CYCC Vancouver bid.

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  • #91
    Re: CYCC Vancouver bid.

    Originally posted by Paul Bonham View Post
    Vlad, please don't flatter yourself thinking I'd go to all that trouble just to tarnish your golden reputation.
    I was speaking to all of the conspiracy theorist rabble in one post not just to you. You at least have the courage to post your drivel under your own name without using some sock puppet personality.

    Its actually quite a strain to post as more than one person. There is the momentary thrill of putting one over on people. To pull it off you need to be playing a character.

    No, I'm not your antagonist Frank Broughton
    I never said you were Keerti.

    or whatever, and if he is a fake, well, SOMEBODY cares enough to go to some trouble. Guess everything isn't hunky-dory in Whoville. But it does appear he has no proof of any of his allegations, and so relax, Vlad, you're off the hook. For now.
    I am always off the hook because I am not so attached to the label President that losing it would be a big blow to me. I never really thought about running for president until the previous president asked me to. The moment I stop being president I become much more powerful not being constrained by the rules associated with being president.

    Except that in the other thread, you seem to have almost confessed to making sure it was the Windsor bid that won.
    Well that is your perspective. My perspective is that the Windsor bid arose in response to the sad fact that the only way to make sure the Canadian Open, CYCC and NAYCC happened in 2016 was to organize them myself with the considerable help of the Windsor parents. They were already inclined to help out Canadian chess. George Zhou was probably the first one who raised the idea on Chesstalk quite some time ago.

    You explain to Larry that once you start making promises to people who back you, you pretty much have to keep them. It doesn't take a genius to read between the lines. Oooops!
    Edit: I just noticed something in Vlad's post: "At that point I was not sure of the final form of the Windsor bid so it was a relief that there was another bid on the table. If the Windsor bid could not come together there would be an alternative."

    Now, dear ChessTalk readers, I ask you, what does that sound like to you? Doesn't it sound like Vlad, the President of the CFC, was viewing the Windsor bid as "the" bid and all other bids were simply alternatives if the Windsor bid fell through? Doesn't it sound as if Vlad wasn't even going to consider any other bids unless his own pet bid couldn't make it? Hoisted by his own petard![/QUOTE]

    The Windsor bid was "THE" bid and the only bid even hinted at as of November 11th when I announced the Windsor intention. About a week later, when nothing seemed to be happening I started talking to people myself. The end result was the bid that won. I had all the key information only early Friday afternoon December 11th.


    • #92
      Re: CYCC Vancouver bid.

      double post


      • #93
        Responding to nonsense

        Originally posted by Some guy I couldn't care less about aka Vlad View Post
        Keerti is that you?
        Your imagination is inasne, I have no problems in calling you out openly (as I proven many times before). I have much better uses of my time than throwing stones at a gutter. My mom taught me as a kid do not throw stone on a gutter - all that happens is you get splashed with muck.

        You friend CFC website administrator Bob Gillander has posted a link to child porn youtube video. I thought it was sick and reported it presumably it will go to Larry.

        Hope the NFP allegations don't reach the proper channels. Take your medication and relax.

        Merry Christmas


        • #94
          Re: CYCC Vancouver bid.

          Originally posted by Paul Bonham View Post
          Vlad, please don't flatter yourself thinking I'd go to all that trouble just to tarnish your golden reputation.
          I was speaking to all of the conspiracy theorist rabble in one post not just to you. You at least have the courage to post your drivel under your own name without using some sock puppet personality.

          Its actually quite a strain to post as more than one person. There is the momentary thrill of putting one over on people. To pull it off you need to be playing a character.

          No, I'm not your antagonist Frank Broughton
          I never said you were Keerti.

          or whatever, and if he is a fake, well, SOMEBODY cares enough to go to some trouble. Guess everything isn't hunky-dory in Whoville. But it does appear he has no proof of any of his allegations, and so relax, Vlad, you're off the hook. For now.
          I am always off the hook because I am not so attached to the label President that losing it would be a big blow to me. I never really thought about running for president until the previous president asked me to. The moment I stop being president I become much more powerful not being constrained by the rules associated with being president.

          Except that in the other thread, you seem to have almost confessed to making sure it was the Windsor bid that won.
          Well that is your perspective. My perspective is that the Windsor bid arose in response to the sad fact that the only way to make sure the Canadian Open, CYCC and NAYCC happened in 2016 was to organize them myself with the considerable help of the Windsor parents. They were already inclined to help out Canadian chess. George Zhou was probably the first one who raised the idea on Chesstalk quite some time ago.

