US Elections

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  • #46
    Re: US Elections

    Originally posted by Bob Armstrong View Post
    Months ago, I predicted Trump...So I'm sticking with my Trump prediction!
    It has been absolutely clear all along that Trump will win in a landslide if the election is not fixed. They are trying to fix it for Hillary, this is equally clear. The question is whether or not the fix will succeed.


    • #47
      Re: US Elections

      Originally posted by Brad Thomson View Post
      It has been absolutely clear all along that Trump will win in a landslide if the election is not fixed. They are trying to fix it for Hillary, this is equally clear. The question is whether or not the fix will succeed.
      This is by far the most fatuous post yet on ChessTalk on the election.


      • #48
        Re: US Elections

        Originally posted by Vlad Dobrich View Post
        This is by far the most fatuous post yet on ChessTalk on the election.
        Yes, and the competition for that award has been fierce......
        Fred Harvey


        • #49
          Re: US Elections

          Originally posted by fred harvey View Post
          Yes, and the competition for that award has been fierce......
          Yep, I was going to say that in a follow-up post but you beat me to it.


          • #50
            Re: US Elections

            Well, what do you disagree with, and why? Do you disagree when I say it has been obvious all along that Trump will win in a landslide, or do you disagree when I say that there is a fix in for Hillary, or both? And why? Or do you that think this election has been and will continue to be completely fair?

            Using words like fatuous (which I admit I had to look up) is all well and good...


            • #51
              Re: US Elections

              Originally posted by Brad Thomson View Post
              Well, what do you disagree with, and why? Do you disagree when I say it has been obvious all along that Trump will win in a landslide, or do you disagree when I say that there is a fix in for Hillary, or both? And why? Or do you that think this election has been and will continue to be completely fair?

              Using words like fatuous (which I admit I had to look up) is all well and good...
              It is very clear, to me at least, that team Hillary will rig the election if need be. But very likely they will be watching the results come in and only step in if needed. And it probably will not be needed. Most Americans are probably willing to accept the Hillary corruption over the Trump insanity. It's a lose, lose proposition for the US of A (and the world). :(


              • #52
                Re: US Elections

                All right, we are basically in agreement about Hillary, it is simply a matter of degree. When you say step in if needed, has not an extremely biased media been stepping in all along? I personally believe that most or all of the polls the media have been spewing are biased and faked, they certainly cannot be counted upon to be accurate. Hillary's support is very much overstated, Trump's very much understated. Look at the way each campaign is conducting itself. Look at the numbers of people at the rallies. All of this points to Trump having been more popular all along than is generally admitted.

                But further, and this is a completely different argument. Trump is a True-Blue American, he is the American Dream, he loves mom's apple pie and worships Uncle Sam. His arrogant, blowhard, redneck nature is utterly and completely American. For the Americans to cast a vote against Trump would be to cast a vote against themselves. I do not believe they will do it. Landslide unless it is fixed, and it IS being fixed already.


                • #53
                  Re: US Elections

                  Originally posted by Brad Thomson View Post
                  All right, we are basically in agreement about Hillary, it is simply a matter of degree. When you say step in if needed, has not an extremely biased media been stepping in all along? I personally believe that most or all of the polls the media have been spewing are biased and faked, they certainly cannot be counted upon to be accurate. Hillary's support is very much overstated, Trump's very much understated. Look at the way each campaign is conducting itself. Look at the numbers of people at the rallies. All of this points to Trump having been more popular all along than is generally admitted.

                  But further, and this is a completely different argument. Trump is a True-Blue American, he is the American Dream, he loves mom's apple pie and worships Uncle Sam. His arrogant, blowhard, redneck nature is utterly and completely American. For the Americans to cast a vote against Trump would be to cast a vote against themselves. I do not believe they will do it. Landslide unless it is fixed, and it IS being fixed already.

                  You stereotype all Americans as arrogant, blowhard, rednecks. There certainly a lot of them like that, and the reason they are all pouring into Trump rallies is because Trump is the first candidate in living memory to cater to them. In fact, the slogan "Let's Make America Great Again" is meant for them. It means let's go back to pre-civil rights movement, maybe even further back to take away women's rights including the right to vote, let's go back to the white-dominated, male-dominated America that we all read about in history books. And to make sure that move is permanent, let's severely limit immigration, especially of visible minorities.

                  In my view, this is symptomatic of key underlying issues: a feeling of being oppressed even if you are living well, of there being a conspiracy against you simply because you aren't allowed to dominate over others who are visibly different from you (women and minorities).... in other words, racism and sexism. This is why Clinton said half of Trump's supporters can be placed in a "basket of deplorables". It is deplorable to have these attitudes. It is not what human beings should aspire to.

                  From your postings, I'd say you would be in favor of such a social movement back to the 19th century. Although perhaps it's just Trump's economic ideas you support, so I'll not accuse you outright. It's also obvious that you already have an excuse in hand for Trump losing, just as Trump himself does. You practically parrot him word for word.

                  But you ignore the true demographics of America, which says that this group of white male supremacists is now a MINORITY in America. The supremacists say the media is biased against them, but what the media (not including FOX News) is biased against is the entire gamut of racism, xenophobia, abuse of women. Every media outlet except FOX News speaks out against these, and because the supremacists hate to hear it, they call the media biased. FOX News got away with a different view because its chairman and CEO Roger Ailes who just got indicted for sexual harassment of women spanning many years is HIMSELF a racist, xenophobic, misogynist piece of shit.

                  Trump said something yesterday at a rally that should send shivers through America: "They're not going to stop us, believe me, they're not going to stop us." This is another of his coded calls to action. He at one point in the campaign encouraged someone (from "the 2nd amendment people") to assassinate Clinton.

