Rapid results - June 14th

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  • Rapid results - June 14th

    38 players - 5 rds swiss

    1st: Bator Sambuev 4 1/2 - 1/2
    2nd - 5th: Artiom Samsonkin, Razvan Preotu, Shiyam Thavandiran, Michael Barron 4 - 1
    Top Woman: Nava Starr 2 1/2 points
    A Prize: Hans Jung 2 1/2 points
    B Prize: Jonathan Yu 3 points
    C Prize: Jacob Stein 2 points

    Excellent turnout with 11 players rated over 2400 ! I will add the full X-table soon.

    Rapid Ratings

    Sambuev Bator 2703
    Hansen Eric 2661
    Samsonkin Artiom 2657
    Noritsyn Nikolay 2605
    Hambleton Aman 2577
    Gerzhoy Leonid 2564
    Krnan Tomas 2559
    Bindi Cheng 2548
    Turner Matthew 2538
    Preotu Razvan 2496
    Vavrak Peter 2484
    Thavandiran Shiyam 2478
    Cummings David 2435
    Tayar Jonathan 2420
    Martchenko Alex 2419
    Kleinman Michael 2407
    Gulko Andre 2389
    Sapozhnikov Roman 2352
    Rek Slava 2392
    Plotkin Victor 2375
    Ochkoos Yuri 2340
    Zuniga Dante 2342
    Song Michael 2341
    Derraugh Geordie 2321
    Barron Michael 2308
    Urquhart Eddie 2294
    Findlay Ian 2279
    Bailey Doug 2277
    Filipovich David 2272
    Ivanov Mike 2264
    Dougherty Mike 2263
    Murray Bob 2261
    Vladimir Birarov 2261
    Plotkin Mark 2254
    Digeng Du 2250
    Campbell Bret 2248
    Murray Peter 2247
    Vaingorten Yakov 2246
    Miller Evgeni 2244
    Aronov Yuri 2243
    Molchanov Yevhen 2229
    Mills Morgon 2212
    Jung Hans 2203
    Starr Sasha 2199
    Fiedler Brian 2199
    Cormier Adam 2179
    Upper John 2178
    Puri Vinny 2174
    Southam Dave 2170
    Smith Dan 2167
    Zhang Yuanchen 2155
    Miletic Dusan 2146
    Shebetah Wajdy 2138
    Jonathan Yu 2135
    Zeromskis Egis 2118
    Pedersen Rune 2118
    Nava Starr 2113
    Boris Rotsisan 2111
    Erwin Casareno 2100
    Brajkovic Nikola 2098
    Dave MacLeod 2090
    Haziprodromu Sam 2080
    Nekhamkin Vladimir 2072
    Malette Martin 2071
    Siddeley Hugh 2059
    Dobrich Vlad 2055
    Evans Bill 2052
    Vettese Nicholas 2049
    Stefanovic Miroslav 2044
    Brown Alan 2027
    Davy Zhao 2021
    Ferreira Alex 2019
    Chernik Dmitry 2017
    McMillan Andrew 2000
    Stavropoulos Greg 1995
    Zelcer Isaac 1974
    Ozcan Mustafa 1972
    Wiebe Daniel 1961
    Gunapalan David 1961
    Roller Robert 1952
    Posaratnanathan Julian 1950
    Chen Chinhua 1947
    El-Khoury Brian 1944
    Twesigye Derek 1936
    Jolliffe Kyle 1934
    Bokhout Peter 1930
    Troy Tony 1927
    Ferner Wilf 1924
    Robinson Dave 1916
    Zagar Milan 1911
    Malmsten Eric 1889
    Sottile Claudio 1886
    Torkan Behnam 1883
    Chernoff Victor 1873
    Magnan Mike 1862
    McSherry Peter 1857
    Stein Jacob 1847
    Steadman Richard 1831
    Allen Marc-Antoine 1829
    McNeil Hugh 1825
    Delacerna Jeff 1824
    Bzikot Robert 1823
    Gashgarian Rob 1821
    Chen Richard 1808
    Bell Ian 1795
    D’Souza Jason 1794
    alNajjar Mohamad 1793
    Zamir Guy 1783
    France Kyle 1771
    Sirkovich Daniel 1764
    Leveau Stan 1763
    Gomes Joe 1762
    Lee Hendon 1753
    Rajendran Partha 1745
    Torres Francisco 1744
    Holly Jerry 1727
    O'Bumsawin Nick 1714
    Shafkat Ali 1705
    Goodridge Corrie 1700
    Duke Peter 1690
    Belaiche Kyle 1689
    Matthews Dan 1678
    Mowers Dan 1676
    Schneider Mitchell 1656
    Goodman Shaul 1604
    Stanwick Richard 1603
    Sam Park 1600
    Lee John S 1600
    Manifar Aliakbar 1600
    Akbarian Reza 1600
    Gonzalez Americo 1600
    Salama Ayyad 1600
    Medisetty Madhav 1600
    Wan Karen 1600
    Little Steve 1600
    Adragna Mario 1600
    Singer Ron 1600
    Heller Bob 1600
    Goodman Halli 1600

    The 15 minute Rapid is played from 2pm every Saturday
    We are now at the Strategy Games Shop – games room –
    at 701 Mt Pleasant.
    Entry fee is $20 - cash prizes for winners in rating
    groupings as well as the top two or three over all.
    Last edited by Vlad Dobrich; Tuesday, 17th June, 2014, 11:32 PM.

