US Elections

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  • #31
    Re: US Elections

    The Republicans have been on a witch hunt for decades against the Clinton's.
    Investigation after investigation after investigation, have come up short.
    Things like due process and evidence keeps getting in the way.
    So now, instead of waiting for the jury to decide, they grab their pitchforks and torches.
    Is Hillary a witch? I don't know, but I think most of the claims are born of hysteria.

    But under a Trump administration........
    Last edited by Bob Gillanders; Friday, 4th November, 2016, 07:51 AM.


    • #32
      Re: US Elections

      Originally posted by Bob Gillanders View Post
      The Republicans have been on a witch hunt for decades against the Clinton's.
      Investigation after investigation after investigation, have come up short.
      Things like due process and evidence keeps getting in the way.
      So now, instead of waiting for the jury to decide, they grab their pitchforks and torches.
      Is Hillary a witch? I don't know, but I think most of the claims are born of hysteria.

      a campaign directed against a person or group holding unorthodox or unpopular views.

      R U trolling?

      How dare the Republicans go after the CLINTON FAMILY, that bastion of honesty, truth-telling and high-level morality?

      Thanks for my belly laugh of the day!!


      • #33
        Re: US Elections

        Originally posted by Sid Belzberg View Post
        I think Tom's statement is backed up by historical fact. Namely one of the actions taken during World War 2 was the incarceration of tens of thousands of Japanese cities and the confiscation of their assets for no other reason then their ethnic heritage. When a government unjustly turns against it's own citizens on the basis of generalizations this constitutes a fascist like mentality.
        Good point, but implicit in your post are some interesting questions. What quantity/severity of incidents is/are required to classify a person as one thing or another? What Roosevelt did to Japanese-Americans and Japanese residents can't be defended but does it earn him the tag of fascist for all time? Was Roosevelt a fascist who took advantage of the hysteria of the times to inflict a racist action on a vulnerable community? Or was Roosevelt a left-of-centre politician who, because of a weakness in his character (including racism, perhaps), succumbed to the hysteria of the times and allowed himself to be instrumental in inflicting horrible damage on a vulnerable community?
        "We hang the petty thieves and appoint the great ones to public office." - Aesop
        "Only the dead have seen the end of war." - Plato
        "If once a man indulges himself in murder, very soon he comes to think little of robbing; and from robbing he comes next to drinking and Sabbath-breaking, and from that to incivility and procrastination." - Thomas De Quincey


        • #34
          Re: US Elections

          Originally posted by Peter McKillop View Post
          Good point, but implicit in your post are some interesting questions. What quantity/severity of incidents is/are required to classify a person as one thing or another? What Roosevelt did to Japanese-Americans and Japanese residents can't be defended but does it earn him the tag of fascist for all time? Was Roosevelt a fascist who took advantage of the hysteria of the times to inflict a racist action on a vulnerable community? Or was Roosevelt a left-of-centre politician who, because of a weakness in his character (including racism, perhaps), succumbed to the hysteria of the times and allowed himself to be instrumental in inflicting horrible damage on a vulnerable community?
          From where I sit that is one glaring example. Roosevelt denied Jewish Refugees entry into the United States in the 1930's when the Germans persecution policies were very clear even before World War 2. This culminated in the infamous "Voyage of the Damned" St Louis ship Jewish Refugees being denied entry into the USA and sent back to Europe where concentration camps awaited them.

          On July 28 1943 Jan Karski met with FDR to warn him of the eminent annihilation of European Jewry and Roosevelt changed the conversation and talked about the shortage of horses in Poland from German confiscation of these animals for their war effort and how this would affect an agrarian society like Poland. He reassured Karski in general terms that allied victory would happen.

          In 1944 a proposal was presented to Roosevelt to bomb the rail tracks leading to Auschwitz and slow down the gassing of 500,000 Hungarian Jews that were being slaughtered daily. Ex Presidential Candidate George Mcgovern was on industrial bombing missions near Auschwitz at the time and said that bombing the tracks would not have been a problem at all. This proposal was rejected.

          In fact the US did not even enter the war until Dec 7th 1941 after the Pearl Harbor attack.

          So yes I still see some justification in labeling Roosevelt as a Fascist.


