US Elections

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  • Re: US Elections

    Originally posted by Bob Gillanders View Post
    If you mean more rioting, yes we agree.
    I mean close to civil war.

    To address Vlad as well, I wonder if your post on this is tongue in cheek? Some Trump supporters are Republicans, but many Republicans are not Trump supporters. Trump supporters are Trump supporters, and if Hillary had won we would have seen riots all across America on a mass scale like you have never seen before.


    • Re: US Elections

      Originally posted by Paul Bonham View Post
      I also see Brad's true bias has come out... now he's calling the Democrats "evil people".
      Well now. What you put in quotes I did not say. So you are falsely quoting me. (I did not even make such an allusion.)

      This proves I was right when I called you an idiot. You are by far the biggest moron on this board. You are so illogical it is unbelievable. You jump to wild conclusions (that speak not to the person you refer to but only to yourself). And I have never come across such a judgmental person in my life.

      You think you are some kind of smart person because of how well you read between the lines, but you have just demonstrated that you are not even capable of reading the lines in the first place!

      Don't you think you should learn to read first, you imbecile?


      • Re: US Elections

        Originally posted by Brad Thomson View Post
        I mean close to civil war.

        To address Vlad as well, I wonder if your post on this is tongue in cheek? Some Trump supporters are Republicans, but many Republicans are not Trump supporters. Trump supporters are Trump supporters, and if Hillary had won we would have seen riots all across America on a mass scale like you have never seen before.
        Criminals riot. The people who voted for Trump are not criminals. They voted for a law and order candidate who supported the police and our military. The demographics of Trump supporters does not support your assertion. They are mostly white middle class and black, hispanic, evangelical, catholic and NRA supports who support the same values which do not include rioting in the streets. I think the disgraceful displays by Hillary supporters could face a backlash by all people of decency.There has already been one rioter killed by a Trump supporter and judging by the video of the unprovoked Chicago attack by Hillary people there should have been three more that no one would have mourned.

        It is not surprising that the people whose hate Hillary incited and even paid to provoke violence at Trump rallies are rioting. She had the thug vote locked up and now the thugs are doing what thugs do.
        Last edited by Vlad Drkulec; Saturday, 12th November, 2016, 02:05 PM.


        • Re: US Elections

          Originally posted by Brad Thomson View Post
          Well now. What you put in quotes I did not say. So you are falsely quoting me. (I did not even make such an allusion.)

          This proves I was right when I called you an idiot. You are by far the biggest moron on this board. You are so illogical it is unbelievable. You jump to wild conclusions (that speak not to the person you refer to but only to yourself). And I have never come across such a judgmental person in my life.

          You think you are some kind of smart person because of how well you read between the lines, but you have just demonstrated that you are not even capable of reading the lines in the first place!

          Don't you think you should learn to read first, you imbecile?
          Lets not descend to the level of Hillary supporters. Paul is tedious, and has a somewhat inflated notion of his own importance but he is not an imbecile at least not in the classic medical classification of the term which would imply an IQ of 25 to 50. An imbecile could not string together the long boring posts which Paul is renowned for. I would argue that he has at least an average IQ and perhaps somewhat higher though likely not as high as he himself believes.


          • Re: US Elections

            You may be right Vlad, about Trump supporters not rioting that is.

            But recall that Trump himself said in advance that if he loses it will be because of a fix! Further, has this not been an incredibly emotional election? What do emotions lead to? Do you honestly think that cooler heads would have prevailed? I do not. I believe that a sense of terrible anger and betrayal would have been felt by large masses of people and that some of them would have raised bloody hell in the only way they knew how.

            Neither one of us can be sure though, about Trump supporters not rioting that is.


            • Re: US Elections

              Just in the interests of full disclosure, I believe the Brad has previously run for Federal Office as a member of the Progressive Canadian Party. (


              • Re: US Elections

                Originally posted by Brad Thomson View Post
                You may be right Vlad, about Trump supporters not rioting that is.