          You explain to Larry that once you start making promises to people who back you, you pretty much have to keep them. It doesn't take a genius to read between the lines. Oooops!
          More attempts at a tempest in a teapot. Sorry I have to go drop off the check to the hotel. Have fun.

          Edit: I just noticed something in Vlad's post: "At that point I was not sure of the final form of the Windsor bid so it was a relief that there was another bid on the table. If the Windsor bid could not come together there would be an alternative."

          Now, dear ChessTalk readers, I ask you, what does that sound like to you? Doesn't it sound like Vlad, the President of the CFC, was viewing the Windsor bid as "the" bid and all other bids were simply alternatives if the Windsor bid fell through? Doesn't it sound as if Vlad wasn't even going to consider any other bids unless his own pet bid couldn't make it? Hoisted by his own petard!
          The Windsor bid was "THE" bid and the only bid even hinted at as of November 11th when I announced the Windsor intention. About a week later, when nothing seemed to be happening I started talking to people myself. The end result was the bid that won. I had all the key information only early Friday afternoon December 11th.
          Last edited by Vlad Drkulec; Thursday, 24th December, 2015, 04:07 PM.


          • #95
            Re: Responding to nonsense

            Originally posted by Keerti Nyayachavadi View Post
            Your imagination is inasne, I have no problems in calling you out openly (as I proven many times before). I have much better uses of my time than throwing stones at a gutter. My mom taught me as a kid do not throw stone on a gutter - all that happens is you get splashed with muck.

            You friend CFC website administrator Bob Gillander has posted a link to child porn youtube video. I thought it was sick and reported it presumably it will go to Larry.

            Hope the NFP allegations don't reach the proper channels. Take your medication and relax.

            Merry Christmas
            I highly doubt that extraordinary claim. When creating a fake persona you should avoid using characteristic and unusual phrases that you yourself have used in public. HTH.


            • #96
              Re: Responding to nonsense

              Originally posted by Some guy I couldn't care less about aka Vlad Drkulec View Post
              I highly doubt that extraordinary claim. When creating a fake persona you should avoid using characteristic and unusual phrases that you yourself have used in public. HTH.
              I do not find your obsession with me flattering. Be my guest on the assumption that I am the only one who despises you.

              Hope the NFP allegations don't reach the proper channels right at Christmas time.


              • #97
                Re: Responding to nonsense

                Originally posted by Keerti Nyayachavadi View Post
                You friend CFC website administrator Bob Gillander has posted a link to child porn youtube video. I thought it was sick and reported it presumably it will go to Larry.
                Keerti, I certainly did not post any child porn. It was an act on Americas got talent, or one of those shows.
                I thought it was hilarious, but nevertheless, since it offended you, I took it down myself.
                It has been replaced by one of my favourite Monty Python clips. You can't possibly take offence to anything they do, or else you you have no sense of humour whatever.


                • #98
                  Re: Responding to nonsense

                  Originally posted by Bob Gillanders View Post
                  Keerti, I certainly did not post any child porn. It was an act on Americas got talent, or one of those shows.
                  I thought it was hilarious, but nevertheless, since it offended you, I took it down myself.
                  It has been replaced by one of my favourite Monty Python clips. You can't possibly take offence to anything they do, or else you you have no sense of humour whatever.
                  If Bob is posting Monty Python he is obviously in the Christmas spirit. However, troll army, please, please, please don't make any more such posts. You obviously don't appreciate the position you put yourself in if the authorities are brought in to enforce order.


                  • #99
                    Re: CYCC Vancouver bid.

                    Originally posted by Frank Broughton View Post
                    Please Scott, don't get me even started about how poorly organized last years CYCC was. A closed access playing area, with no visibility (except if you had a boat and 20 foot ladder), with Windsor Coaches and Parents (who's kids were playing in the CYCC) allowed into the playing halls. Considering we live in a post Borislav Ivanov world, this sounds surely like a good idea?
                    Preserving this post from editing in case it is later needed.


                    • Re: Vlad doesn't love Kirsan - Steve Harvey

                      Originally posted by Scott Richardson View Post
                      “At times to be silent is to lie. You will win because you have enough brute force. But you will not convince. For to convince you need to persuade. And in order to persuade you would need what you lack: Reason and Right”
                      ― Miguel de Unamuno
                      The duty of the voting members (and the directors) is not to represent their regional power block but rather to vote their own individual conscience based on what they believe is in the best interest of chess and the CFC. Sometimes that best interest of chess includes taking into account financial implications of decisions. If we always break down by region on every decision then Ontario will always win every time there is a contentious issue which breaks down on a regional basis. I would hope that would not happen.