          • #35
            Re: US Elections

            Originally posted by Neil Frarey View Post
            Your kind Paul Bonham, the socialistic kind of thug along with your snout-in-the-trough masses, the pay-for-play Clinton extending Obama's what-is-yours-is-mine kind ... thank your lucky stars you were born in America built by strong business leadership for you to even try to manipulate!

            Tax and tax and tax even higher!

            And it's so very sad to see how Democrats have corrupted everything that was great about America's government. Poisoned the Department of Justice, poisoned the Department of State, and even tried in vain to corrupt the FBI.

            Let it go!!! STOP ... please stop.

            America was built by strong business leadership ... period!

            YOUR kind, Neil Frarey, the dictatorial kind of thug with your Trump Tower elites, the deportation force Trump extending David Duke's white superiority kind.... curse your family tree for not being born in the America that was BUILT BY OPEN BORDERS AND IMMIGRATION... PERIOD!

            Strong business leadership gets you nowhere if you don't have willing, healthy and able workers!

            It's so sad to see how the Repugs demean the backbone of America, the hard-working blue collar immigrants and non-immigrants alike who do the jobs that the Trumps would never stoop to do, and then get shafted by Trump in bankruptcy court to keep Trump's personal net worth in the stratosphere....

            Neil, what you call the "what is yours is mine" mentality is in fact the mentality of the Republicans who would if they had total control tax the middle class to poverty level..... you are pissed because the Democrats want to end the elitism of which you are so enamoured and turn the taxing power of the government against the elites to bring an end to the increasing greed-driven wealth polarization that will only lead to total economic collapse. With the Democrats, it is a "what is yours is ours" mentality, a very important distinction from that of the Republicans.

            Luckily some of the elites themselves are in favor of the Democrats and their tax-the-rich policies to save America. Warren Buffett in particular, Mark Cuban and many others. It's interesting about Cuban, because he's a big fan of the entrepeneurial spirit. But even he recognizes that the pursuit of personal gain has its limits, which government must enforce because greed is an addiction just like any other.

            I think what you need to learn, Neil, is this simple truth: all good things IN MODERATION.

            Greed can be good, it can impulse the creation of great businesses, but left unchecked, it can turn into a destructive force. The Democrats are not against strong business leadership as long as it respects the rights and livelihood of the worker class. Nobody is talking about creating a totally egalitarian society, which we can agree would be both impossible and wrong-headed.

            But the truth that the Democrats see, that the Republicans blind themselves to, is this: strong business leadership aka greed is only good up to a point. Beyond that point, when a business is trying to achieve total market monopoly or a business leader is trying to avoid paying back to society a reasonable taxation to pay for things like food stamps, the military, education, infrastructure.... that level of greed becomes a threat to the system as a whole.

            It was FDR's New Deal that eventually brought an end to the Great Depression that followed the Roaring Twenties, when all kinds of greed was going unchecked. And then we had to learn the lesson all over again just a few short years ago, when unchecked "strong business leadership" brought about the downfall of several corporate giants and again forced government intervention to save us from the greed of a few.

            Sorry, Neil, you can't get away with falsifying the facts. Your unchecked strong business leadership inevitably leads to economic collapse.... PERIOD!

            Repeat after me, Neil, and be cleansed of your toxic vitriol.... all good things in moderation.... all good things in moderation.....
            Only the rushing is heard...
            Onward flies the bird.


            • #36
              Re: US Elections

              Originally posted by Sid Belzberg View Post
              .... In 1944 a proposal was presented to Roosevelt to bomb the rail tracks leading to Auschwitz and slow down the gassing of 500,000 Hungarian Jews that were being slaughtered daily. Ex Presidential Candidate George Mcgovern was on industrial bombing missions near Auschwitz at the time and said that bombing the tracks would not have been a problem at all. This proposal was rejected.

              In fact the US did not even enter the war until Dec 7th 1941 after the Pearl Harbor attack.

              So yes I still see some justification in labeling Roosevelt as a Fascist.

              Are you implying..... that if the Japanese had never attacked the U.S., had never entered WWII at all..... that FDR would have kept the U.S. out of the European conflict entirely because of fascist sympathizing with Hitler?

              That is an explosive allegation. I hope you have some evidence, some literature, to back it up.
              Only the rushing is heard...
              Onward flies the bird.


