Trophies for lower rated section

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  • #16
    Re: Trophies for lower rated section

    Originally posted by Hugh Brodie View Post
    If a player in a (e.g.) U1600 section thinks he is not "mediocre" (for lack of a better word), he is perfectly welcome to try his luck in a higher section.
    With all due respect Hugh (and congrats on your 50 years in chess, your contributions and dedication are amazing).... I wasn't addressing what the U1600 player thinks of himself or herself. I was addressing the fact that you labeled ALL the lower-class section players as mediocre and not worthy of any reward in any event.

    But all the world's GMs were U1600 at one time.

    Originally posted by Hugh Brodie View Post
    Even strong players make outright blunders. At the Pere Noel tournament, I saw an IM (unintentionally) put a piece en prise; his opponent thought for 20 seconds of his 40 seconds remaining; took the piece; and the IM immediately resigned.
    You are making my point for me. Mediocrity is relative. And relative to the top 50 or so computer engines, all the human players are mediocre. An engine would never make an outright blunder as you describe above.

    But it doesn't even take a blunder. Carlsen could make his very best moves against Houdini and still lose decisively by an accumulation of tiny advantages. Does that make Carlsen mediocre? Yes, in relative terms. And yet we reward him and call him World Champion, not bothering to insert the word "Human".

    Where this comes into focus is when we think about the future, where very likely human brainpower will be enhanced by microprocessors. Imagine a future where every human had the power of the latest Houdini in his or her brain. What would become of chess then? Every game becomes Houdini versus Houdini.

    Chess ultimately devolves into brute force calculationf (bfc). We have proven that ultimate success at chess in terms of winning is a matter of bfc and ONLY bfc. Neither human creativity nor human psychology nor human strategic planning can conquer that in the realm of chess. In fact, the only time human versus human chess becomes really interesting is when creativity / psychology is used by one of the humans to try and subvert the human opponent's limited bfc. No computer engine would do this in chess, but humans will (rarely). And because chess has relatively short time controls, this can work against a human opponent.

    But in other realms -- specifically non-deterministic ones -- humans do much better. For example, there is a very strong poker program that came out of the University of Alberta, but it will NEVER dominate human opponents the way Houdini does at chess. The best this poker algorithm could do would be to approach human-like results, which would mean to win 1 large tournament out of say 20 or 30. And maybe to finish in the top 10 say 33% of the time.

    My point in all this is to show that mediocrity at chess is not even worth talking about. ALL HUMANS ARE MEDIOCRE AT CHESS. Whenever I see Wayne Komer providing some input here about some latest whiz kid at chess, I shrug my shoulders because it's so meaningless in the overall context. Good for the kid, I hope s/he enjoys the ride, but s/he isn't going to defeat Houdini in a match, ever. Well, maybe if Houdini is running on a Commodore 64! :D

    Don't use mediocrity as an argument to not reward somebody at chess. But I'm actually struggling with this, because rewarding people, especially young people, at chess can make them take it more seriously. And for someone with a brain that is still developing and is showing signs of brilliancy, there is so much that is more important than chess to get involved in in a serious way. Biology, psychics, computer science, mathematics.... so much!

    Here I've made all these points, and now I'm actually thinking that whatever gets young people out of serious chess -- as a career that is -- is to be preferred. So let's not reward the lower classes.
    Only the rushing is heard...
    Onward flies the bird.


    • #17
      Re: Trophies for lower rated section

      Don't want to play for trophies? Get good.

      I had no problem playing for trophies in Guelph pro-ams when I was in U1600 and U2000 sections, because I realized almost every player in the elite section is playing chess at a far higher level and most of them will get nothing.

      Start studying, stop complaining, Lee.
      University and Chess, a difficult mix.


      • #18
        Re: Trophies for lower rated section

        My suggestions are that if players want to play for money, they should consider organizing the type of tournaments they would like to play in. If you do not want to pay cash and only have an opportunity to win trophies ( and I would not want to play in this type of tournament) I would suggest not entering these tournaments. Organizers will not continue to put on tournaments that do not attract players.


