US Elections

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  • #91
    Re: US Elections

    Trump's lies and tendencies are far more pronounced and concerning to those who can see clearly. I was fairly neutral on Trump 4 years ago. The more I know about the man the less I like about him. It's not that important to me who wins, if it's Trump, Americans will deal with the consequences good and bad. I see no scenario where ordinary Americans are not disappointed with him in 4 years if he wins. Perhaps the same is true of Clinton.


    • #92
      Re: US Elections

      Originally posted by Paul Bonham View Post
      Sid, if you really believe release of emails is a public service based on the First Amendment, then please release to the public domain immediately all your personal email as well as all your emails from your business dealings over the past many years.
      It's not a question of belief. The Pentagon Papers Supreme Court decision of 1971 made it legal for a publisher (New York Times and Washington Post) to publish stolen material. Wikimedia is a publisher , they are not the thieves. I am against theft but all for publishing as long as it is true.


      • #93
        Re: US Elections

        Originally posted by Sid Belzberg View Post
        It's not a question of belief. The Pentagon Papers Supreme Court decision of 1971 made it legal for a publisher (New York Times and Washington Post) to publish stolen material. Wikimedia is a publisher , they are not the thieves. I am against theft but all for publishing as long as it is true.

        That is like saying if someone stole your car, you'd be ok with it being sold in pieces at your local chop shop.
        Only the rushing is heard...
        Onward flies the bird.


        • #94
          Re: US Elections

          Canada's immigration website crashed


          • #95
            Re: US Elections

            Originally posted by Paul Bonham View Post
            .....It is evident that Trump's path to victory is remarkably unlikely......

            There's lots of post-disaster analysis going on, but so far no one has mentioned one thing.... the extreme statistical unlikelihood of this happening with so many states being "toss-up".

            I am now viewing this in the light of fate and destiny. And none of it is good, starting with the stock market tomorrow and slowly but assuredly escalating to the worst we can imagine.
            Only the rushing is heard...
            Onward flies the bird.


            • #96
              Re: US Elections

              Originally posted by Rene Preotu View Post
              Canada's immigration website crashed


              • #97
                Re: US Elections

                Originally posted by Paul Bonham View Post
                That is like saying if someone stole your car, you'd be ok with it being sold in pieces at your local chop shop.
                That is what the law is right now. Media routinely relies on information that is not meant for public distribution, deep throat with Watergate etc etc. If my information was stolen I would go after the thieves.


                • #98
                  Re: US Elections

                  Originally posted by Paul Bonham View Post
                  There's lots of post-disaster analysis going on, but so far no one has mentioned one thing.... the extreme statistical unlikelihood of this happening with so many states being "toss-up".

                  I am now viewing this in the light of fate and destiny. And none of it is good, starting with the stock market tomorrow and slowly but assuredly escalating to the worst we can imagine.
                  Clearly you did not read the other thread on this subject where polling methodologies were discussed and why IBD and Rasmussen were among the few that were correct. They relied on both cell phone and land line surveys the other relied on land lines only which are typically old ladies in the suburbs that participated. Garbage in Garbage out! Furthermore the mainstream weighted the polls by selectively choosing who was interviewed. Similar problems with Brexit.


                  • #99
                    Re: US Elections

                    Originally posted by Sid Belzberg View Post
                    Clearly you did not read the other thread on this subject where polling methodologies were discussed and why IBD and Rasmussen were among the few that were correct. They relied on both cell phone and land line surveys the other relied on land lines only which are typically old ladies in the suburbs that participated. Garbage in Garbage out! Furthermore the mainstream weighted the polls by selectively choosing who was interviewed. Similar problems with Brexit.

                    But none of the polls had any of the battleground states in favor of one candidate or the other OUTSIDE THE MARGIN OF ERROR. Therefore each of them was literally a toss-up. Everyone was agreed on what the battleground states were and that they were toss-up.
                    Only the rushing is heard...
                    Onward flies the bird.


                    • Re: US Elections

                      I see the election went exactly as the pollsters and networks predicted. They are worth every penny they are paid. Assuming they are paid pennies, that is.
                      "Tom is a well known racist, and like most of them he won't admit it, possibly even to himself." - Ed Seedhouse, October 4, 2020.


                      • Re: US Elections

                        Originally posted by Sid Belzberg View Post
                        That is what the law is right now. Media routinely relies on information that is not meant for public distribution, deep throat with Watergate etc etc. If my information was stolen I would go after the thieves.
                        You would go after the thieves, BUT if you found your stolen car at a chop shop, you'd throw in the towel and say, "Ok, well, I'm not against selling of stolen car parts, so I am just going to go home and buy a new car."