                But recall that Trump himself said in advance that if he loses it will be because of a fix! Further, has this not been an incredibly emotional election? What do emotions lead to? Do you honestly think that cooler heads would have prevailed? I do not. I believe that a sense of terrible anger and betrayal would have been felt by large masses of people and that some of them would have raised bloody hell in the only way they knew how.

                Neither one of us can be sure though, about Trump supporters not rioting that is.
                I think Trump supporters would have been more surgical in their approach in the event that they had lost which seemed quite likely going into the last day. I gave Trump only a one in three chance of winning because I believed the media spin about the Democrats ground game. They cancelled their New York Times subscription. Why feed your enemies?

                If Trump supporters were going to riot, it would have been when the paid Hillary supporters were assaulting them and disrupting their events or when the media tried to steal the election for Hillary.

                The big lesson of this campaign is that the mainstream media and elites are no longer relevant because no one believes or trusts them anymore. Its a social media, wikileaks and google world and I think that their approach to this election accelerated their demise.


                • Re: US Elections

                  Originally posted by Garland Best View Post
                  Just in the interests of full disclosure, I believe the Brad has previously run for Federal Office as a member of the Progressive Canadian Party. (
                  Thank you Garland.

                  This is a potential can of worms, but let me just titillate the audience.

                  If some of you in here don't like me, go and ask Peter MacKay what he thinks.


                  • Re: US Elections

                    Originally posted by Vlad Drkulec View Post
                    The big lesson of this campaign is that the mainstream media and elites are no longer relevant because no one believes or trusts them anymore. Its a social media, wikileaks and google world and I think that their approach to this election accelerated their demise.
                    I wish I had said that. :)


                    • Re: US Elections

                      Originally posted by Vlad Drkulec View Post
                      An imbecile could not string together the long boring posts which Paul is renowned for.
                      Fair enough, but he is at least a dunce.


                      • Re: US Elections

                        Originally posted by Brad Thomson View Post
                        If some of you in here don't like me, go and ask Peter MacKay what he thinks.
                        Or David Orchard if you do.


                        • Re: US Elections

                          Originally posted by Bob Gillanders View Post
                          Because it was a very close election!

                          The popular vote (last time I looked, they are probably still doing some recounts?)

                          Clinton - 60,467,245
                          Trump - 60,071,650

                          Trump won the electoral college, so he gets to be President.
                          But she won the popular vote. So it isn't surprising some Democrats feel cheated.
                          They should not feel any more cheated than a chess player feels cheated when he gets mated with two pieces up. The rules of the game in this case were about the electoral college, and Trump's team built a strategy around those rules. Had the election been on popular vote, I'm sure his team would have focused on closing the gap in several states that they gave basically no attention to - they clearly focussed on winning certain swing states like Florida, Pennsylvania, Michigan, and so on, because that's how you win the election.


                          • Re: US Elections

                            Originally posted by Garland Best View Post
                            Just in the interests of full disclosure, I believe the Brad has previously run for Federal Office as a member of the Progressive Canadian Party. (
                            That certainly would line up with the political alignment of the Trump movement. How it is relevant to the discussion, I'm not sure.


                            • Re: US Elections

                              Originally posted by Brad Thomson View Post
                              I wish I had said that. :)
                              I am sure you did but repetition is the mother of skill and some people like Bonham think its business as usual so we have to train them to accept the new reality. Look for riots until Obama realizes that it makes him look bad and strengthens Trump. I expect Trump supporters to start exercising their 2nd amendment rights to protect themselves and I don't think anyone will cry about it when they do.


                              • Re: US Elections

                                Originally posted by Brad Thomson View Post
                                Fair enough, but he is at least a dunce.
                                If he is a dunce then it would be best to reduce your exposure to him as it could be catching.

                                His world view has suffered an atomic bomb blast. Let him wallow with the rest of them as they try to reconcile their narrative to encompass the new reality that has been revealed. Expect the advantage of surprise to be gone. I expect that Trump will win a second term if he runs but I do expect the Democrats to be better prepared in eight years.