        • #19
          Re: Trophies for lower rated section

          My 3 cents:

          In Aurora we tried several formats - prizes everywhere distributed unequally and prizes for the top section and trophies for lower. The second approach failed for us - ~63 players, down from 80-90. In the next one we returned back in prize distribution and got ~90 players. That not the main or only reason as we think about it. Anyway, we stick to an established format for us for this year Spring Open.
          If there were lot of players within a certain rating range, we created or increased prize for them (in 2014sub-U100 had a prize ~225, when a main section U1300 had 1st 350)

          imho, to satisfy all 100 players is not an easy task. As organizers we want to attract stronger players and have large number of players that books are in black. After 10 weekend tournaments we still think that we have not found a final formula :)

          As a player, I don't play a lot outside the town, and when I'm deciding to go or not - prizes are the least condition.


          • #20
            Re: Trophies for lower rated section

            Originally posted by Egidijus Zeromskis View Post
            My 3 cents:

            In Aurora we tried several formats - prizes everywhere distributed unequally and prizes for the top section and trophies for lower. The second approach failed for us - ~63 players, down from 80-90. In the next one we returned back in prize distribution and got ~90 players. That not the main or only reason as we think about it. Anyway, we stick to an established format for us for this year Spring Open.
            If there were lot of players within a certain rating range, we created or increased prize for them (in 2014sub-U100 had a prize ~225, when a main section U1300 had 1st 350)

            imho, to satisfy all 100 players is not an easy task. As organizers we want to attract stronger players and have large number of players that books are in black. After 10 weekend tournaments we still think that we have not found a final formula :)

            As a player, I don't play a lot outside the town, and when I'm deciding to go or not - prizes are the least condition.
            Strong players are on the low end in numbers Amateurs are on the high end in numbers. If you'd attract more amateurs then you'd always be in the Black.


            • #21
              Re: Trophies for lower rated section

              I find that most top rated players are saying that the lower band of players should not be concerned about playing for money. Sure you can argue that the top rated players are the ones actually trying to win the tournament and are putting more work. This does solve issues about sandbagging or intentional losses too. However, a lot of people have made it a point that lower rated players should not be concerned about prize money since most of them are a more casual player such that they don't take time to study and just play on the weekends. These are all valid points to why the lower rated sections should only play for trophies, my concern however is that their entrance fees are used to fund the prize fund of other sections. If the u1600 sections should only be there for entertainment and playing chess then charge them for the trophy and CFC fees. They shouldn't be paying to "entertain" the higher rated sections. Lastly, my personal opinion is that u1600s have just as much of a right to play for prizes as long as they enjoy and love the game of chess. Should we reward mediocrity? Just because they aren't "good enough" doesn't mean you should exclude them from prizes or use part of their entrance fee to fund a prize they are not even eligible for. People come to tournaments to have fun and a competitive atmosphere, as long as there is enough people in a section then I think a prize fund should be included that is representative of the participants. Yes, open sections are harder to win and sandbagging does exist, so I think the upper rated sections should get a larger cut with a reasonable cut going towards the lower rated sections. No amateur expects to make a profit at chess tournaments but I find it ridiculous if their money is used to subsidize higher rated players and none of that money is returned to them.


              • #22
                Re: Trophies for lower rated section

                Originally posted by Alfred Dagan View Post
                No amateur expects to make a profit at chess tournaments but I find it ridiculous if their money is used to subsidize higher rated players and none of that money is returned to them.
                Think that you pay for the tournament, and almost all monies go to a TD as his earnings. Then a TD sponsors the tournament giving prizes in his view :)


                • #23
                  Re: Trophies for lower rated section

                  Seriously, TDs should think of trying to get more players to play in their event and not think of should they award trophy instead of cash prize.

                  Players play in the tournament for many reasons and generally kids play for ratings and teenager and adults play for $$ most of the time.

                  The objective should be to cater to as many players as possible and make it as interesting as possible. Once the players find the tournament to be well organized, they will come to play ( simple as that and of course advertise the tournament accordingly ).