              • #37
                Re: US Elections

                Originally posted by Paul Bonham
                because of fascist sympathizing with Hitler?
                Reference where i said that??? I cited historical facts. The book that best covers the 1944 history of Auschwitz and the allies is the book Auschwitz and the Allies by Martin Gilbert. As to whether or not the US would have entered the war if not for Pearl Harbor. is pure speculation that I did not and can not comment on. Roosevelt did have the support of many isolationists prior to entering the war albeit on the economic side to Roosevelt's credit he repealed the restrictive Smoot Hawley tariff act of 1930 in 1934 that opened the doors to better trade numbers internationally.


                • #38
                  Re: US Elections

                  Originally posted by Sid Belzberg View Post
                  Reference where i said that??? I cited historical facts. The book that best covers the 1944 history of Auschwitz and the allies is the book Auschwitz and the Allies by Martin Gilbert. As to whether or not the US would have entered the war if not for Pearl Harbor. is pure speculation that I did not and can not comment on. Roosevelt did have the support of many isolationists prior to entering the war albeit on the economic side to Roosevelt's credit he repealed the restrictive Smoot Hawley tariff act of 1930 in 1934 that opened the doors to better trade numbers internationally.

                  It's passive-aggressive behavior turned 180 degrees.... aggressive-passive behavior.

                  You didn't just cite historical facts, you CHERRY-PICKED specific and almost trivial historical facts all leading to the conclusion that I put into words. And when presented with what your were really saying, you go "Where did I say that?"

                  Hey, if you want to suggest a controversial theory then just come out and say it, and use your facts if that's what they are to defend it. Don't be a wuss and imply it, and then act shocked when it gets put into proper words by someone else.

                  And by the way, you wrote that the U.S. didn't "even" enter the war until Japan bombed Pearl Harbor.... the inclusion of the word "even" leads to an implication that were it not for Pearl Harbor, the U.S. would have continued to stay out of the war. So yes, you DID express an opinion on that. You can fool some of the people some of the time.........
                  Only the rushing is heard...
                  Onward flies the bird.


                  • #39
                    Re: US Elections

                    Originally posted by Paul Bonham
                    It's passive-aggressive behavior turned 180 degrees.... aggressive-passive behavior.
                    LOL! Whatever


                    • #40
                      Re: US Elections

                      Originally posted by J. Ken MacDonald View Post
                      R U trolling?
                      Thanks for my belly laugh of the day!!
                      Not trolling, just trying to add some humour.
                      Try this one:
                      President Trump has made the American economy "great again", just like medieval England, and now the King travels to the far away breakaway region of Vermont where Bernie Sanders tries to explains democratic socialism.

                      Last edited by Bob Gillanders; Saturday, 5th November, 2016, 07:46 AM.


                      • #41
                        Re: US Elections

                        Originally posted by Sid Belzberg View Post
                        From where I sit that is one glaring example. Roosevelt denied Jewish Refugees entry into the United States in the 1930's when the Germans persecution policies were very clear even before World War 2. This culminated in the infamous "Voyage of the Damned" St Louis ship Jewish Refugees being denied entry into the USA and sent back to Europe where concentration camps awaited them.

                        On July 28 1943 Jan Karski met with FDR to warn him of the eminent annihilation of European Jewry and Roosevelt changed the conversation and talked about the shortage of horses in Poland from German confiscation of these animals for their war effort and how this would affect an agrarian society like Poland. He reassured Karski in general terms that allied victory would happen.

                        In 1944 a proposal was presented to Roosevelt to bomb the rail tracks leading to Auschwitz and slow down the gassing of 500,000 Hungarian Jews that were being slaughtered daily. Ex Presidential Candidate George Mcgovern was on industrial bombing missions near Auschwitz at the time and said that bombing the tracks would not have been a problem at all. This proposal was rejected.

                        In fact the US did not even enter the war until Dec 7th 1941 after the Pearl Harbor attack.

                        So yes I still see some justification in labeling Roosevelt as a Fascist.