                      A conflict of interest might ensue if someone voted on a proposal which is to their own financial benefit. Alternatively if you vote on a proposal which is to the benefit of your employer. The fact that I charge someone $20 for a one hour chess lesson for their son or daughter and that someone happens to be on the committee that I helped recruit does not constitute a conflict of interest (at least by the NFP act, Canadian law or the law of most civilized nations).


                      • Re: Responding to nonsense

                        Originally posted by Bob Gillanders View Post
                        Keerti, I certainly did not post any child porn. It was an act on Americas got talent, or one of those shows.
                        I thought it was hilarious, but nevertheless, since it offended you, I took it down myself.
                        It has been replaced by one of my favourite Monty Python clips. You can't possibly take offence to anything they do, or else you you have no sense of humour whatever.
                        Are you turning people into newts again?



                        • Re: Responding to nonsense

                          Originally posted by Steve Douglas View Post
                          Are you turning people into newts again?

                          I got better! I never get tired of Monty Python.

                          Merry Christmas everyone!


                          • Re: Vlad doesn't understand NFP Conflict of Interest Guidelines

                            Originally posted by Vlad Drkulec View Post
                            The duty of the voting members (and the directors) is not to represent their regional power block but rather to vote their own individual conscience based on what they believe is in the best interest of chess and the CFC. Sometimes that best interest of chess includes taking into account financial implications of decisions. If we always break down by region on every decision then Ontario will always win every time there is a contentious issue which breaks down on a regional basis. I would hope that would not happen.

                            A conflict of interest might ensue if someone voted on a proposal which is to their own financial benefit. Alternatively if you vote on a proposal which is to the benefit of your employer. The fact that I charge someone $20 for a one hour chess lesson for their son or daughter and that someone happens to be on the committee that I helped recruit does not constitute a conflict of interest (at least by the NFP act, Canadian law or the law of most civilized nations).
                            These are two clear examples I am aware of violations of the NFP conflict of Interest Guidelines:

                            1)As I understand it Vlad's livelihood is giving chess lessons in Windsor Ontario. Even though Vlad may have had good intentions in organizing the CYCC and other tournaments in Windsor once alternatives appeared normally Vlad would have to recuse himself entirely from the bid selecting process. Not doing so would be contrary to the NFP conflict of Interest guidelines.

                            2)Hal Bond should have definitely recused himself from the executive group that was dealing with the FIDE election as he was receiving money from FIDE for arbitration work and was therefore conflicted out.

                            NFPs are now structured very much like corporations with similar conflict of interest guidelines.

                            Late Breaking Edit- The four (!) posts below do nothing to negate the fact that NFP Conflict Of Interest Guidelines were violated. I do not dispute that Vlad's undertaking to get a bid from Windsor was good and necessary work. I am simply saying that once competing bids came in, like it or not, the guidelines stipulate that Vlad would have to recuse himself. I would expect that the majority may have even supported Vlad but none the less the guidelines are very clear.
                            Quote From Vlad
                            "Hal Bond didn't receive money from FIDE as I understand it."
                            Clearly you do not understand it.
                            Your executive Fred Mckim said something very different about this on a post here on chesstalk. Furthermore I specifically asked Hal when I met with him if he was worried about losing his FIDE job depending on who the CFC supported. He did not deny that he had a job with them. Whether it is FIDE designating him as the arbitrator and the organizers pay him, makes no difference, he is conflicted out. Even Ken Craft who is on your executive posted here on chess talk that even an appearance of conflict of interest makes not being involved necessary.

                            Quote From Vlad

                            "I am not conflicted out just because I teach chess in Windsor. That is just silly."

                            Thinking it is "silly" does not figure into it. The rule is very clear that you needed to recuse yourself from the selection process. As I said I think the work you did in Windsor is laudable and no doubt your bid would have won, however, you still need to follow the rules once competing bids appeared.

                            If you think your within the law (see section 141 of the NFP Act) then great, you have the whole thing beat.I have very serious reservations that you are correct.

                            Quote From Vlad
                            "If you organize the Canadian Open then you have a conflict of interest because you offer chess lessons for a nominal price."

                            Yes that is true and simply following section 141 of the NFP act should in no way discourage you from organizing a Canadian Open. (ie declare your conflict of interest and simply do not vote on the matter that you have a conflict of interest in) If it is unclear to you whether or not it even constitutes a conflict of interest you can avoid a lot of aggravation of the type you have seen in this thread by those organizers with failed competing bids by simply following section 141 of the NFP act in a very conservative way instead of second guessing.
                            Last edited by Sid Belzberg; Sunday, 27th December, 2015, 02:08 AM.


