US Elections

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  • Re: US Elections

    Originally posted by Vlad Drkulec View Post
    That is nonsense. There were no riots when Obama won. Republicans don't riot. They respect the laws of the land. Even the tea party rallies were restrained and saw the protesters cleaning up the litter after themselves.
    John McCain and Mitt Romney did not claim that the election was rigged. Trump did.
    Thus increasing the likelihood of rioting if he lost.

    Brad makes a good point, we are talking about Trump supporters, not Republicans. There is a difference.
    I have no reason to believe the typical Democrat or Republican voter is more likely to riot, as I have no reason to believe the typical Occupy Movement or Tea party supporter is more prone to violence. Both groups participated in numerous peaceful protests. Each group has a tiny minority of radicals.
    Last edited by Bob Gillanders; Saturday, 12th November, 2016, 05:26 PM.


    • Re: US Elections

      Originally posted by David Ottosen View Post
      They should not feel any more cheated than a chess player feels cheated when he gets mated with two pieces up. The rules of the game in this case were about the electoral college, and Trump's team built a strategy around those rules. Had the election been on popular vote, I'm sure his team would have focused on closing the gap in several states that they gave basically no attention to - they clearly focussed on winning certain swing states like Florida, Pennsylvania, Michigan, and so on, because that's how you win the election.
      David, yes I agree. My point was that the election was close. This was in response to a claim that it was a landslide victory. Just keeping it honest.


      • Re: US Elections

        Originally posted by Brad Thomson View Post
        Well now. What you put in quotes I did not say. So you are falsely quoting me. (I did not even make such an allusion.)
        Evil people .... evil powers .... same basic idea.

        As to the rest of your shit....I know you are, but what am I?
        Only the rushing is heard...
        Onward flies the bird.


        • Re: US Elections

          Last edited by Tom O'Donnell; Saturday, 12th November, 2016, 09:54 PM.
          "Tom is a well known racist, and like most of them he won't admit it, possibly even to himself." - Ed Seedhouse, October 4, 2020.


          • Re: US Elections

            Further to Vlad's point about the mainstream media losing its relevance, it is funny now to watch them acting as if they are still important when they know that in fact they are not. And Trump plays on this beautifully, diminishing their power further. Trump says the riots are caused by media driven Hillary supporters. Whether or not this is true is irrelevant, the point is that Trump has not only dismissed the mainstream media, he has pointed very serious fingers at them and continues to do so now. And more and more people are realizing that he is right.


            • Re: US Elections

              Originally posted by Vlad Drkulec View Post
              If he is a dunce then it would be best to reduce your exposure to him as it could be catching.

              His world view has suffered an atomic bomb blast. Let him wallow with the rest of them as they try to reconcile their narrative to encompass the new reality that has been revealed. Expect the advantage of surprise to be gone. I expect that Trump will win a second term if he runs but I do expect the Democrats to be better prepared in eight years.

              You two are quite a pair, neither of you realize that when I get this kind of criticism, I know I have hit the 'truth nerve'. It's a well-known fact that when people of strong opinion, especially of themselves, are confronted with the truth that they know in their hearts, they lash out at the messenger. And the more violently they do so, with chants of "imbecile" being a prime example, the greater precision has the nerve been hit with.

              So I'm smiling. "Suffered an atomic bomb blast"??? "Wallow with the rest of them"??? That's a hoot.

              I said to my circle of friends before the election that I would look forward to a Trump victory just to see him and his party fail in all their endeavors. And that's what I expect to see over the next 4 years.

              Michael Moore, who predicted Trump's win, doesn't even expect Trump to last the 4 years. Look, the guy had to replace his campaign team twice in a matter of months. He has no special magic when it comes to delegating things to people, and in fact he seems more mistake-prone than most. And he has his kids helping form the administration. Epic fail coming, the next 4 years are going to be lots of fun! The voters voted for an outsider, and look who they are getting.... Giuliani....Gingrich....Christie....
              Only the rushing is heard...
              Onward flies the bird.


              • Re: US Elections

                Originally posted by Paul Bonham View Post
                You two are quite a pair, neither of you realize that when I get this kind of criticism, I know I have hit the 'truth nerve'. It's a well-known fact that when people of strong opinion, especially of themselves, are confronted with the truth that they know in their hearts, they lash out at the messenger. And the more violently they do so, with chants of "imbecile" being a prime example, the greater precision has the nerve been hit with.
                Paul, please, I will be absolutely civil this time. You are very wrong about this, with respect to me at least.

