Kirsan Ilyumzhinov?

                          [QUOTE=Vlad Drkulec;80540]
                          Originally posted by Sasha Starr View Post

                          I have been told that we have met the requirements. I have no reason to doubt that we have met the requirements. If we are going to quibble over every word this is going to be rather long and tedious. You can check the FIDE website as easily as I can. This is not inside information and should hardly come as a shock to anyone who looked. I did not know this until a few minutes ago because I didn't need to know it. I had no plans to attend the Congress.
                          So a few minutes ago you even didn't know if CFC has met requirements, furthermore, you even didn't need to know that. And you are not planning to attend the Congress either. This is inconsistent with your digging into KI and GK's personal traits, starting your poll, insisting that you are trying to get elected a candidate who is the best for Canada, fighting here with several Members and non Members... What a mess!
                          Last edited by Sasha Starr; Wednesday, 14th May, 2014, 07:26 PM.


                          • Re: Who is scared of Kirsan Ilyumzhinov?

                            Originally posted by Vlad Drkulec View Post
                            Please do not put your words in my quote. I did not say that, you did. I have moved your words into your quoted text.

                            There is no doubt that I could have facilitated an attempted coup. Two or three days for a constitutional amendment seems a bit of a rushed timeline in my opinion.
                            I'm talking here about a Governors' vote to have CFC's vote and possibly endorsement for one of the candidates for the position of FIDE's President.


                            • Re: Who is scared of Kirsan Ilyumzhinov?

                              Originally posted by Sasha Starr View Post
                              So a few minutes ago you even didn't know if CFC has met requirements, furthermore, you even didn't need to know.
                              The contention by the Kasparov proponents are that I can't trust anything that anyone tells me. Do I personally check that we have met every deadline. No I don't. I already spend way too much time just dealing with everything that I have to deal with.

                              And you are not planning to attend the Congress. This is inconsistent with your digging into KI and GK's personal traits, starting your poll, insisting that you are trying to get elected a candidate who is the best for Canada, fighting here with several Members and non Members...
                              Even though I am not planning to attend the FIDE congress that does not absolve me of doing the due diligence required to cast an informed vote in the executive meeting that will decide Canada's vote.

                              The executive will vote based on their own individual due diligence to the question of which candidate will be best for the interests of Canada and its chessplayers and what is best for world chess. The delegate will vote in accord with the outcome of that vote of the executive. The delegate will also have one of seven votes. Now that we have established that we can get back to our regularly scheduled bickering.

                              What a mess!
                              Only in your mind. It all seems quite orderly to me.
                              Last edited by Vlad Drkulec; Wednesday, 14th May, 2014, 07:53 PM.


                              • Re: Who is scared of Kirsan Ilyumzhinov?

                                Originally posted by Sasha Starr View Post
                                I'm talking here about a Governors' vote to have CFC's vote and possibly endorsement for one of the candidates for the position of FIDE's President.
                                There is no doubt that I could have facilitated an attempted coup. Two or three days for a constitutional amendment seems a bit of a rushed timeline in my opinion.

                                Your bad planning is not my emergency.