                        I agree that Roosevelt was a racist and I think his brand of passive antisemitism (e.g. not addressing the U.S.'s highly restrictive immigration quotas during the '30s; not clearing racist assholes like Breck Long out of the State Dept. until it was way too late) contributed significantly to the Holocaust's death toll. You've convinced me that he exhibited fascist-like behaviour but, on an overall basis, I think you'd have a hard time convincing many people that the correct label for Roosevelt is 'fascist'.
                        "We hang the petty thieves and appoint the great ones to public office." - Aesop
                        "Only the dead have seen the end of war." - Plato
                        "If once a man indulges himself in murder, very soon he comes to think little of robbing; and from robbing he comes next to drinking and Sabbath-breaking, and from that to incivility and procrastination." - Thomas De Quincey


                        • #42
                          Re: US Elections

                          Originally posted by Peter McKillop View Post
                          I agree that Roosevelt was a racist and I think his brand of passive antisemitism (e.g. not addressing the U.S.'s highly restrictive immigration quotas during the '30s; not clearing racist assholes like Breck Long out of the State Dept. until it was way too late) contributed significantly to the Holocaust's death toll. You've convinced me that he exhibited fascist-like behaviour but, on an overall basis, I think you'd have a hard time convincing many people that the correct label for Roosevelt is 'fascist'.
                          The majority of Congress, especially the Democrats of the day, were outright and open racists and Roosevelt had to deal with those people. Undoubtedly he had racist attitudes, conscious or unconscious, as did pretty well every American in those days. I was born in 1944 and grew up in a city with virtually 100% "white" people aside from a few Sikhs (who my dad called "Hindus") and had many unconscious racist attitudes inculcated in me because I lived in a casually and largely unconsciously racist society. Eventually I found out about thes attitudes and worked hard to change them, but I cannot claim that I don't have any racist attitudes because I likely still do have some that I am not aware of. If I find out about them I'll try to change them.

                          A racist, as I define the word, is someone who believes that there are "races" of human beings, which belief has been long proven incorrect by the science of genetics. In that technical sense I am not a racist.

                          What matters about Roosevelt is not what he was born as, but what he became. And what he became, among other things, was the saviour of the Capitalism of his day, although the Capitalists themselves did about everything possible to prevent him from doing that, and in the end he only did it with the aid of a terrible war.


                          • #43
                            Re: US Elections

                            National polls out this morning:

                            "Mainstream Media"
                            CBS News = Clinton +4
                            Bloomberg = Clinton +3
                            ABC / Washington Post Tracking = Clinton +4

                            "Trump friendly polls"
                            IBD/TIPP Tracking = Trump +2
                            LA Times/USC Tracking = Trump +5

                   which side has their thumb on the scale?

                            Last edited by Bob Gillanders; Monday, 7th November, 2016, 09:25 AM.


                            • #44
                              Re: US Elections

                              Originally posted by Bob Gillanders View Post
                              National polls out this morning:

                              "Mainstream Media"
                              CBS News = Clinton +4
                              Bloomberg = Clinton +3
                              ABC / Washington Post Tracking = Clinton +4

                              "Trump friendly polls"
                              IBD/TIPP Tracking = Trump +2
                              LA Times/USC Tracking = Trump +5

                     which side has their thumb on the scale?

                              Months ago, I predicted Trump.

                              But I understand early voting analysis in Nevada shows Latinos out voting in huge numbers (Have I got this right?)....for Hillary. Nevada, which had been red (Trump), is now apparently a toss-up. It looks like Florida is too.

                              As I understand it, Trump cannot win (Odds are very, very high) without winning BOTH Florida and Nevada. Do you know if this is the general consensus?

                              Lastly: Polls: I believe the Trump vote is being underestimated.

                              It is not because the pollsters are fouling up. They are counting right.

                              But Trump voters are lying to them.....they are worried about publicly acknowledging to anyone that they are going to vote for Trump. But in the secrecy and confidentiality of the election table, they are going to!

                              So I'm sticking with my Trump prediction!

                              Last edited by Bob Armstrong; Monday, 7th November, 2016, 09:53 AM.


                              • #45
                                Re: US Elections

                                Originally posted by Bob Armstrong View Post
                                So I'm sticking with my Trump prediction!
                                I see three possible scenarios:

                                Trump gets 270+ electoral college votes. Trump declares himself the winner.
                                Clinton gets 270+ electoral college votes, Trump declares himself the winner.
                                McMullin wins Utah, nobody gets 270+ electoral college votes, Trump declares himself the winner.