                I initially made a comment on this thread that you, and several others completely misinterpreted. You and Vlad, and I think at least one other, assumed that I was a Trump supporter and responded with this false assumption in mind. But Vlad and anyone else only made the mistake for a short period of time and once they realized their misinterpretation they stopped and moved on in the conversation.

                But your false interpretation was quite vicious. You accused me of many horrible attitudes to do with 19th century thinking, and kept on and on.

                Perhaps I overreacted, in fact, yes I did. So I now offer you a full apology for some of the things I said.

                But Paul, really. Look in the mirror man. Stop jumping to such horrible, illogical conclusions about people you have not even met (at least to my knowledge). If you are not sure about the meaning of what a person writes, ask for clarification. Do not automatically assume horrible things. Further, if you are going to put anything in "quotes" you have absolutely got to make sure the person you are accusing said it.
                Last edited by Brad Thomson; Sunday, 13th November, 2016, 10:14 AM.


                • Re: US Elections

                  I wouldn't hold my breath on Paul being able to modify his behaviour. Some patterns are burned into DNA or at least highly conditioned into a person's behaviour which can only be moderated by becoming much more self aware than Paul has shown he is capable of being.

                  As for Paul's hope that Donald J. Trump will screw it up, I suspect that he is still underestimating Trump and the significance of having control of the White House and the two houses of the legislative branch. This was a 25 year election because the judges that are being appointed will sit for that length of tme and they will put a damper on the Democrat's agenda long after the Republicans are dead or retired.

                  I am hopeful for the new administration however improbable the path to victory was. God has placed Donald Trump in this position of responsibility for a reason. The Democrats will be tougher to beat in eight years. I think in two years the Democrats will lose some ground because of the fact that there are many more Senate seats held by them coming up for election than are held by Republicans. Trump has to deliver on some of his promises in order to hold things together. I think he has a great deal of leverage simply because much of what Obama did through his executive orders will be undone within a few days by the same means.

                  The AGW proponents will be weaned very quickly from the teat of the American taxpayer. Coal will make a resurgence. Hopefully it will be clean coal. Look for the construction of pipelines and reconstruction of highways, bridges and airports which even the Democrats will support and which have been previously passed. What will be missing is the rewarding of lucrative contracts to party hacks which would have been a feature of a Rodham Clinton administration.

                  The world has taken a step forward by this Trump win. I realize that many will disagree with me but we all just have to wait and see how this all plays out in the coming months so it is time to turn our attention as Neil Frarey suggests to making Canadian chess great again and let Caesar deal with the concerns of Caesar. I am looking forward to a possible Trump - Clinton race (maybe even Ivanka vs Chelsea) in the distant future.
                  Last edited by Vlad Drkulec; Sunday, 13th November, 2016, 04:42 PM.


                  • Re: US Elections

                    Originally posted by Vlad Drkulec View Post
                    God has
                    Throughout this thread I've been wondering why exactly you're such a brainless Trump acolyte. Thanks for making it clear.
                    everytime it hurts, it hurts just like the first (and then you cry till there's no more tears)


                    • Re: US Elections

                      Originally posted by David Ottosen View Post
                      They should not feel any more cheated than a chess player feels cheated when he gets mated with two pieces up. The rules of the game in this case were about the electoral college, and Trump's team built a strategy around those rules. Had the election been on popular vote, I'm sure his team would have focused on closing the gap in several states that they gave basically no attention to - they clearly focussed on winning certain swing states like Florida, Pennsylvania, Michigan, and so on, because that's how you win the election.
                      I suspect the only people who will feel truly cheated are the Trump supporters who believed in everything he said and promised. In a few years, people will either have lower taxes ( as promised ) or not, health care premiums will either be less ( as suggested ) or not, the wall with Mexico will be built ( as promised ) or not, etc etc. Even among the Canadian supporters on this site, there is a disturbing aspect of believing somehow that Trump was "God"'s will and that of course Trump wouldn't bring back dirty coal industry. There also seems to be this weird idea that existing racial tensions that Trump has helped fan the flames on are somehow Obama's creation; in reality, the US has had these very real social issues for decades, they never went away.

                      The American people who truly believe in him will ultimately decide of Trump delivered as he promised or he's just another lying politician who didn't deliver.


