Jean-Pierre Rhéaume

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  • Jean-Pierre Rhéaume

    I have found a copy of your book, Sur les sentiers d'Alexandre Lesiège grand maître international d'échecs, and I note that it is a 2nd edition.

    Can you please tell me the story why there is a 2nd edition? How many copies were published of each edition?


  • #2
    Re: Jean-Pierre Rhéaume

    Originally posted by J. Ken MacDonald View Post
    I have found a copy of your book, Sur les sentiers d'Alexandre Lesiège grand maître international d'échecs, and I note that it is a 2nd edition.

    Can you please tell me the story why there is a 2nd edition? How many copies were published of each edition?

    Could you tell me the date of the 2nd edition ?

    I should be able to answer your questions tomorrow. For the moment, I can say this.

    First I wrote a short biography when Alexandre was "only" MI.
    Alexandre was to give a simul at the chess café of René Bolduc, near the metro (subway) station Papineau. We wanted to give a copy to all participants. Of course, I did my work for free.

    A little later I made another version of this MI version.

    The MI versions did not have diagrams (back then, I did not know how to make them).

    When Alexandre got his GMI title, I made an expanded and up-to-date version... with diagrams :)

    Later I made another version.

    J. Ken MacDonald :
    Can you please tell me the story why there is a 2nd edition? How many copies were published of each edition?

    First, the Fédération québécoise des échecs (FQE) asked me to publish my work. I accepted. I think the FQE photocopied the "book", maybe 10 at a times, or something like that.

    After a while, when I realised that the FQE was not promoting my "book" in anyway, and that nobody cared on Chesstalk (where I discussed the case), I decided to give my "book" to Larry Bevand. He could do whatever he thought best for my work, for example sell it (0$ for me)(*) or give it as prize in some kids tournaments, etc. Larry probably photocopies some copies at a time, like the FQE did. Or maybe he does not sell it or give it anymore. I don't know (you did not say you got your copy from him).

    (*) I think Larry gave me a few dollars once. He's not getting rich with the biography ;)

    There are a lot of things I don't know about my book :( but one thing I always knew : almost nobody cared about my biography of Alexandre Lesiège (or Le Siège). (True, it was not a piece of art.) So it's hard to understand why an English speaking person would care

    More on that tomorrow, Friday. Or if I cannot Friday, then ASAP.

    As I don't remember how to place a picture here, I give a link :


    • #3
      Jean-Pierre Rhéaume

      The copy I have is dated Août 1999 and has diagrams. I did find it (or at least Andrew McMillan did) in the CMA Toronto shop. There is another copy in Ottawa but it is also 2nd edition. My copy is very obviously a used copy. It could well be a photocopy.

      I am a collector of Canadian chess publications and occasionally ask on ChessTalk for Canadian chess publications that I hear about and do not have. Québec was/is especially rich in chess publications. There are many I will never hear about I am sure. This book has many relatively unknown games, especially from the Québec Invitationals in the 90s.

      If anyone reading this has or knows someone who has Canadian chess publications for sale, I would be pleased to hear from him/her/them at:

      Eventually, I expect that much of my collection will be donated to some Archives.

      Thanks for the reply!


      • #4
        Re: Jean-Pierre Rhéaume

        Originally posted by J. Ken MacDonald View Post
        The copy I have is dated Août 1999 and has diagrams. I did find it (or at least Andrew McMillan did) in the CMA Toronto shop. There is another copy in Ottawa but it is also 2nd edition. My copy is very obviously a used copy. It could well be a photocopy.

        (...) This book has many relatively unknown games, especially from the Québec Invitationals in the 90s.

        (...) Thanks for the reply!
        All copies (MI and GMI versions) were always photocopies, but very neat. So, if a copy is "very obviously used", this just that : somebody used that copy, otherwise the copy would be very neat just like a book.

        All I could find is a copy of the MI version, dated "Février 1995". :

        Le parcours du maître international
        Alexandre Lesiège

        incluant le rapport de la simultanée du 15 janvier 1995

        X X X X X X X

        So, the MI series (i.e. the different versions) was called "Le parcours du maître international (...)".

        The GMI series was called "Sur les sentiers (...)"

        In the GMI series, the diagram of page 33 has a mistake : the g7 pawn should be removed. I don't see it on a paper copy (since I don't have one), but I remembered the mistake. So I went in my Word file to find the page.

        It looks like the GMI versions of 1997 and 1998 were with FQE, while the one of 1999 was with CMA (or Larry Bevand).

        Here is the content of the MI version talked about above.


        Encourager et faire mieux connaître le talent, ou peut-être même le génie, du plus jeune maître international québécois et canadien, tel est notre objectif.

        Le présent cahier-souvenir créera un effet d'entraînement et d'émulation pour la jeunesse. Aussi bien, les moins jeunes y trouveront leur compte... et leur plaisir.

        L'aventure passionnante ès échecs d'Alexandre Lesiège fera prendre conscience aux jeunes talents de chez nous des sacrifices et de l'acharnement qu'il faut déployer pour atteindre les sommets. Enfin, galvanisés par l'exemple d'Alexandre, nos jeunes apprécieront davantage les moments de plaisir et de gloire qu'ils auront mérités.

        Depuis sa tendre enfance, les hauts faits d'armes d'Alexandre illustrent sa créativité et sa volonté de puissance. Il en fut toujours ainsi contre les grands-maîtres, notamment Kevin Spraggett. Qu'on se rappelle sa victoire arrachée de haute lutte au Championnat fermé du Canada 1992. Alexandre, alors maître international, n'avait que 16 ans.

        Le titre de CHAMPION DU CANADA lui assura un laissez-passer pour le prestigieux TOURNOI INTERZONAL 1993. C'était la consécration, la reconnaissance internationale (voir partie n° 10).


        • #5
          Jean-Pierre Rhéaume

          Merci! Je mettrai cette message dans le livre.

