Conclusion of Noritsyn vs NAC Appeal

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  • #16
    Re: Conclusion of Noritsyn vs NAC Appeal

    Originally posted by Vlad Drkulec View Post
    We wound up with four or five coaches and only fifteen or so kids going to that tournament so yes, the characterization of "allowed" is correct. It was a favour to your mother and your brother. You are the one who seems to have a bug up your butt about my online postings. My post about your hater status was after about a dozen or more that I ignored. If you want to appeal to the executive then you get to appeal to the executive and not a subset of the executive that you think might support your cause.

    People move in and out of my ignore list especially these days when you don't have to remove them from the list to read a post.
    Please google what bias means, then reread your post. I really don't care about you personally, if I replied to something - you must have said something that caught my attention. I disagree with a lot of people, but things are very civil with everybody - no one calls me a hater (hater status? what?) and puts me on the ignore list..then goes on to make sure to vote against me. You are one of a kind. If I want to appeal to the executive, then I appeal to the executive. I would accept a well-argued decision by people who had the right to vote.

    WYCC 2014 - I applied for coach immediately after Sergey won his CYCC event.. you did not have 4 coaches signed up at the time, nor did the CFC know how many kids would end up going to WYCC. This is all quite irrelevant, but please fact check before you post.


    ..atheists and leftists..keep in mind, these are just labels, you can't disagree with them. I am all for freedom of religion (and that's not a label, that's an opinion), even if I happen not to personally believe.
    Life lesson. I don't seek revenge in any way, and I will keep living life the way I do..challenging and upsetting the Drkulec's of this world when they are in the wrong, even if it happens to hurt me later. I will feel better about myself in the long run.

    CFC could have been sued by me, for not following proper procedures and not giving me a fair trial. CFC could not be sued for changing a decision of an arbiter, they have the right to do it by law (NAC, board of directors).


    • #17
      Re: Conclusion of Noritsyn vs NAC Appeal

      A slightly edited version of an email I sent to my fellow executive members on August 11: As an executive we have the video evidence to review. Mr. Sambuev held Mr. Noritsyn's Queen for over 3 minutes. The presence of the Queen in Mr. Sambuev's hand, rather than in the captured piece pile, led directly to Mr. Noritsyn promoting to an upside down rook. Mr. Noritsyn had every reasonable expectation that his captured Queen would be available for promotion in the captured piece pile. If we are having a straight up and down vote on the appeal, I will be casting my vote to accept Mr. Noritsyn's appeal.


      • #18
        Re: Conclusion of Noritsyn vs NAC Appeal

        Originally posted by Sid Belzberg View Post
        No he also abstained from the above current issue.and I also don't give a damn what you appreciate. I did not receive much appreciation for the hundreds of thousands of dollars of sponsorship given to the CFC over the years either.
        So you are saying the reason you gave the sponsorship money was to get some personal glory and recognition? I don't recall such strings being attached or even that it is a reasonable expectation. You attack Fred McKim for abstaining from a nonsensical vote (in the circumstances) while Fred is one of the most diligent VOLUNTEERS that work on the CFC despite having to deal with attack dogs at every turn. Keep it classy...
        ...Mike Pence: the Lord of the fly.


        • #19
          Re: Conclusion of Noritsyn vs NAC Appeal

          Originally posted by Kerry Liles View Post
          So you are saying the reason you gave the sponsorship money was to get some personal glory and recognition? I don't recall such strings being attached or even that it is a reasonable expectation. You attack Fred McKim for abstaining from a nonsensical vote (in the circumstances) while Fred is one of the most diligent VOLUNTEERS that work on the CFC despite having to deal with attack dogs at every turn. Keep it classy...
          Please refrain from putting words in my mouth, my point is we have all made contributions in our own way, however, that does not make us immune from criticism on specific issues, myself or Fred included. I don't know which "nonsensical vote" you are referring to, but if it is the most recent one NN certainly did not consider this a nonsensical vote nor did the rest of the chessplayer community around the world. If you are on an executive team you are expected to vote on issues unless you are conflicted out. In the case of Vlad clearly there was acrimony between himself and NN on these forums so I would agree with NN that Vlad was conflicted on this matter, however, Fred was not.
          Last edited by Sid Belzberg; Monday, 21st August, 2017, 11:28 AM.


          • #20
            Re: Conclusion of Noritsyn vs NAC Appeal

            Thanks for posting this Nikolay - it adds a great deal of needed context. As an outside observer, I have to agree with Ken Craft: your appeal should have been upheld. This whole episode was mishandled by the CFC. It seems to me that the NAC gave short shrift to the entire appeal process and at nearly every turn you have been the only person denied any sort of fairness. I think everyone would like to know what Sambuev thinks of this situation (perhaps it is just business as usual? I don't know. The only statement attributed to him that I recall seeing was a sort of 'I didnt realize I was holding the Queen' - that doesn't really explain why he failed to mention that at the time...

            I hope you can move on after this, and best of luck in the future.
            ...Mike Pence: the Lord of the fly.