                      • Re: US Elections

                        Originally posted by Vlad Drkulec View Post
                        The world has taken a step forward by this Trump win.

                        Certainly Hillary would have been a step backwards. A step for the ever increasing globalist powers. But what if Trump is bought and paid for? What if Trump works for the same people? This is the first election we have seen, since Kennedy at least, where there was the appearance of a real contest. In recent history, of course, it didn't matter who won because both parties, the Republicans and the Democrats, are controlled by the same people, the same money. Bush, a supposedly right-winger is replace by Obama, a supposed lefty, and yet all we get is the same old same old. This time a huge part of the actual Republican establishment jumped ship and refused to support a candidate not clearly and obviously supported by the globalists. But maybe he really is? Maybe this is a clever ruse?

                        In my opinion the jury is still out. But I think I do agree, Vlad, that with Trump there might be hope, with Hillary there certainly would have been none.

                        Ask yourself this, Vlad. Would the bad guys have allowed this to happen if they did not have Trump bought and paid for? I am not so sure.


                        • Re: US Elections

                          Originally posted by Vlad Drkulec View Post
                          I wouldn't hold my breath on Paul being able to modify his behaviour. Some patterns are burned into DNA or at least highly conditioned into a person's behaviour which can only be moderated by becoming much more self aware than Paul has shown he is capable of being.

                          As for Paul's hope that Donald J. Trump will screw it up, I suspect that he is still underestimating Trump and the significance of having control of the White House and the two houses of the legislative branch. This was a 25 year election because the judges that are being appointed will sit for that length of tme and they will put a damper on the Democrat's agenda long after the Republicans are dead or retired.

                          I am hopeful for the new administration however improbable the path to victory was. God has placed Donald Trump in this position of responsibility for a reason. The Democrats will be tougher to beat in eight years. I think in two years the Democrats will lose some ground because of the fact that there are many more Senate seats held by them coming up for election than are held by Republicans. Trump has to deliver on some of his promises in order to hold things together. I think he has a great deal of leverage simply because much of what Obama did through his executive orders will be undone within a few days by the same means.

                          The AGW proponents will be weaned very quickly from the teat of the American taxpayer. Coal will make a resurgence. Hopefully it will be clean coal. Look for the construction of pipelines and reconstruction of highways, bridges and airports which even the Democrats will support and which have been previously passed. What will be missing is the rewarding of lucrative contracts to party hacks which would have been a feature of a Rodham Clinton administration.

                          The world has taken a step forward by this Trump win. I realize that many will disagree with me but we all just have to wait and see how this all plays out in the coming months so it is time to turn our attention as Neil Frarey suggests to making Canadian chess great again and let Caesar deal with the concerns of Caesar. I am looking forward to a possible Trump - Clinton race (maybe even Ivanka vs Chelsea) in the distant future.
                          Vlad, this post is somewhat shocking. Your numerous previous comments in defense of Trump, took the tone, "but Clinton is worse", led me to believe you could at least acknowledge that Trump was a flawed candidate. But now you assert that Trump has been sent by God?


                          • Re: US Elections

                            Originally posted by ben daswani View Post
                            Throughout this thread I've been wondering why exactly you're such a brainless Trump acolyte. Thanks for making it clear.
                            When a person suggests that (a possibly existing) God may have had something to do with an election, this is not a brainless statement. If there is a God then maybe He/She would act this way, who knows? I certainly do not, but to dismiss the possibility entirely does not seem reasonable to me.


                            • Re: US Elections

                              Originally posted by Brad Thomson View Post

                              Ask yourself this, Vlad. Would the bad guys have allowed this to happen if they did not have Trump bought and paid for? I am not so sure.
                              If the bad guys had Trump bought and paid for they wouldn't have tried so hard to stop him.


                              • Re: US Elections

                                Originally posted by Bob Gillanders View Post
                                Vlad, this post is somewhat shocking. Your numerous previous comments in defense of Trump, took the tone, "but Clinton is worse", led me to believe you could at least acknowledge that Trump was a flawed candidate. But now you assert that Trump has been sent by God?
                                Just because someone is a flawed candidate, doesn't mean that they aren't sent by God. The Apostle Paul's resume included the murder of early Christians before he had his moment on the road to Damascus. If Hillary had won, she also would have been sent by God. On the Trump file we will soon see if it was as a boon or a punishment.

