Durban Open 2014

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  • #16
    Re: Durban Open 2014

    Originally posted by Vlad Drkulec View Post
    The players get $500 honorarium for ten or twelve long days of work coaching the players. Given the time they spend we are probably looking at about one third of minimum wage. Two of the coaches are not playing. All of these coaches have had rave reviews in their previous WYCC outings. Don't look on this as a lack of commitment but rather as a way to get more bang for the money we spent sending them to South Africa and using their usual down time to play chess. Access to the playing area for coaches was an issue last year. There is no question that these two coaches have access to the playing area.

    If we continuously crap over people who volunteer for such assignments can we really wonder why we have trouble getting volunteers?
    Hi Vlad,

    I think Canada has come a long way re the CYCC-WYCC and that is thanks to the CFC!

    I am sorry if it sounded like I was doing the "C" over these folks...not intended. I know all of them and I have the utmost respect for them.

    Perhaps these should not be volunteer positions since the CYCC is generating some real dollars which allows us to do things right.

    I don't know about you, but personally I have difficulty multi-tasking... :)



    • #17
      Re: Durban Open 2014

      Give me a free trip to South Africa and a chance to play in a GM norm tournament - I'll take it in an instant. Oh, and pay me some cash for "coaching" other kids while I am busy playing in my own tournament. R - I - D - I - C - U - L - O - U - S


      • #18
        Re: Durban Open 2014

        I'd like to add a couple things to those points which have already been mentioned:

        1. In previous years the ratio of players to coaches was much higher than this year. My understanding is that a few players that were expected to go did not end up going, while we had the added benefit of Nikolay coaching while chaperoning his brother, and Richard coaching two students while also being head of delegation. In total there are 16 Canadian kids at WYCC. Aman has 5, Nikolay has 4, I have 4, Richard has 2, and one is working with a coach privately. Last year we had 11-12 kids per coach, and in that situation the idea of playing in a tournament at the same time would have been ridiculous as preparation and analysis took up 10-12 hours per day. I slept during almost every round because I was exhausted. 10+ kids is a little too high for each coach, but this year with 4 players per coach, we have more than enough available time. This is one of the main reasons Nikolay and I decided to play in the open (If you want some more reasons: we get to be in the playing hall which is off limits even to heads of delegation this year, there's not much else to do during the games as wandering around without going in a large group is not safe, and all my assigned players are in U16 or U18 so are generally not finishing quickly anyway). To my knowledge the player:coach ratio has not been this low before and I wouldn't expect this situation to be repeated in future years.

        2. Nikolay and I asked (and received, obviously) permission before registering for the tournament.

        3. Can you focus fully on both coaching and playing? Maybe, but in this situation it's clear what has to be sacrificed when there are demands on your time. It's 12:45 am as I write this. I finished helping the kids prepare for tomorrow morning's game (the second double round day so we won't have much time in the morning - just answering a few quick questions or reviewing) and I don't even know who my own opponent is yet (in fact, I believe I just wasted my preparation time replying to this thread). I am mostly just sitting down at the board and playing moves. It may have a less than ideal effect on my rating, but I went into it knowing I was not going to be able to devote very much time to my own preparation, and took it as an opportunity to get a few games against strong opponents.

        4. We should have had a pool on how long it would take this thread to appear on chesstalk.


        • #19
          Re: Durban Open 2014

          Originally posted by Larry Bevand View Post
          Hi Vlad,

          I think Canada has come a long way re the CYCC-WYCC and that is thanks to the CFC!

          I am sorry if it sounded like I was doing the "C" over these folks...not intended. I know all of them and I have the utmost respect for them.
          I was not thinking in particular of your comments when I vented. The CYCC/WYCC time frame this time was compressed and initially we were going to look at three coaches with one being head of delegation. It did seem at one point that we were going to have many more players. Richard was the natural choice for HOD since he has done this many times before. Nikolay was a late addition because that was the only way that Sergei was able to play and plus Nikolay just coached Harmony Zhu to a world championship and had great reviews from the last time he was a coach at WYCC.

          Perhaps these should not be volunteer positions since the CYCC is generating some real dollars which allows us to do things right.
          We had some additional expenditures in addition to the extra coaching and improved payments for the CYCC winners we have a much more expensive venue than last time around in UAE. We have every confidence that we will raise a similar amount or even more next year when the CYCC is in Windsor and the WYCC will be in Greece which we expect will be the site of one of the biggest WYCC teams from Canada ever as it is the last WYCC where all the age groups are combined.

          We will be spending a record amount on WYCC and other youth oriented expenditures this year from the proceeds of two great CYCC's in Ottawa and Montreal.

          I don't know about you, but personally I have difficulty multi-tasking... :)

          The latest psychological studies says that no one multi-tasks well, not even women but the coaches just have to single task. They will be playing when they and the players are playing and coaching when they and the Canadian team are finished playing.
          Last edited by Vlad Drkulec; Monday, 22nd September, 2014, 11:55 PM.