            • #21
              Re: Conclusion of Noritsyn vs NAC Appeal

              Originally posted by Kerry Liles View Post
              Thanks for posting this Nikolay - it adds a great deal of needed context. As an outside observer, I have to agree with Ken Craft: your appeal should have been upheld. This whole episode was mishandled by the CFC. It seems to me that the NAC gave short shrift to the entire appeal process and at nearly every turn you have been the only person denied any sort of fairness. I think everyone would like to know what Sambuev thinks of this situation (perhaps it is just business as usual? I don't know. The only statement attributed to him that I recall seeing was a sort of 'I didnt realize I was holding the Queen' - that doesn't really explain why he failed to mention that at the time...

              I hope you can move on after this, and best of luck in the future.
              Everyone who doesn't understand the rules of chess agrees with you. Just about every arbiter and particularly the International Arbiters have a different understanding and will applaud the NAC and board of directors decision. Its time to move on.


              • #22
                Re: Conclusion of Noritsyn vs NAC Appeal

                Originally posted by Vlad Drkulec View Post
                Its time to move on.
                Understand at least this much Drkulec; you don't have that right, nor the privilege, to tell people 'to move on'.


                • #23
                  Re: Conclusion of Noritsyn vs NAC Appeal

                  Originally posted by Neil Frarey View Post
                  Understand at least this much Drkulec; you don't have that right, nor the privilege, to tell people 'to move on'.
                  He expressed his opinion. You are free to disagree with that, but I don't see where he's *telling*, *anybody* to do anything.

                  If you feel that Vlad is a dictator, maybe you should run for CFC president and let the democratic process decide.

                  Oh, wait....



                  • #24
                    Re: Conclusion of Noritsyn vs NAC Appeal

                    Originally posted by Steve Douglas View Post
                    If you feel that Vlad is a dictator, maybe you should run for CFC president and let the democratic process decide.

                    Oh, wait....

                    Have the elections taken place yet? If so, who are the "new"/"old" officers now? If not, who are on the slates?

                    I don't have/want access to



                    • #25
                      Re: Conclusion of Noritsyn vs NAC Appeal

                      Originally posted by Steve Douglas View Post
                      He expressed his opinion. You are free to disagree with that, but I don't see where he's *telling*, *anybody* to do anything.

                      If you feel that Vlad is a dictator, maybe you should run for CFC president and let the democratic process decide.

                      Oh, wait....

                      This is why I don't read Neil and occasionally think about leaving chesstalk behind forever. For Neil to actually run he'll have to become a CFC member. Hard to believe that this is such a barrier. Much like Bonham he's all talk and no action. Big hat. No cattle. There is a reason why the IA's who study the rules of chess on a somewhat continuous basis believe one way and those who don't study the rules believe something else. When I was annoyed with a decision of the CFC board, I got involved and became the masters representative. I reasoned that if I left all the decisions to the then governors and executive and didn't contribute anything to CFC governance then I had no right to complain if the decisions went differently from what I thought was optimal. On Chesstalk, I have as much right to express my opinion as anyone else.


                      • #26
                        Re: Conclusion of Noritsyn vs NAC Appeal

                        Originally posted by Vlad Drkulec View Post
                        This is why ... think about leaving chesstalk behind forever.
                        That can't happen soon enough, Drkulec.

                        We both know it will never happen.

                        Where's the CFC's missing $60,000.00?


                        • #27
                          Re: Conclusion of Noritsyn vs NAC Appeal

                          Originally posted by J. Ken MacDonald View Post
                          Have the elections taken place yet? If so, who are the "new"/"old" officers now? If not, who are on the slates?

                          I don't have/want access to

                          Gary Hua is taking a break from being youth coordinator after a successful year in the portfolio. Undriadi Benggawan an organizer from Mississauga is running in his stead. Mark Dutton is facing a challenge from Pierre Denomme for Director at large. Everyone else is returning or winning by acclamation unless there is a last minute surge in interested people.


                          • #28
                            Re: Conclusion of Noritsyn vs NAC Appeal

                            Originally posted by Steve Douglas View Post
                            If you (Neil Frary) feel that Vlad is a dictator, maybe you should run for CFC president and let the democratic process decide.

                            Oh, wait....

                            If I recall correctly, Neil said he wouldn't run unless a majority of the voting members endorsed his campaign BEFORE he actually threw his hat into the ring.


                            • #29
                              Re: Conclusion of Noritsyn vs NAC Appeal

                              Originally posted by John Coleman View Post
                              If I recall correctly, Neil said he wouldn't run unless a majority of the voting members endorsed his campaign BEFORE he actually threw his hat into the ring.
                              Along with a guaranteed thousands of dollars from my wallet into Ken's hands, plus I'd pull some from Garland's too!

                              And nothing, no movement from the VMs at all.


                              I understand Sid's perspective completely.

                              You don't want change, John. You want the same old same old. This, after everything that has happen ...sad.
                              Last edited by Neil Frarey; Monday, 21st August, 2017, 06:58 PM.


                              • #30
                                CFC Officers

                                Originally posted by Vlad Drkulec View Post
                                Gary Hua is taking a break from being youth coordinator after a successful year in the portfolio. Undriadi Benggawan an organizer from Mississauga is running in his stead. Mark Dutton is facing a challenge from Pierre Denomme for Director at large. Everyone else is returning or winning by acclamation unless there is a last minute surge in interested people.

                                So, basically, all the carpers and whingers once again do not stand up.

                                It is easier to complain from afar than get involved!

