Canadian Chess Blogs

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  • #16
    Re: Canadian Chess Blogs

    The author of this blog recently appeared in my email. Not too sure who he is but is apparently in Victoria.


    • #17
      Re: Canadian Chess Blogs

      Updated the blogs. Added three new ones; they are the top three in the list.

      Wilf Ferner


      • #18
        Re: Canadian Chess Blogs

        Here's another:

        In that blog and repeated in Kevin Spraggett's blog, is the accusation that foul play was at work in this very thread when Wilf removed, in the initial posting, the reference to Peter Stockhausen from his brief comment to Kevin's blog. At the moment, that comment says succinctly > daily updates

        A much simpler explanation is that Wilf, a conscientious guy if ever there was one, removed the reference in one of his frequent edits, because the Stockhausen issue was no longer at the top of Kevin's blog. Or that there were enough issues on Kevin's blog that it was unfair to single out a single one. The simpler explanation is the right one = Occam's Razor.


        • #19
          Re: Canadian Chess Blogs

          I have done another update of the list of Canadian Chess Blogs. There are now 21! blogs. Aug.2/09 5pm ET

          Wilf Ferner


          • #20
            Re: Canadian Chess Blogs

            Another update of the Canadian Chess Blogs. I found one more in Google blogs and received another one from Terry Chaisson.

            Wilf Ferner


            • #21
              Re: Canadian Chess Blogs

              Hi Wilf,

              Thanks for adding me to your list. I've had my blog for awhile, but only recently started updating it daily. Check it out: for chess in the library news and other fun stuff. Currently I am making top ten lists. Top ten reasons to play chess, top ten things organizers don't get enough recognition for, top ten reasons why you lost/won your game, top 10 things you shouldn't do at a chess game/bring to a chess game...all already posted + more to come. Please, if you visit, give me some feedback/comments or take the polls! Thanks for all your help and keep supporting Canadian chess!


              • #22
                Re: Canadian Chess Blogs

                Hi Hazel:

                Nice to hear you are still keeping your hand in chess.

                Hope we'll see you in active play in the future.



                • #23
                  Re: Canadian Chess Blogs

                  Hi Hazel;
                  Are you helping in the Chess in the Library program now?
                  I think to recall that a Hazel has joined the team. If So all the Best. Your Blog has some very true points about organizers and behaviour at the board. Well Done.


                  • #24
                    Re: Canadian Chess Blogs

                    Bob: Yes, I have kept up with chess to some degree "behind the scenes" - more along the lines of teaching and volunteering. I was also helping some players at my high school chess club, but unfortunately, we were unable to find a teacher available to help us form a team. I will definitely look into getting back to tournament chess, but I have other commitments right now, particularly moving into and paying for university.

                    John: Yes, I am helping out at Pleasant View library. I do not organize the program, but I enjoy volunteering my time to get to know the community and maintain ties in chess. Since I will be moving to the Waterloo area, I will only be at PV for August, and then Yuanling and I will discuss whether or not we want to open a library program in Kitchener-Waterloo in 2010. Thank you for your comment about my blog. It's my way of sharing my experiences from all my years as a player, combined with my lighter, more humourous side. Definitely to all've made such a difference in my life and the lives of many others. Thanks so much!


                    • #25
                      Re: Canadian Chess Blogs

                      Hi Hazel:

                      You are welcome!

                      Wilf Ferner


                      • #26
                        Re: Canadian Chess Blogs

                        Hazel when you go to Waterloo a must see person is Hans Jung. If there is a chance of a Library program he is the man to talk to. Good luck at school also.


                        • #27
                          Re: Canadian Chess Blogs

                          The following appeared in the BCCF Bulletin a couple of months ago - you may have some of these already.

                          Here are the B.C. chess blogs that I'm aware of - apologies if I've missed anyone. Some of these sites are intermittent, stagnant, or defunct, but in most cases there is much archived material.

                          James Chan


                          Nigel Hanrahan

                          Roman Jiganchine

                          Luc Poitras

                          Dan Scoones


                          • #28
                            Re: Canadian Chess Blogs


                            Thanks a lot!

                            Wilf Ferner


                            • #29
                              Re: Canadian Chess Blogs

                              Thanks for the wishes and suggestion. I will see what I can do once I get there, but I cannot guarantee anything before I know the area and my schedule at school.


                              • #30
                                Re: Canadian Chess Blogs

                                I have started a blog... includes some chess material



