CO and CYCC deadline and registrations

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  • CO and CYCC deadline and registrations

    All room bookings for the CO and CYCC must be completed before June 10, but try to book as soon as possible because they might run out of rooms for us before that. The entry fee is also going up on June 10 for the CYCC, and on July 1st for the CO.

    As of today, there are 149 pre-registered players for the CO and 146 for the CYCC

    If you are interested in upgrading your room to a junior suite, please contact us at before June 10.

    Tournaments websites

  • #2
    Re: CO and CYCC deadline and registrations

    I am probably missing do you register online for CYCC...I see where you can buy a membership...but where do you actually register for the tournament?


    • #3
      Re : Re: CO and CYCC deadline and registrations

      First, go to
      The big "Online registration (click here) " at the top is a link to the registration and payment form.


      • #4
        Re: Re : Re: CO and CYCC deadline and registrations

        Originally posted by Roman Sarrazin Gendron View Post
        First, go to
        The big "Online registration (click here) " at the top is a link to the registration and payment form.
        I have been recommending that people use a computer rather than a cell phone to register as a few of the Windsor parents have found it impossible to navigate to the correct page using a phone.


        • #5
          Re : Re: Re : Re: CO and CYCC deadline and registrations

          Yes, the website isn't optimized for phone navigation, unfortunately.
          Sorry for the wrong link, I somehow read CO.

          I just changed the link name to make it more noticeable. It now says "Click here" too.


          • #6
            Re: CO and CYCC deadline and registrations

            Originally posted by Nata
            Navigate to the top from membership, there is Online registration bigger size font, click on it. Fill the form.


            • #7
              Re : Re: CO and CYCC deadline and registrations

              We received 60 registrations during the weekend. Both lists are now up to date. The CYCC registrations now show more information. Please make sure you child is a CFC member at the start of the tournament (see the last field of the table).

              Remember ! Tomorrow is the last day before the prices go up !


              • #8
                Re: Re : Re: CO and CYCC deadline and registrations

                Hi Roman, a couple days ago I filled out the registration form on the website. Everything was paid for via paypal, and I've been able to book a room as well. However, I don't see my name on the pre-registered list. Just thought I'd let you know, because I don't want to have to pay an extra $25.

                Thanks, Zach


                • #9
                  Re : Re: Re : Re: CO and CYCC deadline and registrations

                  Hi Zach,

                  For some reason I had not received the paypal confirmation email. I checked manually and we did receive the payment, so I updated the list. Your name should now appear on it.

                  Sorry for the delay !


                  • #10
                    Re : Re: CO and CYCC deadline and registrations

                    Originally posted by Nata
                    Hi, do I need to confirm that child would like to participate in CO if he registered for CYCC?
                    Yes and you have until June 10 to do so (tomorrow). Not all CYCC participants take advantage of the free entry to the CO, so it's important to tell us. You can send an email to Roman's address, which is in the first post.


                    • #11
                      Re : Re: Re : Re: CO and CYCC deadline and registrations

                      Great news! We now have 255 registered players at the CYCC and 190 players at the Canadian Open.

                      We were hoping for 600 players in total. Perhaps we should now aim for 800? :)

                      Some people might also have noticed that we invited the top two U14 players in the world. IM Samuel Sevian (1st U14 in the World), quite possibly one of the most promising player the USA had since Bobby Fischer, will be giving a simul at the CYCC. Other confirmed players for the simuls include GM Kovalyov, WGM Sulennis, WIM Fleites Marti and IM Ruiz Sanchez.

                      Here's an article on Susan Polgar's blog :


                      • #12
                        Re : Re: Re : Re: CO and CYCC deadline and registrations

                        The registration fees are now $250 for the CYCC.

                        The room booking deadline has been extended to June 15. After this date, it will not be possible anymore to benefit from the chess discount.


                        • #13
                          Re : Re: Re : Re: CO and CYCC deadline and registrations

                          Reminder : register for the Canadian Open before July 1st to save $20 on the registration fees.
                          Also, please make sure to pay for your membership (if due) before the tournament.

                          CO Registration page
                          CO pre-registered players.


                          • #14
                            Re: Re : Re: Re : Re: CO and CYCC deadline and registrations

                            So far 23 kids from Windsor registered if I haven't missed anyone. There appear to be a few who have said they will be playing and who have qualified who have not registered yet.


                            • #15
                              Re: CO and CYCC deadline and registrations

                              239 entries so far for the Open!

