What is the CMA?

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  • What is the CMA?

    I love to peruse old magazines, for the fun of it. It is strange to find articles written not so long ago that could never have been written this way nowadays.

    This is one of them. When I saw the title, I thought I knew what to expect. How wrong I was... Here is the introduction to show what I mean.

    Title: What is the CMA?
    Author: Gordon Taylor
    Taken from: En Passant magazine, December 1989

    What is the CMA? Well, we in Canada may think of it as a acronym for the Canadian Medical Association. And in the United States the financial firm of Merrill Lynch uses it to denote their Cash Management Account. But are we not chessplayers? And do we not delight in subverting the words and phrases of others to our own uses? So let me introduce to you the CMA - Checking Mating Attack. "Every move a check" is our motto and checkmate is our goal!

  • #2
    Re: What is the CMA?


    Wonderful find, Louis!

    The CMA celebrates its 30th anniversary this year.