          • #20
            Re: Durban Open 2014

            I wanted to add something after reading a few things on this topic. Mostly to back up Andrew Peredun. I have had the luxury to spend some time with him, and have witnessed him in the teaching setting with kids.
            He loves what he does in coaching, motivating, and dedicating a lot of time in general to anyone of his friends and students that ask anything from him. Not going to go into much detail. The one big thing I would like to address would be that there has to be a bit of faith put into the decisions behind choosing the coaches/people that are standing behind the youth that are sent to the WYCC. Not only are they going to be strong chess players in general, but they are going to be very respectful and trusted when it comes to choosing those individuals. I can't speak for the other coaches, but since I really only know Andrew personally. I know that he will put the kids well before himself. The situation has been stated that the individuals that are playing in the tournament have taken every precaution and judgment call to make sure that this is not a selfish gesture by playing in the tournament.

            All of that being said. I wish them all the best in the tournament. It would be great to see everyone that competes and represents Canadian chess to do extremely well.
            Best of luck!!



            • #21
              Re: Durban Open 2014

              Originally posted by Andrew Peredun View Post
              I'd like to add a couple things to those points which have already been mentioned:

              1. In previous years the ratio of players to coaches was much higher than this year. My understanding is that a few players that were expected to go did not end up going, while we had the added benefit of Nikolay coaching while chaperoning his brother, and Richard coaching two students while also being head of delegation. In total there are 16 Canadian kids at WYCC. Aman has 5, Nikolay has 4, I have 4, Richard has 2, and one is working with a coach privately. Last year we had 11-12 kids per coach, and in that situation the idea of playing in a tournament at the same time would have been ridiculous as preparation and analysis took up 10-12 hours per day. I slept during almost every round because I was exhausted. 10+ kids is a little too high for each coach, but this year with 4 players per coach, we have more than enough available time. This is one of the main reasons Nikolay and I decided to play in the open (If you want some more reasons: we get to be in the playing hall which is off limits even to heads of delegation this year, there's not much else to do during the games as wandering around without going in a large group is not safe, and all my assigned players are in U16 or U18 so are generally not finishing quickly anyway). To my knowledge the player:coach ratio has not been this low before and I wouldn't expect this situation to be repeated in future years.
              I would prefer the coaches to be safely in the hall playing to wandering the area and possibly becoming the victims of a crime.

              2. Nikolay and I asked (and received, obviously) permission before registering for the tournament.
              I can confirm this.

              3. Can you focus fully on both coaching and playing? Maybe, but in this situation it's clear what has to be sacrificed when there are demands on your time. It's 12:45 am as I write this. I finished helping the kids prepare for tomorrow morning's game (the second double round day so we won't have much time in the morning - just answering a few quick questions or reviewing) and I don't even know who my own opponent is yet (in fact, I believe I just wasted my preparation time replying to this thread). I am mostly just sitting down at the board and playing moves. It may have a less than ideal effect on my rating, but I went into it knowing I was not going to be able to devote very much time to my own preparation, and took it as an opportunity to get a few games against strong opponents.
              Stop worrying about what some of the denizens of Chesstalk are saying. If you walk on water they will say its because you can't swim. I and some of the parents who are familiar with what goes on at WYCC will handle Chesstalk and you focus on playing and helping the kids play. You can catch up when you get back to Canada if are so inclined.

              4. We should have had a pool on how long it would take this thread to appear on chesstalk.
              No good deed goes unpunished. Never be surprised.


              • #22
                Re: Durban Open 2014

                The WYCC is being handled well by the CFC. We picked good folks for our delegation. I think it is a huge positive that our coaches have some chess ambition and desire. I have no problem with IM Nikolay Noritsyn, and Andrew Peredun playing in the tournament given the workload they face.

                I also happen to think it is a huge positive having GM Eric Hansen in the same area code as the WYCC kids.


                • #23
                  Re: Durban Open 2014

                  Originally posted by Andy Shaw View Post
                  Give me a free trip to South Africa and a chance to play in a GM norm tournament - I'll take it in an instant. Oh, and pay me some cash for "coaching" other kids while I am busy playing in my own tournament. R - I - D - I - C - U - L - O - U - S
                  You forgot the other requirement (much more important): you have to be qualified to do the job.
                  ...Mike Pence: the Lord of the fly.


                  • #24
                    Re: Durban Open 2014

                    Originally posted by Rene Preotu View Post
                    The coaches are not allowed inside the playing hall during the rounds so they can do whatever they want in their spare time. They decided to play chess and I don't see anything wrong with this.
                    Check the schedule for both tournaments and you'll see why Andrew and Nikolay are playing.
                    Nothing to add or deduct!! Everything is so obvious, isn't it?


                    • #25
                      Re: Durban Open 2014

                      Andrew, Eric, and Nikolay all have the same 5.5/8 score.



                      • #26
                        Re: Durban Open 2014

                        I agree with the poster who emphasized the word ridiculous. The coaches should be coaches, they have absolutely no business playing in a tournament of their own. They should be watching the games in the best manner that they can and devoting full time to the players they are coaching. The fact that playing in a tournament of their own even occurred to them is clear grounds for their being removed and replaced. They should be watching the games of their players, and watching the games of the potential opponents of their players as the games are being played. They should be spending all of their time working for the players they are coaching. Is this not obvious? It is absolutely astonishing to me that this question could come up!!

                        What should I have done here coach, what did my future opponent do there coach?

                        How should I know, I was playing a tournament game of my own.


                        • #27
                          Re: Durban Open 2014

                          Looks like win in round 10 (white against 2552 GM form Italy) gives a norm to Nikolay. A draw probably still gives a chance with a win in the last round. Good luck!!


                          • #28
                            Re: Durban Open 2014

                            Thank you!