                            • Re: Vlad doesn't love Kirsan - Steve Harvey

                              As far as I am concerned the Windsor bid and my involvement in it was undertaken as a clear part of my duties as CFC president. It is an invitation to treat the CFC. Just because another bid appears does not mean that I have to drop what I have been doing and step aside in favour of the other bid. The NFP act is very clear on what constitutes a conflict of interest and I have certainly structured this bid to ensure that there is no conflict of interest. I have signed on to work for free for some seven months ensuring that these three events take place and are successful. I will receive no compensation for this. The Windsor volunteers will work hard and will not receive any compensation either for their involvement.

                              There will probably be in the vicinity of seventy volunteers involved in the three events. If they were paid $100 each, that would take $7,000 out of the budget. We cannot afford that. That is almost half the prize fund for the Canadian Open. Payment for the volunteers will have to come in the form of an opportunity to allow their children or younger siblings the opportunity to play in these events for which privilege they will have to pay just like everyone else.

                              CYCC last year generated a profit of approximately $4,000 not counting donations. This could at least partially be explained that Chau Diep the organizer was under the mistaken belief that she was only entitled to $50 per player out of the entry fee up until the last few weeks when she was informed that her budget was $75. In addition Windsor Chess generated approximately $6,000 in donations to the Windsor chess community mostly from a huge pasta dinner and extravaganza at the Ciocero Club that featured a full night of entertainment and saw something like 600 people attend an event in support of the local chess community. That made a profit of $3,000. Presumably another $3,000 was raised by approaching various businesses mostly the employers of members of the committee which contributed between $100 and $500 each.

                              Chau did nothing but volunteer many hours of her time and suffered abuse at the hands of certain individuals and saw her huge effort as a volunteer rewarded with derision and disrespect (by only a few individuals to be fair). Chau negotiated parking for $5 for the whole event (not per day). Volunteers did get free parking. Chau and Isabella Hui worked themselves to exhaustion and came up with innovative ideas like a free daycare during the tournament for participants and volunteers' children. They planned activities in the daycare. There were large trophies for all of the categories and for the junior year category. There were even participation trophies for everyone playing in the tournament. How is that even possible on that budget? Well it was. There was ice cream thanks to a generous parent which doesn't even get counted as a donation because we don't know how much it cost and finally there was pizza for everyone before, during and after the bughouse tournament. I admit to eating some pizza. If that constitutes a conflict in your eyes,... well good luck to you with that. We are volunteering to do it again three times next summer. The only people making money on this bid are the hotel, the airlines and the local businesses which will benefit from the influx of visitors.

                              Caesars Windsor is giving us a package which has to be worth $100,000 when you add up all the details. If we are successful which I am sure we will be this will be an ongoing year after year arrangement which will be used to hold many, many more tournaments which will not be open for bids because it will be our own tournament or new tournaments which the CFC can use to attract more members.

                              Fifteen percent ($1500) of the total raised disappeared in order to fund team shirts for all of the Canadian WYCC players in Greece this year. The CFC spent a lot of money on junior chess funding four teams to go to U16 Olympiad in Hungary and Mongolia. The cupboard was almost bare. We had only a little over $2000 left in the youth fund. The Windsor organizers stepped in to fill the void.

                              There is talk of purchasing DGT boards and equipment, with some of the remaining surplus which if feasible will be used at the upcoming tournaments and also in a new chess class which is being sponsored by a private school providing space in exchange for chess lessons for their students.

                              Three thousand dollars ($3000) in the form of a loan went to this year's organizing committee (mostly the same people with a few additions and deletions) to pay for the deposit on the contract to Caesars Windsor. I picked up that bank draft from Chau today and delivered it to Caesars in order to meet the deadline of December 28th which was the provision that had to be met in order for the $5,000 contribution to the youth fund from Caesars Windsor to take place in August after NAYCC.

                              Every expenditure is stretched out to maximize impact. No one is trying to personally benefit from any of these funds. There is therefore no conflict of interest.


                              • Re: Vlad doesn't love Kirsan - Steve Harvey

                                Did I mention that our slightly aggressive budget for donations was double what was raised last year at $12,000 versus $6,000 in 2015. I spent about four or five hours talking to hotels and the people at Tourism Windsor Essex Pelee Island and managed to raise the whole budget without actually asking for any money. One of the parents spontaneously offered $1000 and also offered to help with other downtown business people and also to connect us to the local politicians. The $5000 was the result of an email I sent, intended as a status update for the Caesars Windsor manager for our account. I have kind of wrecked the original plan and now have to start all over with respect to fundraising. I wish my plans were wrecked that way more often.

