Canadian Open

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  • #31
    Re: Canadian Open

    Originally posted by fred harvey View Post
    Now is not the time, while the event is going on, but some one should explain at some point why this does seem to be a "non-event"? In spite of a superior venue, there is an acute paucity of "name" players, and I believe the overall attendance is about half that of recent Opens held in southern/central Ontario.

    A guess would be that players are voting with their feet....but why?

    Isn't there an imminent AGM to discuss this......

    I am of the opinion that when the CFC puts all its emphasis on children's events (what Keerti has called the "cash cow"), and sandwiches in an adult-oriented event as a "throw-in" (even as esteemed as Canadian Open), many adult players start feeling a little miffed... and as you wrote Fred, vote with their feet.

    This is all part of the larger movement of standard chess towards becoming a children's game since that's where the money is. In 20 or 30 years, almost no adults in North America will take organized STANDARD chess seriously (although there may still be small local clubs for adults). I'd even expect this to be the case worldwide, especially given the knowledge I have of new opportunities coming for chess players worldwide.
    Only the rushing is heard...
    Onward flies the bird.


    • #32
      Re: Canadian Open

      At its core, the CFC is introverted and narcissism runs rampant. As a corp it doesn't know how, or even why, it can't get past itself.

      As president I'd be willing to offer this (amongst other stuff); I'll double the membership (excluding life, honorary and the UNRs) in just two years. And if I don't, for every member that I fall short I'll pay 1 dollar to the CFC treasury. So it's about 1468 now, in just two years it could be 3k+.

      Simply by changing its attitude.


      • #33
        Re: Canadian Open

        Here we go again!

        You were the guy in Ottawa 2007 who was fired by "Gordo" when you absolutely failed to deliver when called upon to actually do something for the Open.

        Lots of words, but no achievements! Sorry Neil, lots of long memories......
        Fred Harvey


        • #34
          Re: Canadian Open

          To get an idea of why people aren't playing, "we" have to ask them. Can anyone compile an off-the-cuff list of people who usually play in the CO, and maybe we could ask. There will be lots of different reasons, but maybe a common theme will emerge.


          • #35
            Re: Canadian Open

            It's always interesting to see that the people who complain most about CFC events are not even CFC members themselves. :-)


            • #36
              Re: Canadian Open

              Originally posted by Hugh Brodie View Post
              It's always interesting to see that the people who complain most about CFC events are not even CFC members themselves. :-)
              Not complaining, just observing! But perhaps the CFC's introverted establishment should remember that new members, i.e. survival, will come from interested non-members?
              Fred Harvey


              • #37
                Re: Canadian Open



                • #38
                  Re: Canadian Open

                  Scandalous about those CFC sandwiches
                  Paul Leblanc
                  Treasurer Chess Foundation of Canada


                  • #39
                    Re: Canadian Open

                    Originally posted by Paul Leblanc View Post
                    Scandalous about those CFC sandwiches
           that's the problem! Thank you.....
                    Fred Harvey


                    • #40
                      Re: Canadian Open

                      Originally posted by Paul Bonham View Post
                      I am of the opinion that when the CFC puts all its emphasis on children's events (what Keerti has called the "cash cow"), and sandwiches in an adult-oriented event as a "throw-in" (even as esteemed as Canadian Open), many adult players start feeling a little miffed... and as you wrote Fred, vote with their feet.
                      CFC Emphasis (in no particular order)
                      1. Rating of chess tournaments and maintaining National rating system
                      2. Affiliation with FIDE and FIDE Americas
                      3. Co-ordinating with organizers of National Chess tournaments
                      4. Co-ordinating with our participants in official FIDE events and the organizers of these events
                      5. National newsletter for members (PDF) & News feed (from web site)
                      6. Provide CFC website (upcoming events notices, ratings, crosstables, links, historical and biographical Canadian information)
                      7. Maintain affiliation with Provincial Associations

                      What we don't do such a good job at is grass roots promotion (I guess items 1 & 7 are the closest), as the budget is pretty well spent by the above items. You don't have to be CFC President to volunteer. The CFC AGM will be held in approximately one month online at the CFC Forum. Any CFC member 18+ can run for an officer position, whether or not they are a Class A Member (formerly called Governor).

                      Fred McKim, CFC Treasurer & long-time CFC Governor (1978-present)


                      • #41
                        Re: Canadian Open

                        Originally posted by Neil Frarey View Post
                        At its core, the CFC is introverted and narcissism runs rampant. As a corp it doesn't know how, or even why, it can't get past itself.

                        As president I'd be willing to offer this (amongst other stuff); I'll double the membership (excluding life, honorary and the UNRs) in just two years. And if I don't, for every member that I fall short I'll pay 1 dollar to the CFC treasury. So it's about 1468 now, in just two years it could be 3k+.

                        Simply by changing its attitude.
                        Neil: If you're planning to run for CFC President (or any other position), you really need to come up with a speech that doesn't "appear" to criticize a majority of the people who would be voting.


                        • #42
                          Re: Canadian Open

                          Fwiw, the CFC membership stats posted some months ago showed that adult memberships were at least slightly up (besides total membership). A possible sign many adults may be altruistic enough not to be miffed at any extra attention paid to developing junior chess, at the moment. Either that, or people may be tiring a little of internet chess, perhaps at least in part due to the greater chance of successful computer-assisted cheating:

                          Anything that can go wrong will go wrong.
                          Murphy's law, by Edward A. Murphy Jr., USAF, Aerospace Engineer


                          • #43
                            Re: Canadian Open

                            Fred(s), be honest.

                            Who amongst the current crop of VMs have lead the CFC to where it is now? Which VMs (a.k.a. Governors) are those that have persisted, for one reason or another, year after year after year? President after president after president? Be honest, your results speak for themselves.

                            Isn't it time to put all your petty feelings aside and allow the CFC to grow?


                            • #44
                              Re: Canadian Open

                              Originally posted by Neil Frarey View Post
                              Fred(s), be honest.

                              Who amongst the current crop of VMs have lead the CFC to where it is now? Which VMs (a.k.a. Governors) are those that have persisted, for one reason or another, year after year after year? President after president after president? Be honest, your results speak for themselves.

                              Isn't it time to put all your petty feelings aside and allow the CFC to grow?
                              I have started a thread on the CFC Forum - you should mosey on over there and let the Canadian chess players know how you're willing to help the CFC in 2016/17.


                              • #45
                                Re: Canadian Open

                                Thanks for doing that Fred!


                                I was planning on running in 2017. But now with only a month to AGM I don't think there's enough time to move the VMs in a positive direction, via email loop and all.

                                At the very least, you forced the dates to be publicly announced. I shudder to think why this wasn't on the CFC home page a month ago, it's important stuff. And why such an important announcement was held back, and why such an important announcement fell to the CFC Treasurer.

                                Has Lyle resigned?

