New FIDE website??

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  • New FIDE website??

    I see FIDE has a new website. But they seem to have a few bugs to work out.
    Only parts of it seem to be working, and I can't get access to the rating server.
    Does anyone have news on this?

  • #2

    Yes, Bob.

    It is a Beta version. The Onine Commission was hard at work for the last several months. The Budapest PB meeting welcomed the soft launch that happened on Sept 19.

    Everyone is encouraged to send comments / bug reports to OLC and the Elista office, regarding both the frontend and the backend services.

    Here is an official statement from the President.


    • #3
      Swiss-manager does not want to update FIDE ratings too. Though could be internet issues....

      I can not see Aurora Fall Open on the FIDE calendar. Bob, did you click "send"? :)