                  History does repeat itself, and a lot of it has to do with vast numbers of people who simply MUST have hatred in their souls and act on that hatred in order to feel alive.

                  By the way, Trump himself probably used the word "fatuous" at some point.... he's probably called some women fatuous, and I don't have to tell you what he thought it meant.
                  Last edited by Paul Bonham; Monday, 7th November, 2016, 03:11 PM.
                  Only the rushing is heard...
                  Onward flies the bird.


                  • #54
                    Re: US Elections

                    In fact, the slogan "... Make America Great Again" is meant for them.
                    Bill Clinton's campaign slogan.

                    LOL, so when The Donald began using the slogan, the Clinton regime did a 180 on their own slogan!


                    • #55
                      Re: US Elections

                      Originally posted by Paul Bonham View Post
                      By the way, Trump himself probably used the word "fatuous" at some point....
                      he's probably called some women fatuous, and I don't have to tell you what he thought it meant.
                      Reminds me of a comment about Ted Kennedy (I think) who was accused of thinking that "harass" was two words...
                      ...Mike Pence: the Lord of the fly.


                      • #56
                        Re: US Elections

                        Originally posted by Brad Thomson View Post
                        All right, we are basically in agreement about Hillary, it is simply a matter of degree. When you say step in if needed, has not an extremely biased media been stepping in all along? I personally believe that most or all of the polls the media have been spewing are biased and faked, they certainly cannot be counted upon to be accurate. Hillary's support is very much overstated, Trump's very much understated. Look at the way each campaign is conducting itself. Look at the numbers of people at the rallies. All of this points to Trump having been more popular all along than is generally admitted.

                        But further, and this is a completely different argument. Trump is a True-Blue American, he is the American Dream, he loves mom's apple pie and worships Uncle Sam. His arrogant, blowhard, redneck nature is utterly and completely American. For the Americans to cast a vote against Trump would be to cast a vote against themselves. I do not believe they will do it. Landslide unless it is fixed, and it IS being fixed already.
                        I think that is possible. Cheating in the election which is possible but only really relevant in a Florida hanging chad incident where a few hundred votes can swing the election. The vote according to the polls is tied within the margin of error for most of the polls being reported. The final result will hinge on the ability to get out the vote and Hillary has some advantage here according to the media reports. The purpose of these polls and headlines is to inject a sense of hopelessness in potential Trump voters which may be enough to win the election for Hillary. One good way to tell how the various media entities view the state of the election is to look at the faces of the CNN/MSNBC etc. talking heads. If they are smiling which they were after the latest decision by the FBI director they think things are going well for Hillary. Fox was a bit somber at the same time which was the exact opposite of the mood after the FBI reopening of the case was announced.

                        There appears to be one law for the Clintons and another for the rest of us. The bigger story is the operation of the State department in parallel with the Clinton Foundation and the activities of Bill Clinton which does not pass any smell test if anyone in the media other than Fox were paying attention. If Hillary wins look for more such pay to play situations with big donors which the mainstream media will ignore.

                        As for the Republicans, in a year where they could have run a German Shepherd against Hillary and won why would they choose a candidate with so many skeletons in his closet? There were half a dozen candidates on that first Republican debate stage who would have beaten Hillary in a landslide. Cruz, Rubio, Fiorino, Huckabee would have given Hillary more of a run and probably would not have had all the skeletons that Trump did. Oh well. Prepare for one thousand years of darkness as the Hillary people remake the Supreme Court in their own image and rewrite the constitution to fit their radical leftist philosophy.


                        • #57
                          Re: US Elections

                          I still think Trump has a chance but it hinges on his ability to turn out voters. We will see after tomorrow.


                          • #58
                            Re: US Elections

                            Okay, lots of new national polls out this morning, looks mostly positive for Clinton.

                            Monmouth =Clinton+6
                            NBC News / SM =Clinton+6
                            CBS News =Clinton+4
                            FOX News =Clinton+4
                            ABC / Washington Post Tracking =Clinton+4
                            Bloomberg =Clinton+3
                            Rasmussen Reports =Clinton+2
                            IBD / TIPP Tracking =Trump+2
                            LA Times / USC Tracking =Trump+5

                            I think the 2nd Comey letter yesterday has helped to swing back the momentum.
                            There has been a little uptick for Clinton in the Real Clear Politics and 538 State polls today.
                            I am predicting solid blue states, total 239 (see my first post)
                            She will very likely win: Pennsyvania and Colorado
                            That brings her to 268.

                            She just needs to win 1 of 4 battleground states: New Hampshire, Nevada, Florida, or North Carolina.
                            They are all very close: but I gotta think Trump has less than 50% chance of winning them all.

                            So, I predict Clinton wins.
                            Last edited by Bob Gillanders; Monday, 7th November, 2016, 04:09 PM.


                            • #59
                              Re: US Elections

                              According to some of the betting sites, Trump has around 18% chances to win. Interestingly, before the BREXIT, they gave similar odds: 16% for the exit, 84% for remain.

                              538 gives Trump around 32%. I would agree more with this number.


                              • #60
                                Re: US Elections

                                Originally posted by Victor Plotkin View Post
                                According to some of the betting sites, Trump has around 18% chances to win. Interestingly, before the BREXIT, they gave similar odds: 16% for the exit, 84% for remain.

                                538 gives Trump around 32%. I would agree more with this number.
                                I would say his odds are about 33% if the voting is as close as the polls suggest. Black voters are down significantly somewhat understandably. Clinton does not excite like Obama did for these voters. There are claims that hispanic voting is up but the reports I saw showed only a 1% increase though possibly these may break more to Hillary than they did to Obama so this could make up the difference.

                                In about 30 hours we will know.

