Moving on

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  • #16
    Re: Moving on

    Originally posted by Bob Gillanders View Post
    I did follow up, and some documents were missed. Yuanling is following up, and Gerry has been advised.
    I'm happy to see there is some progress being made. The titles are very important to the players who have earned them.
    Gary Ruben
    CC - IA and SIM


    • #17
      Re: Moving on

      Originally posted by Zeljko Kitich View Post
      Gary Reuben: "You are fired and make sure you sweep up & lock up on your way out & clean up any and all loose threads before you go and by the end of the day."
      Can you cook?
      Gary Ruben
      CC - IA and SIM


      • #18
        Re: Moving on

        as Julia Childs would say, 'mais oui'


        • #19
          Re: Moving on

          Originally posted by Bob Gillanders View Post
          Gerry picked the CFC computers today, so they should be safely in Stratford by now. I pass the torch to him and wish him well as new CFC Executive Director.

          I want to thank Paul Beckwith and Vincent Chow who accompanied me on this journey, they have done such an outstanding job.

          I will leave you with some good news. Memberships are up to 1,920 as of today.

          As they say, that's it for me, over and out.

          We'll see you all over the board.

          Bob, did you remember to put that back-door code on the computers so that you can secretly log in anytime and change tournament results, ratings, etc? You could:

          1) make Gary Ruben the most active OTB player, and having him play every game as Black playing the French Winawer and winning, most of the time in under 20 moves.

          2) in July, put an article in the e-zine in which Ben Daswani gets voted Mr. Congeniality of the Canadian Open in Edmonton (and add that in fact, he also gets voted Miss Congeniality).

          3) put into the CFC books each year Larry's $20,000 being spent on "The Bruce Harper Computer Chess Foundation".

          Oh, there's so much more!

          Hey, when you wrote "We'll see you all over the board", did you mean it as in "We'll see y'all over the board" (nice and friendly-like), or did you mean it as the more sinister "We'll see YOU all over the board!" as in you'll beat them so bad their blood and guts will be left on the battlefield? I know the latter doesn't sound like you at all, but who knows what this whole CFC experience has done?

          Cheers, I'll call you soon.
          Only the rushing is heard...
          Onward flies the bird.


          • #20
            Re: Moving on

            Originally posted by Zeljko Kitich View Post
            as Julia Childs would say, 'mais oui'
            I knew you could. You spelled my name like the sandwich. :)
            Gary Ruben
            CC - IA and SIM


            • #21
              Re: Moving on

              Originally posted by Kerry Liles View Post
              Roger that Bob. Thanks to you and Paul Beckwith and Vincent Chow (*and* Paul Roschmann who I know helped out a lot as an unpaid volunteer) for the extraordinary job you did under what has clearly been revealed as VERY trying circumstances and oppressive "management".

              I certainly hope you can one day think "I told you so..."
              Thank you Kerry and everyone else for your kind words. It has indeed been a long and often difficult journey, but lots of help and support from friends sure made a huge difference. Paul Roschman who made several trips with me to Ottawa, and also to the AGM in Montreal last year. John Upper and Eric VanDusen who helped with closing the office in Ottawa. Tony Ficzere who helped me with FIDE ratings amongst other items. David Cohen who besides his fundraising efforts for the Olympic team, was a valuable resource for background information. David Gordon who continued to help after his departure.

              It has also been a pleasure getting to know so many chessplayers and organizers across the country. If we could just find a way to get everyone working together as a team, we could accomplish so much.


              • #22
                Re: Moving on

                Originally posted by Paul Bonham View Post
                Bob, did you remember to put that back-door code on the computers so that you can secretly log in anytime and change tournament results, ratings, etc? You could:

                1) make Gary Ruben the most active OTB player, and having him play every game as Black playing the French Winawer and winning, most of the time in under 20 moves.

                2) in July, put an article in the e-zine in which Ben Daswani gets voted Mr. Congeniality of the Canadian Open in Edmonton (and add that in fact, he also gets voted Miss Congeniality).

                3) put into the CFC books each year Larry's $20,000 being spent on "The Bruce Harper Computer Chess Foundation".

                Oh, there's so much more!

                Hey, when you wrote "We'll see you all over the board", did you mean it as in "We'll see y'all over the board" (nice and friendly-like), or did you mean it as the more sinister "We'll see YOU all over the board!" as in you'll beat them so bad their blood and guts will be left on the battlefield? I know the latter doesn't sound like you at all, but who knows what this whole CFC experience has done?

                Cheers, I'll call you soon.
                LOL, it was a friendly "see y'all over the board" haha....well, for most anyway.

                The doctors are hopeful for a complete recovery from my CFC experience. I understand the cure involves lots of therapy and beer.


                • #23
                  Re: Moving on

                  Bob, Vince and Paul. For a Great Job in the troubled years.

                  When will Gerry be asking for his raise like he did last time ?

                  When David calls you for help remember to charge him by the second.
                  You may get your just rewards in the end.

                  Who's running the webzine now?


                  • #24
                    Re: Moving on

                    Originally posted by Paul Bonham View Post
                    You could:

                    1) make Gary Ruben the most active OTB player, and having him play every game as Black playing the French Winawer and winning, most of the time in under 20 moves.
                    I think you're referring to statistics making me all I can be.

                    Given a choice between KlAuZtRApHoBiC defences, I'd pick the Caro Kann't any day of the week.
                    Gary Ruben
                    CC - IA and SIM