                  The objective should also be to grow the market and not think that the market is small. Grow the market to as big as possible and then you can eat the cake and not try to finish all the cake ( even if it is still so small ). Think Big and personally I think the market is big - No ?


                  • #24
                    Re: Trophies for lower rated section

                    You make good points Gary. For some reasons TD's believe that if they do not cater to the elite then the lower rated players will not show up.
                    We have proven for years with the Niagara Falls Opens that if people want to play chess they will come and play chess. You do not need elite to bring out players.
                    What Niagara does is allows the the lower rated players a chance to play the elite players.
                    Maybe we should realize that once the lower rated players get tired of being exploited and refuse to come out to tournaments, that tournament chess will die and the elite will have to start paying for their own events or all chess as we know it will die.
                    Last edited by John Brown; Tuesday, 10th January, 2017, 09:44 PM. Reason: spelling


                    • #25
                      Re: Trophies for lower rated section

                      John I also disagree with Niagara charging the stronger players more, as I do enjoy playing stronger players, if they win the money that is okay with me, just give everybody an equal chance


                      • #26
                        Re: Trophies for lower rated section

                        I saw a flyer of the Niagara tournament at the recent Hart House event..and I found it very amusing, as I have never seen anything like it before. Discouraging players over 2300 to play by charging them more then others - but if the 2300+ players don't play, then the 2100-2200 junior players wont come either, because they wont have strong opposition to play. Quickly, you will have only the base of the pyramid left, events with 10-20 people


                        • #27
                          Re: Trophies for lower rated section

                          Hi Nikolay;
                          We are not looking to copy other Tournament set ups . We are doing our own set up. Ours is a pay to play tournament. So if a person wants to pay they play.
                          The last two years we have had players come from the USA and Cuba. We have had in past events as many as 54 players. Our venue can only hold a few ( Max. 60). We are not looking to get 100's of players. We have had years where thanks to donations, that half the participants either won a cash prize or an upset prize. The event has run 12 years and we always get players so there are some players out there that like our event.


                          • #28
                            Re: Trophies for lower rated section

                            Originally posted by Lee Hendon View Post
                            John I also disagree with Niagara charging the stronger players more, as I do enjoy playing stronger players, if they win the money that is okay with me, just give everybody an equal chance
                            Well Lee you can always run a tournament your way.

                            Everyone has an equal chance, you pay to play then you have a chance to win a prize. There are no free entries at our event. We know the higher players will win the money so why not pay for their prizes everyone else pays to get a chance to win a prize.
                            Our tournament has had 12 years of success. I think that speaks for itself.


                            • #29
                              Re: Trophies for lower rated section

                              Originally posted by John Brown View Post
                              Well Lee you can always run a tournament your way.

                              Everyone has an equal chance, you pay to play then you have a chance to win a prize. There are no free entries at our event. We know the higher players will win the money so why not pay for their prizes everyone else pays to get a chance to win a prize.
                              Our tournament has had 12 years of success. I think that speaks for itself.
                              It is clearly the roast beef sandwiches; lets not kid ourselves... lol
                              ...Mike Pence: the Lord of the fly.


                              • #30
                                Re: Trophies for lower rated section

                                Originally posted by John Brown View Post
                                Well Lee you can always run a tournament your way.

                                Everyone has an equal chance, you pay to play then you have a chance to win a prize. There are no free entries at our event. We know the higher players will win the money so why not pay for their prizes everyone else pays to get a chance to win a prize.
                                Our tournament has had 12 years of success. I think that speaks for itself.
                                Hi John,

                                I see nothing wrong with IMs/GMs paying an entry fee. I can see the benefit of giving them free entry's if in return they will join an event before a certain date, that helps attract more players (which you say is not a goal of your event, fine). I don't understand why you would charge the stronger players more then others - the only reason I can think of is to discourage them to play. They have the same chance at prizes like everyone else, that is fair. Playing better than others should not be discouraged.

