Ironically the very complaint that Makrapoulos submitted to the "Ethics" committee re the Serbia Chess Federation et al is precisely what he and Kirsan benefited from in the 2014 Chess federation. Namely influencing chess federations votes with disproportionate sponsorship rewards ie 80k FIDE-> CFC sponsorship (turned out to be 20k LOL!) Russian embassies political pressure etc.
The bad news is that the murderous Putin regime will probably have their boy win the election but the good news is that Short appears to to have some sort of coalition with Dvorkovich that will enable "cleanshands4fide" (Short's campaign) to clean up the terrible corruption that has plagued FIDE. If it comes to pass that Dvorkovich is off the presanctions US list and is sanctioned for real it may be possible for FIDE to finely be properly cleaned up for once and for all.
Despite Makropoulos leveling complaints against Israel and others only Serbia was affected and not in the form of a one year suspension as called for by Makrapoulos but simply be excluded from voting. On a separate note Carlsen has stated in Norway's main newspaper that he will not participate in playing in Saudi Arabia if they continue their antisemetic policy of precluding Jews and Israelis from participating. The fact that Pein and Makrapoulos continues to endorse Saudi Arabia and other venues that deliberately exclude chess players because of their ethnicity or where they are born is a direct affront to humanity and the spirit of what major sporting events such as the Olympics are about.
The bad news is that the murderous Putin regime will probably have their boy win the election but the good news is that Short appears to to have some sort of coalition with Dvorkovich that will enable "cleanshands4fide" (Short's campaign) to clean up the terrible corruption that has plagued FIDE. If it comes to pass that Dvorkovich is off the presanctions US list and is sanctioned for real it may be possible for FIDE to finely be properly cleaned up for once and for all.
Despite Makropoulos leveling complaints against Israel and others only Serbia was affected and not in the form of a one year suspension as called for by Makrapoulos but simply be excluded from voting. On a separate note Carlsen has stated in Norway's main newspaper that he will not participate in playing in Saudi Arabia if they continue their antisemetic policy of precluding Jews and Israelis from participating. The fact that Pein and Makrapoulos continues to endorse Saudi Arabia and other venues that deliberately exclude chess players because of their ethnicity or where they are born is a direct affront to humanity and the spirit of what major sporting events such as the Olympics are about.