  • #2
    Re: Rapid results - June 14th

    Full cross table is attached as .pdf file.
    Rapid Chess Tournament & Fundraiser Cross Table.compressed.pdf
    ...Mike Pence: the Lord of the fly.


    • #3
      Re: Rapid results - June 14th

      Did Bindi take a piece of Sambuev two days running? Impressive!


      • #4
        Re: Rapid results - June 14th

        LOL I may not know how to post X-tables, but I sure know who to ask to do it!

        Thanks Kerry,
        Vlad D


        • #5
          Re: Rapid results - June 14th

          Room 1 of the Games Shop play room tight but manageable.


          • #6
            Re: Rapid results - June 14th

            Originally posted by Kerry Liles View Post
            Full cross table
            May you sort by points? thnx.


            • #7
              Re: Rapid results - June 14th

              Originally posted by Egidijus Zeromskis View Post
              May you sort by points? thnx.
              "May" - strange word choice! 'May' is used in benedictions such as - "May you live long and prosper!"
              .....Or in curses such as - "May the fleas of a thousand camels infest your armpits!"
              You no doubt mean 'could I'? (doubtful) or 'would I'? (unlikely)
              Egis, you are probably thinking in Dutch and then translating into English - yes?
              Someone once told me the phrase "Throw Papa's hat down the stairs." - if said in Dutch goes like -
              "Throw Papa down the stairs his hat." Is that not so? :D


              • #8
                Re: Rapid results - June 14th

                Originally posted by J. Ken MacDonald View Post
                Did Bindi take a piece of Sambuev two days running? Impressive!
                Not the 2nd day, I swiss-gambited my way to victory
                Shameless self-promotion on display here


                • #9
                  Re: Rapid results - June 14th

                  Originally posted by Vlad Dobrich View Post
                  "May" ...
                  I assume you can not sort nor standing nor my words :)


                  • #10
                    Re: Rapid results - June 14th

                    Originally posted by Bindi Cheng View Post
                    Not the 2nd day, I swiss-gambited my way to victory
                    Impressive all the same!


                    • #11
                      Re: Rapid results - June 14th

                      I heard there were issues with reading the results, so I have put together the standings in an easier to digest format.
                      - Store Manager


                      • #12
                        Re: Rapid results - June 14th

                        Thnx for a new crosstable.

                        I heard good stories about the Saturday tournament on Sunday. Bator demonstrated his one win (really two but other game was from a different tournament though on the same chess theme). Hans was reminded of his youth about winning A prizes :)


                        • #13
                          Re: Rapid results - June 14th

                          Originally posted by David_StrategyGamesTO View Post
                          I heard there were issues with reading the results, so I have put together the standings in an easier to digest format.
                          - Store Manager

                          Thanks for posting that David. Vlad had sent me the original pdf and I managed to squeeze it so that it would pass the ChessTalk file upload limit (21Kb or so?).
                          pdf files are not amenable to reorganization or editing (in general) so I am happy to see an alternative post with the results in final score/position order.
                          ...Mike Pence: the Lord of the fly.


                          • #14
                            Re: Rapid results - June 14th

                            Yes I had an awesome time. It wasnt just the chess. (what?? - whats wrong with me?) it was encounters with special people and the special atmosphere. Strategy Games - love those playing boards by the way. Sponsors supplying great snacks! (wings were more than decent). Laura in customer service was perceptive, charming, and read people very well - addressing needs almost before they arose. She even fooled me into believing she knew chess well although as she explained she just read people well. (I sense Francis hand in this - so thankyou Francis!) Its worth a visit to Strategy Games just to meet her. Chatting to Peter Murray one anecdote after another - I encouraged him to blog about his experiences. Sasha also had wonderful stories - about the legendary Yuchtman - giving strong masters piece odds - the legndary Kogan being Nava's teacher - anecdotes about the two of them first meeting which I wont share. Sasha you should also write your stories - they would be the best of chess culture. Nava is playing on the Olympic Team breaking her own record for times played and with Sasha is not only going to beautiful Norway but also a mini tour of Denamark and Sweden as well. Im envious. Im sure the two of them will have memorable experiences. I won the A prize. Peter asked: when is the last time you won an A prize. Answer its been more than 35 yrs. Afterwards me and Vlad went for refreshments. I wont say much about the good time we had but it was so gripping I missed my bus and also Vlad is modest and a realist but I will also add that with the ideas he has come up with the man is a genius. Thanks Vlad for all the organising you do - Toronto chess is lucky to have you. Thanks to all the anonymous sponsors who were rewarded by an awesome field of players.


                            • #15
                              Re: Rapid results - June 14th

                              Originally posted by Vlad Dobrich View Post
                              38 players - 5 rds swiss

                              1st: Bator Sambuev 4 1/2 - 1/2
                              2nd - 5th: Artiom Samsonkin, Razvan Preotu, Shiyam Tavandiran, Michael Barron 4 - 1
                              Top Woman: Nava Starr 2 1/2 points
                              A Prize: Hans Jung 2 1/2 points
                              B Prize: Jonathan Yu 3 points
                              C Prize: Jacob Stein 2 points

                              Excellent turnout with 11 players rated over 2400 !

                              Yes, it was very strong! Even with a perf of 2413 (400 points above my rating) I was sniffed out of winning the B Prize!
                              If only my rating was higher I could have split the A Prize with the venerable Hans Jung :D

                              Thanks to everyone, especially the sponsors! That chicken bbq pizza was a treat!