                        Saying "that is what the law is right now" is a total cop out.
                        Only the rushing is heard...
                        Onward flies the bird.


                        • Re: US Elections

                          Originally posted by Paul Bonham View Post
                          You would go after the thieves, BUT if you found your stolen car at a chop shop, you'd throw in the towel and say, "Ok, well, I'm not against selling of stolen car parts, so I am just going to go home and buy a new car."

                          Saying "that is what the law is right now" is a total cop out.
                          Call it what you like but that is the way it is right now and I govern myself accordingly. So Trumps 1995 Tax return is stolen and published in the New York Times and that is ok but Wikileaks publishing stolen emails from John Podesta is not. That's Paul Bonham's logic??? Get off your high horse you preachy self righteous fart.
                          Last edited by Sid Belzberg; Wednesday, 9th November, 2016, 02:46 AM.


                          • Re: US Elections

                            Originally posted by Sid Belzberg View Post
                            Call it what you like but that is the way it is right now and I govern myself accordingly. So Trumps 1995 Tax return is stolen and published in the New York Times and that is ok but Wikileaks publishing stolen emails from John Podesta is not. That's Paul Bonham's logic??? Get off your high horse you preachy self righteous fart.
                            Show me where I wrote ANYTHING -- ANYTHING AT ALL -- about the publishing of Trump's 1995 tax return. I did comment on the conclusions that were drawn from that but I did not say a word about the act itself.

                            I did not agree with what the NY Times did. Period. Even considering that publishing of tax returns is what is expected of Presidential candidates.

                            And you know why? I'll sum it up in 2 words: "ethical hacking". I've got stuff on more people you can shake a stick at, possibly including yourself (remember, I once was considering you as a potential investor in my project)..... but never, never will I use it against them outside the realm of the law of the land, and that includes doing what Wikileaks is doing.... publishing stolen property, the thing you are all in favor of, which would by logic include a chop shop selling your stolen car parts.

                            You are just angry because I basically blew to bits your logic re: Wikileaks. You're busted. Own it like a man.
                            Only the rushing is heard...
                            Onward flies the bird.


                            • Re: US Elections

                              Originally posted by Brad Thomson View Post
                              Well, if you do not see any media bias being directed against Trump and in favour of Clinton then I am afraid I can't help you.
                              Brad, I have to now concede that you do have HALF a brain.

                              You were the only one to say that Trump should win because of the sheer numbers of people at his rallies. No one else (on this forum) saw that. Bob Armstrong predicted Trump victory, but on the basis of "secret" Trump voters. Not the same thing, and I don't think there were any significant numbers of "secret" Trump voters.

                              So for seeing the one indicator that we all should have paid attention to, you deserve kudos.

                              Unfortunately, you didn't follow that through. Instead of just leaving it at that, and in fact PREDICTING a Trump victory, you decided that media bias was going to spoil the vote for Trump. And I took you to task on that, because if the media bias didn't stop people from coming to Trump rallies, why would it stop them from voting for him? That's what you didn't see. You didn't really believe your own interpretation. You clung to the invention of media bias, and there was no media bias. There was only media reporting on racism, sexism, xenophobia. I hope you will realize that.

                              Kudos again on your prescient observation. Next time believe it all the way to the finish. And abandon this idea of media bias. There is FOX News, and there is MSNBC, and then there is the bulk of the media which is fair and balanced but which will report on crimes against humanity which is part of Trump's makeup.
                              Only the rushing is heard...
                              Onward flies the bird.


                              • Re: US Elections

                                Originally posted by Paul Bonham View Post
                                There's lots of post-disaster analysis going on, but so far no one has mentioned one thing.... the extreme statistical unlikelihood of this happening with so many states being "toss-up".

                                I am now viewing this in the light of fate and destiny. And none of it is good, starting with the stock market tomorrow and slowly but assuredly escalating to the worst we can imagine.
                                I see this as we get the leaders we deserve. Trump for all his buffoonery is an astute business man and master of persuasion. Hopefully he can bring that to his presidency. I thank God we didn't get Hillary and the Clinton kleptocracy. America would not have survived it. The big winner from FIDE's point of view is probably Kirsan. I don't think the new regime will maintain any of the failed policies of the Obama administration. Putin is probably a winner as well for the opportunity for a reset but I don't think he should be too happy as negotiations will be tougher than they would have been under a Hillary administration.

                                Another big winner is Israel. Trump does not hate their leadership as Obama seems to.

